InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku finds someone ❯ The sorry ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
the sorry

A young 15 yr old purple like eyed half tiger demon girl with tiger like ears places a wet cloth on a young 17 yr old monk's forehead. The monk opens his soft brown eyes. A small fox like demon, who is the tiger girl's companion runs over and licks the monk's face with her pink like tounge. The monk opens his eyes.

mira: thank goodness your awake.
miroku: stop that kinra.
mira: she can't help it mikoru ever since that battle a few minutes ago. kinra has been waiting for you to wake up.
miroku sits up.
miroku: so what happened?
mira: well i called healiner my cat friend. she helped heal your wound. kinra had to protect you.
miroku: from who?
mira: sango.
miroku: sango. why?
mira: kinra doesn't like anyone who trys to hurt you or anyone in this family.
miroku: but how was she going to hurt me.
mira: well look. if you interrupt healiner while she's healing somone. the results can be disaterous.
miroku: oh.
mira: i tried to hurt inuyasha because of what he did to your arm. but i couldn't.
miroku: why?
mira: because of that bitch kikyo appeared. she almost hit me with one of her scared arrows. so did one of my fire claws at her. it hit the branch she was standing on. and she fell to the floor.
miroku: what happened to her?
mira: not sure? inuyasha was going to run to her. but se stop when i said "kouga was right you are a wimpy dog demon."
miroku: that's why he stop?
mira: yeah.
miroku: how do you know kouga exactly.
mira: well ummm.......... you see me and used to be together.
miroku: go on.
mira: until he saw kagome. it was a few months back before she appeared. that i was with kouga. so to make kagome suffer. i used one of my posion sting shots at her. she's probably having a real high fever right about now. *laughs evilly*
miroku: kagome's sick?!
miroku stands up and starts to walk towards the door.
mira: miroku where are you going?
mikoru: am going to see if i can undo the wrong you have done.
mira: miroku wait!!!
miroku looks back at mira who is still sitting on the floor.
mira: don't worry i have an antidote.
miroku: we must get it to kagome quick.
mira: yes i know she must be going a little nuts right now. kinra.
kinra looks up mira with red like eyes.
kinra: mew?
mira: can you take this to kagome to make her feel better?
kinra takes the bottle and warps it around with her tails.
kinra *happy*: mew! *confused* mew?
mira *sweatdrop* : oh i forgot i don't know where kagome and the others are?
miroku neels on the floor near kinra.
miroku: kinra go pass mosholu's temple, over the maha river and on other side should be kagome and the others. now hurry.
kinra *happy* : mew!
kinra turns and runs out the door. miroku goes back and sits next to mira.
miroku: mira why did you poison kagome?
mira: so she would pay about taking my x-boyfriend away.
miroku: you mean you still have feelings for him.
mira: no i was just a little jelous.
miroku: i just hope that were not to late.

At the hut across from the maha river. Sango tries really hard to lower kagome's very high fever down. Kagome is sweating alot. Inuyasha looks at her with eyes that are worried. While kilala is outside standing guard. From over across the river kilala spots kinra running towards her and the hut. kilala gets into a pouncing pose. kinra jumps infront of kilala.

kinra: mew! mew.
kilala *angry*: mew, mew!!
kinra *shakes her head no*: mew, mew, mew!
kilala *nodds*: mew, mew.

kinra shows kilala the bottle of red antidote for kagome's fever. kinra gives it to kilala.
kilala then wraps it around with her tail. kinra then takes out the note mira secretly gave her and gines to kinra in her mouth. kinra jumps over the maha river and into the woods. kilala then runs inside the hut.

sango: kagome's fever is getting worse. shippo look in kagome's bag to see if there is anything that can relieve her pain.
shippo jumps into kagome's bag and look for somthing that can help kagome. kilala then comes inside wit the red anidote plus the note. kilala places next to sango and mew's.
kilala *happy*: mew, mew, mew, mew!!
sango looks down at kilala.
sango: what is it kilala?
kilala pushs the red bottle at sango.
sango: where did you get this kilala?
kilala gives sango the note. sango takes the note out of her mouth. shippo gets out of kagome's bag.
Inuyasha: what's that note say sango?
sango: its from mira!
inuyasha: MIRA!!!!
sango: sorry about what i did to kagome. but i know how to make her feel better. in this bottle is the antidote. kagome has to drink all of it. and tell kagome that am sorry i tend to get jelous of anyone who tries to take koga away from me. oh yeah before i for got tell inuyasha we'll have a real battle next time we meet.

sango then opens the battle and gives it to kagome. kagome takes a sip and spits it out at inuyasha's face. Inuyasha just ignores it and wipes it away.

sango: i know it tastes bad kagome but its for your own good.

sango opens kagome's mouth and pours al of the red antidote in her mouth. sango then covers kagome's nose. kagome struggles to breath but, then sallows it. after a few seconds kagome starts to feel better. kagome is now able to stand up. sango places her hand on kagome's forehead.

sango: your temperture is back to normal.
inuyasha: are you okay?
kagome: yes.
inuyasha: you got me really scared you stupid girl!!
shippo: you feeling better kagome?
kagome: yes much better now. what did you use sango?
sango: well i got an antidote from mira.
kagome: what!!! mira!!!
sango: yes.
kagome: mira gave you that antidote?
sango: kilala brought it to me.
kagome: but, why?
sango gives kagome the note. kagome reads it to herself.
kagome: oh so that's why? because sh was jelous that koga liked me. oh inuyasha.
inuyasha: yeah, what?
kagome: wants to battle you next you two meet.
kagome looks closer at the note. it reads p.s. we'll meet all of you when me and miroku have our child.
kagome: um... sango you better take a look this.
sango looks at the note at the last sentence .
sango:what?! we'll meet them again when they have there child?!!
inuyasha: what! when they have a kid? looks like old miroku got his wish.

all right loyal reviewers. i need your help to think up a name for mira's and miroku's
child, and either it should be a girl or a boy. tell me whwt kind of eyes it should have, what color hair etc.... tell me in your reviews or email them to See you soon.