InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1535
Month: July

Three months… Three stupid, irritating, frustrating months. That had been how long it had taken them to get to Kouga's domain. It was impossibly irritating. Kagome was currently away, feeling the presence of the Northern Lord nearby her quite clearly. They had known that anytime she would leave, he would follow. It had been decided that Shippo would be the one to hunt Kouga down first. He had departed from the group a month earlier to prepare the wolf pack as well as Kouga himself. The reasoning behind his disappearance? As the thought rambled through her mind, Kagome's lips twitched. He had gone to alert Kouga to their arrival so he could gather those he deemed important. Rolling her eyes, she glanced over her shoulder, her eyes narrowed. Zia, Sango and Kikyo had remained at the camp to give her some space. Unfortunately, Hiroki wouldn't let her be.

To make matters worse, Naraku hadn't shown his ugly face in those three months, seemingly content to let their larger pack sort things out. They hadn't even caught a whiff of any of his Saimyosho. He wasn't watching them it seemed, which was odd. Sighing softly, her lips parting somewhat, Kagome rubbed her temples. Her mind began to shift to their current pack. Inuyasha had finally agreed to step back into the beta position. Of course, it helped with Kikyo helping him. She knew that the youkai in the group had taken note of it. Once again Kagome and Shippo belonged to the pack only this time, she was Alpha. Having Hiroki and Sesshomaru there though antagonized her to no end. Feeling the frustration beginning to take root once more, she let out a deep breath.

Shifting, she moved into a meditative pose. Perhaps it would help her. In the time she had, she had learned a lot from Kikyo. She could now adequately use her miko powers. She wasn't the best at it, but she was getting there. She felt Chi shift in her mind, as though stretching. A giggle escaped her lips. Sometimes Chi seemed more like a mix between a cat and a dog. “I do not act as such! Her tone was insulted. Rolling her eyes behind her closed lids, a smirk appeared. Focusing back at the task at hand, she felt her aura spread around her body, appearing as though she now had silver blue fire on her body.

She and Chi had managed to entwine themselves closer to each other and in doing so, Kagome had begun to get some of her attributes. Her blue eyes now held hints of purple in them. The purple hadn't spread so she assumed that that would be all that would change. Her hair had gained more of a blue tint to it and her tips had become ice blue. Her nails had sharpened somewhat but still looked human enough. The only other change she had was her sense of smell had sharpened. It wasn't as good as the canines in the group but was almost on par with Shippo's.

She remained sitting like that for a few hours before she finally unfolded her legs from the uncomfortable position, they had been in. Situating her weapons so that they weren't digging into her, she turned back toward camp. She missed sparring with Shippo. Sango taught her some tricks and trained her body to outlast more but often she found herself holding back. Having Chi manipulate her reflexes had become so normal that her body tended to move on its own now. Sango had been adamant in knowing exactly what she was doing and not let her body simply move. Chi usually liked these lessons with Sango, saying that it was important that she know not simply moving but how to move.

Either way, Sango had deigned to take a break from training her. Instead, they started to run in the early mornings to help her endurance. She was now able to outlast most of the humans in their group. Sango had decreed that she would no longer run with her, pushing her to continue the running. Sango had informed her earlier that morning. A giggle escaped. She couldn't keep up to her.

Arriving back at camp, she saw that only the youkai remained awake. She settled by the fire, lying down. She felt when Hiroki came back into camp. After an hour, she focused on him. “Why do you insist on following me?” Hiroki seemed surprised for a moment before his face shifted back into cool calculation. He remained silent but Kagome's gaze was determined. Sitting up, not fully rising, she rested on her elbows, glaring. She could feel Sesshomaru nearby. He had left the group not long after they had stopped for the night. It was only natural. She knew he probably did not enjoy being around her pack.

A thoughtful look came into her eyes as they danced. Her pack. She liked the sound of that immensely. Already the others felt like family. Focusing back on Hiroki, she frowned. “Don't be such a jerk.”

Hiroki let out a soft growl. “Do not insult this Hiroki abomination.”

Kagome's anger flared, the purple in her eyes becoming just a bit more dominant. The low fire surged for a moment. “You insult me Lord of the Northern Lands.” Hiroki merely sniffed. Huffing, Kagome laid down. Pathetic…

As morning dawned, Kagome was already on her run. She was already just about finished. It hit her suddenly. Why was it she was able to function so well on so little sleep? “Your body is no longer human. Not to mention the fact you have begun to merge more with me. You still need sleep, but it will lessen over time. Soon you will only need to sleep maybe once a week. Kagome blinked in surprise. That was… different. She could hear Chi laughing within her mind. Rolling her eyes, she turned back toward camp. Sometimes she felt as though Chi were taunting her.

As she got close to camp, she paused in confusion. She felt two new auras there. Tilting her head, she bit her bottom lip in confusion. Finally shrugging, she stepped in the camp. Instantly, her gaze took in a familiar sight. It was Kouga. Surprisingly enough Ayame was with him. He was arguing with Inuyasha as usual. Shippo was seated near a tree, a small smile on his face. His gaze turned to Kagome and his eyes warmed. Instantly, he was up and next to her, hugging her to him. He had grown some more. He was now almost up to her shoulders. He had also gained yet another tail. She inspected it with a grin, speaking softly. “When did that happen?”

Shippo blushed lightly in pride. “I found Kouga rather quickly. He was having some trouble with some rogue wolves. He found me when I was battling them. They were pretty strong.”

Pride filled Kagome's chest. She felt Chi surge forth and gently rubbed her cheek against Shippo's. “We are proud pup.” Shippo instantly straightened, his chest puffing out and his eyes bright.

Turning her attention back to Kouga, she realized they were still arguing. She wasn't all too sure what it was about. She glanced down at Shippo. “Kouga didn't like what I had to tell him, but he agreed. He's angry at Inuyasha that he let you die. Especially since he went and mated Ayame after it happened.”

Kagome rolled her eyes, a chuckle slipping out. Instantly, everything went silent. It was Ayame that rushed forward and hugged her tightly. “Sister!” Kagome awkwardly patted her back. She and Ayame hadn't really gotten along before. The fact that Kouga had been chasing her had been the reason.

“Oh K... ikyo. We were so worried about you!” Apparently, they were having difficulty as well.

Kagome's eyes softened instantly, and she pulled back some. “I'm well Ayame. “Turning to Kouga, she smiled toward him. “Hello Kouga.”

Kouga's eyes were suspiciously bright. In an instant, he moved to her and wrapped her in a bear hug. “Good to know you are still with us.” Kagome gave a small smile toward him. After a few minutes, he released her.

Everything had been packed up already, so everyone was set to go. Kagome decided she would walk with Kouga and Ayame. They spoke of how the pack was doing. Apparently Hakkaku and Ginta had finally found mates and had remained behind as their mates were already pregnant. Kagome had laughed at that. The two had been very sweet. Kouga had left his beta in charge of the pack. Both he and Ayame had decided to come help Kagome with her quest. Shippo had informed them what was going on, even though he knew little. Kagome was happy that the two had finally mated. It was Ayame that surprised her by stating that they wanted to officially adopt her in the pack. Chi had been leery of the idea.

“So, what would adopting me into the pack entitle?”

Kouga chuckled. “It would just be an exchanging of blood. We would merely make a pact. You would gain some wolf characteristics but that is it.” Ayame chuckled.

Kagome could feel Chi shifting in her mind. “Do not do it Kagome. It would… make us change… Chi sounded uncertain which was unusual.

Kagome gave a small smile. “As much as it would please me Kouga, I think I would like to wait until Naraku is defeated.”

Kouga nodded. “That's understandable. Ayame and I want to wait to have pups until he is defeated.” Kagome nodded. The threat of Naraku hovered about them, drowning them in sorrow. It worried her that there had been no sign of Naraku for a long while. Did he in fact think that she was dead and that the rest of them were no longer a problem?

It was getting close to nightfall when they finally stopped for the night. Kagome drifted away from the others and entered the trees. After a few minutes, the girls all followed her, one after the other. It was a silent agreement. The males remained in silence. They waited there for about two hours before there was a sign of returning. It was Ayame and Zia. Ayame moved to Kouga and had him rise. Zia settled on the ground by Hiroki. She curled into his side, the two having gotten closer over the time they had been in the group. Zia focused on Inuyasha and Miroku. The moment the two had returned, Shippo had slipped off. “Kikyo wants to speak you two as well.”

The males rose silently. Hiroki tensed but Zia peered up at him. “Stay Milord?” He stared down at her before finally settling back. She purred, closing her eyes. Hiroki's gaze watched the others exit.

Kagome waited silently in the clearing. The other girls were sitting around her quietly. Sango spoke softly. “How can you expect us to accept what you've told us Kagome?” Kagome didn't bother opening her eyes.

“It is what it is Sango. Those creatures that call themselves Gods don't want someone like me existing. I am a threat to them.”

Kikyo fisted her hands. “Why didn't you tell us from the start?”

At this, Kagome opened her eyes, sad. “I was afraid. Would you have been able to accept this as well as the other?”

Kikyo sighed. “No, we wouldn't have. We probably would have thought you a monster.” Kagome gave a pained smile. Kagome saw their guardians move to cover them and ease them. The two visibly relaxed. She could feel Chi's approval. The two had come far.

Turning her gaze to the trees, she felt Shippo slide up behind her and settle somewhat next to her. Placing her hand on his head, she watched Ayame and Kouga appear. Not a minute later, Inuyasha and Miroku appeared. They settled near her. “What's going on wench?” Inuyasha was as brash as ever.

“I have decided it is time to tell you the truth of everything.”

Miroku frowned. “What do you mean Kagome-Sama?”

Kagome bowed her head. “I will first tell the story of how I came to be how I am. It is time for the truth to be known. Naraku's demise will be soon and so while we still have this peace and no worries of being spied upon, I have determined it is appropriate. Zia knows everything already through Chi.”

Taking a breath, she allowed her aura to reach out around them. “In the last battle we had as a group against Naraku, I died. I watched him destroy everyone around me. It truly looked as though you would not be able to survive. I did my best, but he pierced me through with a tentacle. I wouldn't be able to survive. When he determined that we were dead, or so he thought, he took our jewel shards and left. I began to hallucinate and saw Shippo in the ocean, so I crawled into the sea to save him. By the time I realized the truth, I was too weak. I was ready to die. I don't know how long I was there but in time, I heard a voice. It was Midoriko. She gave me a reason as to why I should return.” At this, she smiled down at Shippo. He had been her main reason. “She and the youkai of the jewel offered their soul to me. I accepted. As soon as life flowed through me, I found myself surrounded by what we called mermaids in my time. They are not as I used to believe them to be. They attacked and my reiki lashed out, killing those nearest and causing the rest to flee. Before Midoriko fully faded away, she informed me the jewel itself was no more.”

The others, except Kikyo gasped. Kouga reached in a pouch and pulled out two clear shards. “So that's what happened.”

Kagome nodded. She reached down and infused her power into the shards. Soon they glowed pink once more.

“Take them and use them. Keep your soul pure and they shall remain so.” The others stared in amazement. “I became the jewel. It is me and I am it.”

The others listened quietly. “I journeyed inland and found my teacher. He calls himself Bokuseno. He is one of the last ancient trees in this world. For three days, he healed and trained me. When I came out, Shippo had found me and we fled the western lands. I journeyed, seeking knowledge and skill. I trained in every type of combat I could find. After a year, I returned to Bokuseno, finding Inuyasha and the others.”

Miroku spoke up. “What about that night you had that nightmare?”

Kagome smiled. “Yes, at that time, Chi had barely started making herself known to me. She could be considered a beast, but she is pure unlike a youkai beast. I discovered then Midoriko had made a fool of the supposed God's by having me eat of the mermaid flesh. It made me immortal. I will live beyond even that of a youkai. These fallen creatures seek to destroy me once Naraku has been destroyed. They will do everything they can to do so. Bokuseno informed me that I may stand a chance if I gather the lords of these lands and gain them as allies against them. I was to give birth to the creature that would end humans. I would assume in that case though that when I do birth a child, it would be a full youkai and any child thereafter would be a full youkai as well. Youkai were created as an insult to the God that these fallen creatures served at one point as humans were his chosen species.”

Kouga scoffed. “Never took to any gods. Useless things in my opinion.” Ayame nodded as well.

Inuyasha spoke up. “So, after Naraku, these things that claim themselves as gods are going to come after you and try to kill you?” Kagome nodded. Inuyasha grinned. “Good, I have a couple things to say to them in my opinion and ain't going to let them tear our pack apart.” Kagome flushed with a smile. The rest instantly nodded in agreement.

Kagome bowed her head. “Good. Also, there is one more thing. In my time, there were no youkai. They are beginning to be eradicated. I refuse to let that happen. We must gather any hanyou's we come across and send out a call to the others. They must come to Kaede's village in 5 years. From there they will be directed to safety.”

“What of full breeds?”

“The full breeds will only listen to Lords. Therefore, after the battle with Naraku, I will be spending time with each of the lords and hopefully a gathering can be called so they can be told. For now, a rumor must be spread of a prophetess, me. In seven years, humans will begin to come from the mainland and will introduce a new weapon called a gun. It will allow battle to be fought from a distance. No longer will swords be a chosen weapon. They will appear different and will dress strangely as well as talk strangely. They will bring exotic gifts. Over time, a great war will surge throughout Japan between the humans. A human by the name of Nobunaga will attempt to unite the humans. He will use the destruction of Hanyou and youkai to unite them. He started this last year. Currently his strength is not imminent, but it will grow in time. He will slaughter Buddhist priests and priestess in the name of a new religion called Christianity. He will fail but one of his generals will succeed and Japan will be under a political ruler. Nobunaga will die 47 years from now in a revolt. No doubt youkai and Hanyou will lead the charge with the Buddhist priests and Priestesses. As for the hanyou's, they will come for safety. The purebreds will come by the words I speak.” The others bowed their head. “That is all. When you return to camp, please ask that Sesshomaru come here to me.” Kagome's gaze was on Rin's face. She nodded. Kagome watched them leave silently.

Looking down at Shippo, she gave a pained smile. “You must promise me Shippo that no matter what, you will not go after Nobunaga until the time I have said. The timeline must play out as it should.”

Shippo stared up at her. “Do you think he will come after you Mother?”

Kagome investigated the distance. “I have no doubt. He will go after all who sympathize with youkai or hanyou. I charge you to leave me after Naraku is defeated to seek out humans that sympathize with youkai and heed them to come to Kaede's village. It will grow to become a great city called Tokyo in time. Those humans will be protected there. Inuyasha's forest will be placed with a protective seal so that those humans and hanyou there will be protected until a place can be found to hide them from the rest of the world.”

Shippo's eyes grew bright. He felt as if he were given an honor to be tasked with this mission. “I will not fail you mother.”

Kagome nodded. “Good. In the meantime, you must grow strong my son. I will ensure that you do so as well.” Shippo frowned, cocking his head in confusion.

Kagome rose then, causing Shippo to scramble to his feet. Sesshomaru appeared, watching her silently. Kagome bowed low. Shippo immediately did the same. “Why have you requested this Sesshomaru's presence miko? I am not a being to be summoned by anyone's will.”

Kagome spoke up softly, keeping her tone even. “Forgive my impudence Sesshomaru-Sama. I wished to speak to you without the others near.” Sesshomaru gave a nod for her to continue. “I have trained Shippo to the best of my ability. The destiny he has been set to accomplish though requires him to be given strength he does not yet have, and he will be unable to learn it from me. May I request the honor of you teaching my son?” Kagome kept her head down. She could feel Shippo's shock through their bond.

“The kit will prove his worth to me, and only then will that decision be made. You will be indebted to this Sesshomaru.”

“Of course, Sesshomaru-Sama. I will do anything that is asked of me.” Silence reigned for a few moments.

“You will inform this Sesshomaru of the creature within you first and why it is you can't die.”

Kagome raised her head in surprise. “She is very much like your beast Milord, but she does not hold darkness within. She is purity. As for why I am unable to die, I am immortal. The only way for my death to meet me is to have my head severed.”

She watched Sesshomaru as he studied her. Fear shivered through her spine and Chi was on edge. “Your debt will be paid in time Miko. It will not be fulfilled now. The kit will be given tasks for a month. If he completes said task, then will this Sesshomaru train him.” Kagome bowed her head. She nudged Shippo to drop him into a bow. She would need to speak to him tonight.

“Thank you Sesshomaru-Sama.”

Sesshomaru turned away but paused briefly. “You are beginning another change Miko. Unless you wish for Hiroki to see the truth, it would do well for you to hide it.” Then he was gone.

Kagome blinked in surprise. Moving out of the clearing with Shippo, she sniffed her way to some water. Taking a breath, she peered in. Sesshomaru had been right. There on her cheeks was a faint outline of a white streak of color. “It will be more natural once the change is completed.

“Are these the only ones Chi?” She heard Chi's laughter. Sighing, she stripped and viewed her body. There were more. There were two on each of her wrists, one on each of her legs and two on each of her ankles. They all shimmered white.

“They look pretty mother.” Kagome smiled and dressed once more. She would need to hide the ones on her face. Using her reiki, she ran her fingers along the marks and watched them disappear. Nodding, she turned to Shippo.

“Now Shippo listen. You will train and prove yourself worthy to Sesshomaru. He will make you strong enough for the destiny you hold.”

Shippo nodded. “I was just surprised he said yes and that you had asked mother.”

Kagome smiled. “Good, now go rest, no doubt it will begin tomorrow.” Shippo nodded and ran back to camp. Kagome followed slowly after.