InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Café ❯ Meeting new people ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I am so sorry for my extreme lack of updating :( University is breaking me apart, we've got an internship, a busy class-schedule, a whole lot of assignments, exams and presentations and it's just taking up so much time. But the show must go on ne? I decided to make time so I could give you guys a well deserved update. I hope you all enjoy it and thank you so much for supporting me :) I really need that right now :) You guys are my fuel!
Moonlight Café
Chapter 3 - Meeting new people
I looked up hopefully as a silver Mercedes stopped nearby. Knowing my father he would show up in a fancy car. However, I was disappointed as a young man stepped out and hurried to hug a beautiful girl, probably his girlfriend.
I sighed again. I had been waiting for several hours now, yet there was no sign of father!. I was hungry and my bottom hurt from all the sitting. I was also very tired and stiff from the flight and all I wanted was to lay down in a soft bed and sleep.
I lifted my tired head again, my hopes rising once more as a blue BMW stopped before me. However, yet again I was disappointed as an elderly woman got out.
It was starting to get dark and I had begun to give up hope. Maybe he forgot. I wouldn't put it past him. Slowly I got up, picked up my luggage and went for a walk to stretch my legs and ease the numbness in my butt. The arrivals hall was still very crowded and I was beginning to wonder what case of insanity had me up and walking around for no good reason. I was being pushed and shoved by the crowd as they hurried to their lovers, family, friends, business partners and so on. There was someone waiting for all of them.
I sighed again wondering where on earth my father was and what could have gone wrong for him not to be here. Had I given him the wrong time? The wrong day even? I shook my head, I knew for sure I had given him the correct information. He stood me up. I growled softly under my breath. He wanted me to come here! Yet he stood me up! I was really frustrated, here I was in the arrivals hall in Costa Rica with absolutely no clue as to where to go and no one to guide me! I looked around trying to find an information desk and that's when I saw it KAGOME HIGURASHI. A rather cute looking man with short black hair stood on the other side of the hall, holding up a sign with my name on it.
I quickly picked up my luggage and struggled my way through the crowd to get to the man. By the time I did get there I was puffing and panting and probably covered in bruises. I hate airports! The man looked at me and smiled a brilliant smile. “Are you Kagome Higurashi?” he asked and I nodded my head dumbly. “I'm Miroku Houshi, you're father sent me to pick you up” he said extending his hand. I shook it tentatively and asked the question that had been bothering me for awhile now. “Why didn't my father pick me up himself?” The violet eyed, black haired guy I now knew as Miroku gave me a sympathetic smile and answered “your father is a very busy man, he had an emergency to take care of Kagome”. He then handed me a small envelope.
I opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper containing a small paragraph of text. As I looked it over I realized I couldn't understand a word of it so I looked up at Miroku helplessly. “Erm… could you maybe translate this to me?” He took the slip of paper from me and started translating. “Welcome to Costa Rica! I am truly sorry but due to an emergency meeting I was unable to meet you at the airport. So I asked Miroku to pick you up and make sure you arrive safely in Tamarindo”. He returned the paper back to me and I stuck it in my back pocket. “Now come on and let's get you home, it's a four hour drive!”. I gaped at him “four hours?” I asked incredulously. He nodded his head and with that he picked up my luggage and made his way out of the arrivals hall.
Again I found myself pushing my way through the crowd of people to try and keep up with Miroku. Heaven forbid I lose him! I wouldn't have a clue what to do then! Finally we passed through the main doors and I felt the cool air on my face helping me breathe properly again. I couldn't enjoy the fresh air long though as Miroku was quickly making his way over to a car and I had to run to catch up with him.
“There we are” he said as he placed my luggage in the trunk of his silver BMW. He then walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for me. I blushed not used to this kind of treatment and quickly got in mumbling a soft “thank you”. Miroku allowed the corners of his mouth to pull into a small smirk as he made his way over to his side of the car and got in settling himself behind the wheel.
Whereas the car was luxurious, the road was bumpy and the ride not very comfortable, keeping me from some much needed sleep. I had so many questions I wanted to ask Miroku, after all he knew my father better than I did, but I wasn't sure where to start so I kept quiet not knowing what else to talk about.
I must have fallen asleep eventually, because I was woken up by a gentle shaking of my shoulder. When I opened my eyes and looked at my attacker I found it was only Miroku. “We're here” he said and I was instantly fully awake. I climbed out of the car as Miroku got my luggage and looked around. No, not a house, more like a mansion. It was a beautiful building, standing three stories high with large windows and wide double doors at the entrance. When I looked around I noticed a very long driveway ending in a circle just in front of the house. In the middle of the circular road there was a beautiful and large fountain. I smiled as I turned to follow Miroku up the intricate steps leading up to the beautifully carved double doors of the mansion.
A young woman opened the door and smiled. “Ayame, this is Kagome Higurashi” , Miroku introduced me. The woman smiled and extended her hand “pleasure to meet you miss Higurashi” she said. I smiled politely shaking the woman's hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you too Ayame”.
“I'll show you to your room Kagome” Miroku said as he started for the stairs. I followed him silently until he opened a door and stepped aside. I entered the room, looking around in awe. It was a beautiful room, decorated in comforting earthly colors. The carpet was a soft crème, the walls a darker, yet warm sandy color. Intricate paintings of nature decorated the walls. There was a king-sized bed with beautiful dark green silken sheets. A beautiful armoire stood on one wall, in one corner stood an intricately designed vanity table. On the opposite side of the bed there was a desk with a large, filled bookcase behind it. Large double doors led out to a balcony looking out over a beautiful garden.
I turned to Miroku and smiled “It's beautiful”. He smiled his dazzling smile as he set down my luggage. “Why don't you settle in for the night, your father will return tomorrow morning”. I nodded and smiled “thank you” Miroku returned the nod and with a soft goodnight he left the room.
Powerful rays of sunlight woke me early the next morning. I groaned pulling the blanket up to try and hide from the sun, but it seemed to have a mind of its own as the rays only seemed to get stronger. I groaned and got up slowly stretching my sore muscles. I slowly made my way to the adjoining bathroom which I had discovered the night before and turned on the shower. Striping off my nightgown and panties I stepped into the shower and let the water relax my sore muscles.
The bathroom was as beautiful as the bedroom. It was designed in white marble with gold trim. There was an overly large bathtub, a separate shower, a toilet, a beautifully designed sink and a closet that housed the towels, washcloths, bathrobes, soaps, shampoos and anything else you might need when showering or bathing.
After my relaxing shower I dried off and returned to my room to find something to wear. I decided on black dress pants and a sapphire blue colored blouse. I chose my black satin lingerie set to go with it. After dressing I applied a small amount of make-up, just a little sapphire blue eye-shadow, mascara and some rouge. I pulled my hair up in a high neat ponytail and pulled on my boots. After checking myself over one more time in the mirror I made my way downstairs for breakfast.
I wasn't sure where to go however so I ended up wandering around until I ran into Ayame. “Good morning miss Higurashi” she said and I smiled “good morning Ayame” I hesitated a little but decided that I really needed some help if I was to get some breakfast. “Erm could you maybe show me the way to the dining room?” Ayame smiled and nodded her head “Of course, follow me!”
Only a few minutes later I found myself entering a large dining room. Several people where already seated one of them obviously my father, the woman next to him must be Kikyou then. I also knew Miroku but I didn't recognize the silver haired man that sat opposite my father. I tilted my head smiling confidently as I made my way over to them. Miroku was the first to notice me and offered a polite “good morning Kagome”. At his words every other head at the table turned to look at me.
“Kagome! So good to finally see you again” my father said enthusiastically as he got up from his seat to hug me. I hugged him back tentatively, it had been so long to see him and be wrapped in his arms. When he finally let me go he ushered me over to the only other woman at the table. “Kikyou, this my daughter Kagome” he stated proudly. Kikyou smiled brilliantly (almost too brilliantly if you ask me) and got up hugging me tightly. “Oh it is such a pleasure to finally meet the girl my sweetheart talked so much about”. I just stood there not moving as she hugged me and replied uncertainly “Erm, it's nice to meet you too”.
When Kikyou finally let go of me as well my father introduced me to the silver haired man. “Kagome, this is my right hand man, Sesshoumaru Taisho. Sesshoumaru, this is my wonderful daughter Kagome”. The silver haired man I now knew as Sesshoumaru stood up to take my hand and plant a light kiss on it like a true gentleman before sitting down once more, without ever saying a word. Finally my father ushered me to sit on his other side. I smiled and took my assigned place eating my breakfast.
I couldn't help but look at the silver haired beauty though. I had only got a flash of his eyes, but it was enough to notice their extraordinary golden color. I already knew that those where eyes I could and probably would drown in if I were to truly look in them.
A/N: Finally Kagome got to meet her father, his wife and our beloved Sesshoumaru! Again I'm sorry for the long wait, it's inexcusable I know. I'll try to be a better updater from now on ;) Also, I think I could use a beta, so far I have written and published my chapters without one, but I think the time has come to start working with a beta, so if you're interested let me know :)
Please read and review and let me know what you guys think :)
-- Kiara --