InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome ate her breakfast quickly and all were staring at her.
“What's the hurry sis?” Souta asked. Kagome swallowed her mouthful of food.
“I'm hurrying because-“she stopped herself `I can't tell them about Inuyasha. They won't know who I'm talking about!' Kagome thought up a lie “-I'm meeting my friends later today.” Souta nodded slowly then returned to his breakfast. Kagome finished hers then ran outside, grabbed her bike and sped along the streets to see if she could see Inuyasha anywhere. After a while she slowed down. Demons were everywhere and humans were constantly berating them. `Why are the demons putting up with this?' Kagome wondered. She wasn't looking where she was going and hit someone.
“Oh I'm so sorry!” Kagome apologized then looked at who she had hit. It was Sesshoumaru. Kagome went wide eyed `Oh no! I'm dead now!' Kagome mentally gulped. Sesshoumaru didn't say anything. He was dirty from head to toe and carrying something heavy over his shoulders. He looked at Kagome oddly.
“Do I know you?” he asked. Kagome was still shocked that she was alive after hitting Sesshoumaru.
“Keep it moving demon!” a voice behind Sesshoumaru ordered. Sesshoumaru stepped out of Kagome's way then looked behind him.
“I'm moving! Happy now?!” Sesshoumaru yelled at the human who had ordered him. Kagome blinked and watched Sesshoumaru walk by.
“Don't smart mouth me demon or you'll end up like your brother!” the human yelled. Sesshoumaru growled at the human and kept walking. `Wait! Brother!' Kagome turned around on her bike and followed Sesshoumaru.
“Sesshoumaru! Wait!” Kagome called. Sesshoumaru stopped and looked at Kagome.
“How do you know my name?” Sesshoumaru asked. Kagome stopped unsure how to answer that.
“I can't explain now but please. Tell me where Inuyasha is,” Kagome pleaded. Sesshoumaru's eyes darkened.
“He died,” Sesshoumaru answered before continuing on his way. Kagome was stunned. `Inuyasha is dead?!' She caught up once more with Sesshoumaru.
“You killed him?” Kagome asked. Sesshoumaru seemed to grow sad and furious at the same time. He lifted Kagome up by her throat.
“How dare you mention I would do such a thing as kill my brother,” he sneered his voice so icy that his voice would put out a fire. Kagome gulped and suddenly Sesshoumaru dropped kagome and winced in pain for a second.
“This is your only warning demon! Hurt a human again and you'll be locked up and never see the light of day again!” the man threatened. Sesshoumaru snarled at the man but picked his load back up and left.
Kagome sat there stunned. `Inuyasha is dead? Sesshoumaru cared about Inuyasha? Why did Sesshoumaru take orders from that man?' Kagome wanted to know the answers to these questions but would have to ask someone else. She started on her way home to try and get some answers hopefully form her mom and grandfather.
Kagome opened the door, “mom! Grandpa!” she called out. Her grandfather came to her.
“What is it kagome?” he asked.
“What are demons considered?” Kagome decided that would be the best way to answer her questions without tipping her family that something was wrong.
“Demons are the underclass of society. Actually they are more like slaves; doing the work that no human would want to do,” her grandfather answered. Kagome stood there and took that in `Demons are slaves? No wonder Sesshoumaru took orders. But wait couldn't he just kill them?' She then remembered her wish `no, he can't. I made sure of that' a tear ran down her cheek and she ran up to her room.
“What have I done?” she cried out over and over. She pounded her pillow “how could I have been so stupid?!” she then buried her face into her pillow and cried. `Inuyasha is dead and it's my fault! Shippo is a slave and it's my entire fault!' she cried harder and harder until she exhausted herself and fell asleep.
That's chapter two! I love reviews. This is going to be my first Sess/Kag romance so please be kind!