InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mindswitch ❯ Enter Sen! ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Discalmer: Inuyasha is not mine. Yet. Muwahahaha!

Sen, however, is mine.

Enjoy, and please review!

Chapter Four: Enter Sen!

Inuyasha stood on the hillside, a little apart from camp, thinking. He was uneasy, but he didn't know why. Maybe it was because Kagome had been acting weird since that monster attacked her. He couldn't put his finger on it, but she was… different, somehow. The was she moved, the way she looked at him… what had that monster done to her?

Inuyasha's ears swivelled around. Footsteps. Light, but strong footsteps. He kept his eyes glued on a distant star. He could tell who it was by her sent. Kagome.

The footsteps stopped just behind him. Then, to his surprise, she grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. His eyes went wide. What the..

"mmm, pretty," She purred, gently running her fingers through his hair with one hand. He felt his face start to turn red. Did she just call him… pretty? A half-demon, pretty?

Kagome giggled softly and gently stroked his ear with one finger. Inuyasha closed his eyes. That felt…wonderful. "Kagome?"

"mmm, pretty pretty" she purred back, gently brushing his hair over one shoulder. She traced the outline of his jaw with her finger. Then, slowly, deliberately, brushed her lips on his neck.

Inuyasha's eye's snapped open. Did she just…

She kissed him again, slowly, as if she was savouring the taste of him. "mmm… yummy too"

Inuyasha took a shaky breath, trying to clear his head. That was not the thing to do. Kagome's scent enveloped him. It was intoxicating… sweet, misty, spicy…


Inyasha whirled around, braking out of Kagome's embrace. "What is going on?" he growled.

She just stood there, examining him. A slow, ironic smile spread across her face. Her face held none of Kagome's sweetness, none of her light. Instead, there was a mischievous glint in her eyes, as if another person was staring out of them. He cursed himself for not noticing sooner.

She laughed. It was not Kagome's laugh, but a deep, troublesome thing. "Haven't you figured it out yet?" She said in a low voice. She reeled around and bonded back to camp. "HAVEN'T ANY OF YOU FIGURED IT OUT?"

Inuyasha stared after her. She sprung into the air, almost as high as he himself could jump. He leapt after her, an unwelcome conclusion forming in his mind.

Kagome hit the ground besides sleeping forms of Miroku Sango and Shippo. Still laughing, she back flipped and pushed off again. The fire flared up as she passed over it, landing in the branch of a tree.

She crouched there, still laughing under her breath, as Inuyasha arrived. He landed with a thump beside the fire.

Woken by the noise, Miroku raised himself off the ground "who- what-" He blinked stupidly at Inuyasha standing a few feet away, and followed his eye to the tree. "Inuyasha? Why is Kagome in the tree?"

"That," growled Inuyasha "Is not Kagome."