InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mindswitch ❯ Explanation Time ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha is not mine. Yet. Muwahahaha!

Sen, however, is mine.

Enjoy, and please review!

Chapter Five: Explanation Time

"Inuyasha? Why is Kagome in the tree?"

"That," growled Inuyasha "Is not Kagome."

Miroku blinked, clearly not understanding. He reached over and shook Sango's shoulder. "Sango, wake up, we've got trouble"

Sango sat up violently, and instinctively swatted Miroku. He went flying "WHO WHAT?"

"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" Miroku howled, rubbing his face.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Sango howled back, groping for her boomerang.

Shippo sat up "What's all the noise?"

"WILL ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!?" bellowed Inuyasha

The laugh sounded again from figure in the tree. Everyone stopped arguing and looked up. (except for Shippo, who, thinking the argument was just another Miroku- verses- Sango's- temper problem, rolled over and went back to sleep)

The light glittered dangerously off Kagome's eyes. "Not very impressive" She scoffed as she uncurled herself. She stretched languorously and dangled one leg off the branch. She propped her head up with her hand and surveyed each of them in turn "I've been watching you all day, and I really don't see what she sees in you."

"Who are you!?" Raged Inuyasha " What have you done to Kagome!?"

He leaped into the tree, claws arched "If you've hurt her. I'll rip you apart!"

Kagome grinned ironically "Go ahead. Rip out my throat. You'll never see your precious little Kagome ever again."

"Is that a threat?" growled Inuyasha

Kagome rolled her eyes "No, you idiot. But if you kill her, she isn't going to be alive, is she?" She examined her nails "I could just stay this way, you know. I'm free from the dream world, I've got a body. It's not mine, but it'll do." She put her hand on her hip and glared at Inuyasha. "Now, do you want my help, or not?"

Inuyasha glared at Kagome, his claws still arched. Then he glanced at the rest of the group.

Miroku motioned Inuyasha over. "I think it's pretty safe to say that Kagome is possessed." said the monk in a hushed voice.

"You're getting warmer!" Sang Kagome.

"All right," said Inuyasha "So she's possessed. How do we un-posses her?"

"I don't know." Said Miroku, truthfully.

Inuyasha grabbed Miroku by the collar. "What do you mean, you don't know!?"

Miroku held up his hands in defence. "I haven't sensed anything from her all day. I still don't. I am hesitant to try anything for fear of hurting Kagome."

"The spirit said something about helping." Suggested Sango, "Maybe we should listen,"

"I don't trust her." Said Inuyasha, remembering their earlier encounter.

Kagome popped up behind them "You're blushing, Inuyasha" she purred, smiling suggestively at him.

Inuyasha crossed his arms and looked away. "I'm going to kill you." he said through clenched teeth, blushing furiously.

"That's not what you said before," Sang Kagome, sideling up to him

Miroku raised on eyebrow "Inuyasha? Is there something you want to tell us?"

Inuyasha growled and lunged for Miroku's neck.

Sango lunged forward before they could kill each other and jammed herself between the two of them. "This is not helping!" she hissed furiously at them.

Then she smiled sweetly at Kagome. "Please excuse my friend," she said, nodding at Inuyasha. "He's an idiot."

Inuyasha crossed his arms. "feh"

"He's also very worried about Kagome. Why don't we all sit down and… discuss this?"

Kagome thought for a minute. "All right. We can sit."

Inuyasha flinched, but nothing happened.

"What did you say?" asked Miroku

Kagome raised an eyebrow. "I said we can sit." She glanced at the rosary beads around Inuyasha 's neck . "Was something supposed to happen?"

"Never mind," said Sango, wrestling the boys to the ground. "It's not important."

This confirmed it. That was definitely not Kagome if the "sit" incantation didn't work.

"Now then," said Sango, still trying to be the peacekeeper, "lets start over. I'm Sango. This is Miroku,"

Kagome interrupted. "I know who you are. I've been with you all afternoon."

Inuyasha gritted his teeth.

"Since you know who we are," Miroku jumped in "would you mind telling us who you are?"

Kagome gave them a long look. "OK. My name is Sen. I'm a chaos sprite." She scowled into the fire. "I was…. imprisoned in the dream world."

"Why?" asked Miroku

"It's a long story." Said Sen shortly

Sango elbowed him in the ribs. "What is this `dream world?'"

"There are hundreds of different realms, worlds and dimensions." Explained Sen. "The dream world is only one. Sprites can travel back and forth through most of them easy, but the dream world is different. Easy to get into, hard to get out. Whatever demon attacked you're friend probably wanted to use her to open the world gate,"

"World Gate?" asked Miroku.

"The big boulder thing." Sen sighed. "The demon was trying to use Kagome's blood to open the gate. But Kagome's blood wasn't powerful enough. It could only get the gate half open."

Sango frowned. "That's odd. She was always powerful enough before. She is a mikao "

Sen raised an eyebrow. "Yes, but what else is she?"

Sango looked confused. "Nothing. She's a full mikao."

Sen rubbed temple. She obviously was going to have to do some more explaining.

"Look," she said, "Magic works differently in different places, OK? Trust me when I say, Kagome was not powerful enough to open the gate. Because she's a full mikao."

Sen thought for a moment. "OK, maybe if she was doing it willingly and could concentrate her powers properly. All you really need is a big blast of power to get the gate open in the first place. But she's just a human! Not only that, she's 100% Japanese! She doesn't even have any diversified ethnicity give her a boost."

Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku looked at her blankly. "What are you talking about?" asked Miroku hesitantly.

Sen closed her eyes and fought the urge to smack her forehead. "Different magic, remember. Obviously a type you're not familiar with. This is…. sprite magic, for lack of a better word. There are different channels and wells of magic all around us, OK? The more you can tap into, the more powerful you are. If you're of mixed heritage, it's easier to tap into more then one."

"Enough of this magical theory crap," burst out Inuyasha. He leapt to his feet and put his hand on Tetsiuiga. "I don't know and I don't care. Tell us how to get Kagome out now!"

Sen smiled her twisted little smile. Awww, he was all worried. It was almost cute. She squinted at the sword. If she had her full power back, she would have been able to tell exactly what the sword was. Right now all she could see was that it was very powerful. And it was connected to this demon boy some how. She could be wrong, but it looked to be almost like… a seal of some sort. She peered into Inuyasha's eyes. Who was this person that needed two magical artefacts to keep him under control?

Inuyasha was scowling back at her. "Answer me right now, bitch!"

Sen smirked. "Not very stinging, coming from a dog demon."

Sango reached up and tugged insistently on Inuyasha's sleeve. "Not helping," she hissed. Inuyasha sat down again, grumbling.

Sen leaned back on her hands and stretched Kagome's legs out in the firelight. She ignored Miroku's open gaping and instead watched Inuyasha look at her out of the corner of his eye. She giggled darkly at the blush creeping across Inuyasha's face. " I don't want to hang out with you people forever. But you I could get used too." Inuyasha blushed harder and looked the other way.

Sango clued in and swatted Miroku.

"Owwwww!" winced Miroku. He searched for a way to get the conversation back on track. "We would really appreciate it if you could just tell us what happened to Kagome."

Sen sighed and tucked her legs under again. "Alright. Kagome was just a human. She could only tap into one channel, so she only had enough power to open the gate halfway. Her mind was sucked in, but her body was left behind. I happened to be nearby, and it sounded like she needed help, so I investigated. I had just enough time to push my mind through the gate and into her body before the gate closed again."

Miroku nodded. "So Kagome is in the dream world, in your body?"

Sen nodded back "Hopefully."

"So how do we get her OUT?!" growled Inuyasha, frustrated. A vein on his neck was beginning to pulse. He looked like if he didn't do something, anything, soon; he was going to pop.

"We open the gate, we go in and we get her." Said Sen, simply.

"Who's going to open the gate?" asked Sango.

"He is." Answered Sen. Smirking at Inuyasha.

"What!" said Inuyasha "why me? I'm a half demon. What can I do that Kagome couldn't?"

Sen looked slightly exasperated "Did any of that magical theory crap penetrate you're thick skull?"

Before Inuyasha could react to that, Sen threw him another curve ball. "You're a Hanyou, right? So you can tap into more then one channel of magic. If Kagome, being fully human, opened the gate halfway then you, being half human, should be able to open it all the way. It's simple fractions."

"That doesn't make any sense" Inuyasha growled in frustration. He'd had it drilled into his head millions of times. Half demon, half power. And now his mixed heritage was Kagome's only hope?

Sen gazed up at the sky. "It doesn't have to make sense. It's just the way things are."