InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 32 ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1536
Month: March

Kagome had remained unconscious for a week. No one really knew why. Kikyo had probed her mind at one point but found Kagome sealed behind what could be considered a door. The group had taken to training together. In all this time though, Miroku had begun to slip farther from the others, often taking to moving through the forest alone to think. Sango had most definitely felt the loss of his absence and had gotten sick and tired of it.

Rising as the sun set, Sango set off after Miroku this time when he left. Moving along the path, her gaze was fierce and angry. Arriving at a tree, she paused as she saw Miroku leaning up against another one nearby, holding his hand and a despairing look on his face. In that moment it felt as though her heart shattered. What was wrong with him?

Moving forward, she touched his shoulder, concern in her eyes. “Miroku?” He looked at her and turned pale. In that unguarded moment, she saw the pain in his eyes. Then he covered it up quickly and pulled her close to him.

“What can I do for you my dear Sango?”

Sango tilted her head in confusion. She couldn't quite grasp what was wrong with him and she knew something was indeed wrong. “Tell me what is wrong, monk.” Her voice bordered on anger. Miroku merely gave a small smile. Leaning forward, he gently kissed her. Scowling when he pulled back, she moved to exit his arms, but his grip tightened. Pleading appeared in his eyes.

“Please Sango. Let me love you tonight.” Letting her go, he dropped to a knee as Kagome had once told them of and took her hand. “Will you bear my child and love me Sango?”

It wasn't exactly the best proposal, but Sango fell to her knees, falling against him with tears in her eyes. “Yes monk.” Miroku gave a brilliant smile and brought her to her back.

Within the camp, Ayame gave a small sigh. Her hands rested on her belly in worry. Kouga had been gone for so long. She was worried about him. Kikyo moved next to her and gave her a small smile. “It will be okay Ayame.” Nodding, she found herself staring off into the starry sky hoping her mate was safe. Kikyo sighed softly, tucking Ayame against her side. Glancing over at Inuyasha, she saw him sitting near his brother. For once the two were speaking on civil terms. It was something about his inheritance. Honestly, she didn't really care about any inheritance. She adored Inuyasha as he was. Glancing at Kagome, the smile turned sad. It was all thanks to that woman that she and Inuyasha had been given a chance to truly know each other.

As the night began to end, two of the pack mates suddenly surged into wakefulness. The first was Ayame. She looked around, the feeling of foreboding covering and filling her entirely. She at first didn't understand why she had woken. In the next instant, she felt a bone shattering pain strike her through the heart. A scream escaped her throat as she came to an understanding. Her mate was gone. His life had been taken. Instantly, Inuyasha was next to her, cradling her closely to his form and trying to calm her down. Ayame felt the tears fall down her cheeks, the pain enormous. Within minutes of her crying dying down, another scream rocked the forest. Instantly, the others moved to the trees and darted into it.

Sango woke up to Ayame's scream. Blinking in confusion, she pulled her kimono up over her chest and looked around. Miroku was nowhere in sight. Hastily standing, she donned her clothing and set to finding the monk's path. Discovering the very faint trail, she followed it hastily. She wanted to know what had caused the change in her fianc�s attitude. She paused a moment as a small smile appeared. Her fianc�. She enjoyed the sound of it. Shaking her head, she followed the trail. As the trail became wilder and more invisible, she began to feel a faint wind pulling at her hair. A frown appeared.

Breaking into a clearing, she gaped, falling to her knees. Miroku was in the clearing. She felt her heart stutter as tears sprang from her eyes. She watched him look at her before turning away. In what seemed like an instant, it was over. Her gaze was still locked on the gaze he had given her, one of sorrow, pain and love. Suddenly anger flooded through her and she shot to her feet, going to where he had been. It wasn't fair! They were supposed to have lived happily ever after! They were supposed to have gotten married and lived a long life, raising their children together. They were supposed to have defeated Naraku. Her fists pounded into the ground as her tears fell. A screaming yell forced itself from her mouth.

Inuyasha had given Ayame to Arie to watch over. He, Shippo, Kirara and Hiroki left the camp to go to where they had heard Sango's familiar scream. As they reached the clearing, they froze. Everything in the clearing had been uprooted and torn apart as though a great wind had swept through there. In the center, Sango was rocking back and forth crying and yelling angrily while holding something tight in her grip. Inuyasha slowly moved forward. Behind him, Kirara changed into her smaller form and advanced slowly until she was a couple feet away. Giving a mew, Sango's eyes came up. They looked lost and desolate. “Kirara…” Sango's voice was soft and ragged. Instantly, Kirara lunged forward into her arms, crying pitifully. Inuyasha caught sight then of what Sango was holding and his blood went cold. He searched the clearing desperately. He wasn't there.

It was Shippo's voice that brought him from his frantic search. “Inuyasha, where's Miroku?” His voice sounded very childlike in that moment. Turning, he allowed the kit to jump at him and held him to his body. He was now up to his shoulders and seemed to be staying there in his growth. So that was it then. He was gone.

Waiting a moment, he glanced at Hiroki. His own voice was rough. “Can you take Shippo back?” Hiroki nodded in compassion and lifted Shippo on his back.

Inuyasha moved forward and knelt by Sango. Kirara slipped out of her grip and transformed into her larger size. Inuyasha lifted Sango onto her back, taking what she held into his claws delicately. Kirara instantly took off for camp. Inuyasha's ears dropped back against his head. His gaze stared down at the object in his claws. Naraku would pay. Turning, he headed back to camp, the familiar rosary dangling from his claws.

Inukimi opened her eyes blearily. There was blood on her claws. She blinked. She wasn't sure how she had gotten here and out of that cell but now she stood before the dreary castle. Thing was, it no longer looked dreary. Life had surged throughout the castle bringing with it a place of beauty and a haven. Turning, her gaze moved to the wolf that now lay slaughtered at her feet. Kneeling, she plucked a black crystal from his grip. She eyed it distastefully. It felt foul in her grip.

Turning her attention back to the week, Inukimi gave a small frown. She wasn't all too clear on what exactly had happened. The only thing she really remembered was her time spent with the miko. No, she was no longer a miko. The woman was more akin to what she was and yet she wasn't. She had ironically enjoyed her time spent with the woman.

She had already proceeded back into the castle. As she entered, her head snapped up. Why had she come back here? At that moment the child Kanna appeared. She watched her bow regally before her. That was one of the only things she recognized here in her time spent. They all bowed to her, including that filth Naraku. Wait, he wasn't filth. A dainty frown appeared on her lips. Kanna stood back up and smiled. “Come Milady, we wish to speak with you in the tearoom.” Inukimi gave a regal nod and followed Kanna to the tearoom.

Entering, she caught sight of someone new. He wasn't someone she recognized easily. Turning her gaze, she viewed the other occupants of the room. Kanna had settled next to Kagura on some cushions. Naraku was seated in his own place. Hakudoshi was playing happily with Akago on the floor with some wooden figurines. Kohaku had placed himself next to the strange male. It was Byakuya that came up to her. He gave her a flattering smile as he bowed. “Milady, please come join us and greet our guest.” InuKimi rested her arm on Byakuya's as he led her to a cushion. Once she was seated, Kagura rose gracefully and poured tea for everyone. The stranger eyed the cup in suspicion, but Kohaku spoke softly to him. Apparently, the fool thought it was poisonous.

After a few minutes of silence, the male placed the cup on the table loudly and glared toward Naraku. Inukimi growled briefly. Naraku raised his hand and stood, moving directly behind her. She felt his claws run through her hair, causing her growls to subside surprisingly. Why was she acting so submissive? Only her mate could bring this about in her and she was not mated, she would know. “Kimi, everything is well. This man has every right to think the worst of me. Of course, he doesn't quite understand everything just yet. I will answer your questions as well about the past week.” Naraku's voice wasn't harsh or cold as she imagined it once. It was warm and inviting if a little distant. Glancing up, she saw his red eyes glimmering faintly with warmth.

Naraku moved away and settled back in his place. “Hakudoshi, I have a gift for you. Kagura, you will be needed afterwards.” Hakudoshi moved forward, sullen and unhappy to have been pulled away from playtime with his brother. Hakudoshi and Akago had taken to the change of situation rather well, both finding themselves able to act their age. Naraku pulled out a case of some sort. Hakudoshi's eyes lit up in excitement as he opened it. Inside was a staff scythe. Engraved on to it were runes of an ancient nature. Hakudoshi grinned brightly. Inukimi almost found herself smiling. “The runes were placed upon the weapon by our benefactor for your protection and to protect those you choose.”

Hakudoshi bowed. “Thank you, father.”

“Kagura, you will go with Kanna, Hakudoshi and Akago to the Castle in the Sky. Lady Inukimi will join you there after she has gained answers to her questions.”

Kagura nodded. “Yes Naraku.” Kagura moved to walk away.

Kanna gave a soft sob. “Don't do this father.”

Naraku gave a small sigh. “You four shall live. I will ensure it. Whatever you do, the miko is not to be blamed. She is innocent. Nothing but a pawn attempting to escape.”

Kagura turned back and her eyes glimmered. As they reached the door, she glanced back. “Goodbye father…” Naraku gave a small smile before turning his attention back.

Inukimi rose and stepped outside with the four of them. She patted each of their heads. “Have no fear. It will end as it should.” Nicking her thumb, she allowed the blood to pool. “A drop each is all you need.” Placing a drop in each of their mouths, she whispered an ancient incantation that she realized she didn't really know. What had happened throughout the week? She still had no idea why she did this, but she knew now that she had grown attached to them here. Somehow. She took a step back and watched as markings appeared. On each of them, her own marks appeared. They were identical to her own. In doing this, she was claiming them as her children. On Kanna's brow a dark blue crescent moon appeared. As she was the oldest, she would carry on her title. Kagura gained a dark blue crescent on her right cheek. Akago and Hakudoshi received their dark blue crescent moons on their left cheek. “Go, I will come as soon as I am able.”

Kanna hesitated as the others left. She leaned forward and hugged Inukimi around her legs. “Goodbye mother. I will make sure everyone is happy and that woman won't ever take them away.” Inukimi frowned. It was as though the child knew that she would die here.

Mentally scoffing, she turned away. “Go Kanna. Don't let your brother push you around.” Kanna bowed and ran off after the others.