InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother...My Son ❯ Good bye ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kagome looked at her baby boy, as she readied herself to go back to her Aunt Kimi's house to pack, for her new life with her grandma Kaede. Hoping that the memories of Naraku would no longer be a burden for her.
"Kagome"Aunt Kimi said"Im going to go pull the car around I'll send Kikyo to help you with your things and a nurse to wheel you out".Kagome picked Souta up and looked at him, she would always protect him no matter what came Souta looked somewhat like Naraku, she just hoped that Souta turned out nothing like Naraku. Kikyo came in the hospital room. "Kagome you ready?" she asked her. "Yeah." she said. Kikyo grabbed her bags and helped Kagome into the wheelchair. The nurse came in and wheeled Kagome and Souta out the room and out of the hospital Kikyo following quickly behind.As the nurse left the two cousins at the car, Kikyo helped her out of the wheel chair and opened the car door.Kagome groaned when she saw the carseat she didn't no how to use it and it made her feel like a terrible mother.Her Aunt Kimi got out the car to help Kagome, "Here you go Kagome just place him in here." she told Kagome . Kagome did as she was told. Kagome placed the baby in the car seat. She then showed her how to buckle it. "There all set." her aunt said. Kagome sat by her son , Kikyo got in the front seat and her mom got back in the driver's seat and started the car and drove back home.
"When am I forced to go to Grandma Kaede's?" Kagome asked.
"Your not being forced Kagome its in yours and Souta's best interest to leave Tokyo for awhile you can return as soon as your ready" Kimi said "And you leave as soon as Mom comes here to escourt you back to the shrine"
"But Aunt Kimi Im ready now I don't wanna leave" Kagome said sadly.
"Kagome it's in your best intrest to leave Tokyo for now, so much has happened to you, Naraku may be locked up but I know it still hurts you that he did this to you. And for the time being you're to stay with grandma and who knows you might just like your new surroundings." Her Aunt Kimi told her.
"My friends are here,my mom is here,my family is here,Tokyo is my life" Kagome said.
"Thats not true Kagome,you have family at the shrine in Kyoto,and your mom is at that shrine thats where we grew up and Kaede is giving you your mom's old room" Kimi said.Kagome dropped the subject she wasn't going to win, seems everyone had made up their mind for her. Kagome went inside her Aunt Kimi's house with Souta, and carried him up to her room. She kept Souat in his car seat, while she began packing her bags.She was going to miss Sango and Miroku. She hoped her grandma had a computer and internet acess that way she could keep in touch with her friends.
"Souta" Kagome said as she continued packing"Your going to love your god parents,sure one is a little loud and the other a little to friendly if you know what I mean but there really great..and I know its kinda wierd but you have two god mothers Kikyo and Sango I couldn't choose but once your old enough you will know why and Miroku is you god father he will grow on you" Kagome said as tears began to fall.
"Hey Kags we'll come and see you." Sango said as she walked over to her bestfriend and hugged her. Kagome hugged her back. "It's just that if he never did what he did I wouldn't have to leave you guys." Kagome said to them. "It's not forever." Kikyo said. " You can come back someday." she told her.
"Thank on the bright side Gome,atleast you have such a handsome devil of a son" Sango said earning a giggle from the new born.
Kagome sighed, She handed her packed bags to Miroku. Miroku took the bags downstairs. "I better get down stairs grandma will be here soon." she said as she picked up Souta. Kikyo and Sango picked up the last of her bags and followed her downstairs.
"She is on her way now" Kimi said "Souta's things have arrived at mom's house,dad just phoned"
"Do you think grandma blames me for what happened?" Kagome asked her as she fixed Souta's little shoe.
"No one blames you" Kimi said.
"He said I wanted it." Kagome said now looking at her aunt.
"Did you Kagome?" Kimi asked.
"No of course not" Kagome said.
"Then that is your answer now stay by it" Kimi said.
Kagome looked out the window to see her grandmom pull up in her car, "I guess this is it." she said to everyone in the house. "Promise that you'll come and see me Aunt Kimi." Kagome said as she picked up the car seat. "I promise." she told her. Miroku opened the front door for Kagome. Kagome walked out the house with her friends and cousin carring her bags to the car.
"I love you guys so much" Kagome said,as she put Souta in the car and strapped him in. "Write me everyday, I'll call you every chance I get and I'll send pictures of Souta everytime he needs new clothes"She said as tears began to fall, she hugged everyone and slowly got in the car she smiled as Miroku shut the door and as the car slowly pulled away nothing was ever the same in Tokyo for the group.