InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Neighbors ❯ Neighbors ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author’s notes: just a short piece to direct my frustrations. ^^ hope every one likes it.   Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha I wouldn’t need to write this, my neighbors would learn to keep it down I guarantee it. (evil grin) this comes from lack of sleep by the way.   Summery: This is a random story for anyone who’s ever been ready to scream about a noisy neighbor. ^^   Neighbors: Kagome grinned as she put the finishing touches on her essay. It was a holiday weekend and she was thrilled to have the time to put in the extra effort on her paper. She glanced at the clock as she stretched, “11pm” stared blindingly back at her. Yawning she shuffled over to her on campus apartment’s bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She tried to settle down for a good nights rest only to crinkle her face up in annoyance. One of her neighbors was still playing that god awful music. It was the same deep bass beat over and over again. Placing her head beneath the pillow she covered her ears hoping to be able to ignore the noise… but it continued. She lay there eyes closed counting sheep and shikon shards in her head trying to induce sleep but the evil bass continued.   Sitting up she glared at her clock “11:10pm” glowed innocently back. Flopping back on the bed she let out a small growl, but tried to hold her temper in check, ‘it’s a holiday weekend Kagome, of course they’re celebrating, give them until twelve then murder them.’ She thought darkly. Time seemed to drag on forever as she lay there, the sound still beating. In fact her head seemed to pound with the beat now… dragging herself up Kagome grabbed a bottle of aspirin and took three pills before glancing back at the clock. “11:56pm”. Just then the music stopped. Sighing happily at the quite she just slipped back into bed when the bass started again at a new annoying tempo.  Letting out a curse she threw the covers off and proceeded out of her bedroom, out of her apartment, into the hall way and over to her neighbors door. Taking a breath and hoping it was truly this neighbor and not the one up stairs, she knocked. And after several moments ticked by she tried again. Letting out a low growl and grumbled “stupid, inconsiderate, neighbors that keep me awake and can’t even answer their door!”  Heading back into her room she hopped that she would hear the difference at least. No dice, the beat continued. This happened every single holiday the University gave, she would work on her studies and some Baka neighbor would try to drive her insane. Well they were succeeding! Beautifully alright! A smile lit up her face as she pictured Inuyasha rushing in with his Tensaiga and Kaze no Kizuing the connecting wall. Leaving the adjacent room open for her inspection. If that neighbor wasn’t the culprit then he would simply move on to the ceiling and watch in a morbid satisfaction as pieces of the ceiling fell, along with the upstairs neighbor and all of that neighbor’s possessions lucky enough to survive. Seeing both neighbors sitting stock still in confusion, Kagome could finally go to sleep in peace. And if that Baka, even tried to start the evil music up again she’d make sure either the offending device ended up with a purification arrow in it or that Inuyasha would kill it appropriately for its offence. Sighing happily Kagome came out of her fantasy and settled down to go to sleep it finally quite. Her last conscious thought was how on earth she ever got into college and why she wasn’t in the past with Inuyasha… Unfortunately that’s when her alarm started to go off, “Oi! Kagome! Oi! Wake up Teme!” “That’s a really strange alarm clock….” She muttered before opening her eyes and seeing the sun rising over the feudal era, certainly an odd dream for her to have but shrugging it off she stretched and got ready to go find another shard with everyone else in the feudal era.