InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 45 ( Chapter 45 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1536
Month: August

Amunet moved gracefully within the village that had now grown far beyond what it was before. There were no buildings or a village center like most of those that had come were used to but it was welcoming. The village termed Kaede's village had welcomed them wholeheartedly. Glancing down, she watched as two little boys stumbled along with her. She couldn't help the smile. No one had yet to recognize the souls within the boys and that worked well. It simply wouldn't do if those supposed Gods managed to sniff out their identity. Besides, they had a destiny to uphold.

Glancing up, she caught sight of Amun, Dorian and Ayano walking ahead of her. Now that they were safe for the time being, the three had practically become inseparable. Unfortunately, those three would have their own destiny to take into their hands before long and would become separated. Sighing softly under her breath, she took the twins hands. “Come Hestat, Sutat. We must catch up to everyone else. The Lady Kagome will be awakening today and we will wish to meet her at last.” The children looked up at her, their now pale grey eyes eerie in some way as if they weren't really even all there in that world. Being a cross between Nether Youkai and desert cats, it was almost expected.

Deep within the now larger village, Inuyasha was pacing at the shrine. His soon to be mate, Kikyo was watching him worriedly. Finally she could stand it no longer. “Inuyasha, calm yourself. She will awaken soon. I just know it. I can feel her conscious starting to return.” Inuyasha let out a soft growl. Nearby, Arie rolled her eyes, her hands rolling the small stone Kagome had given her. It belonged to Inuyasha and yet something inside her demanded that Kagome be the one to give it to her.

Arie opened her mouth to berate the hanyou but Sesshomaru beat her to it. “It is unbecoming of a Lord Inuyasha.”

Inuyasha shot a glare over his shoulder. Sesshomaru may have finally accepted him but the years of hatred between the two was hard to put aside. “Keh, I don't have to listen to you. Kagome is my friend. It's almost been a full month. If she doesn't wake up soon, Sango won't even try to continue.” Everyone fell silent. Sango had become melancholy and depressed. None of them had been able to break her of it. She barely ate anymore, only eating enough to survive. The youkai could tell the baby was suffering because of her malnourishment not to mention the fact that Sango wasn't taking care of herself. If not for Kirara, she would have long before died. Miroku's death had been the hardest on her.

Inuyasha of course had his own reasoning for wanting to Kagome to wake up. He still remembered that expression before that strange looking bitch had showed up. He just knew that she had something to do with Miroku's death and even still, that Miroku had known about what was going to happen. He couldn't explain it himself but he would get answers.

Inside, Kaede and Zia were working tirelessly over Kagome. They did not trust the healers of the other tribes and nations to allow them anywhere near the shrine. In the corners, Kaede's helpers worked tirelessly to provide the materials needed. Suddenly, Zia paused in her work, halting Kaede. “Hold…” Her voice was almost non-existent.

After a few moments, eyes opened and before their eyes, they watched Kagome's humanity fade away completely. Before them was a stunning youkai, more beautiful than any they had ever seen before. Within her eyes was the spark of power that they only associated with the Gods before the truth had come to them. Her skin glistened brilliantly.

Kaede gave a small gasp, causing Kagome to look toward her in confusion, the purple swirling deep within them, drawing all who stared too long into them. “Kaede? What happened?”

Zia kneeled next to Kagome and placed a hand on her cheek. “You passed out Kagome. Rise, I believe you should see your appearance.” Even Zia was confused by the sudden change. Kaede retrieved a mirror so that Kagome could inspect herself. Once she had a small hand mirror that Kagome had once given her, Kagome inspected herself.

They expected shock and fear, not the frown that appeared, nor the sigh. “Well shoot. Apparently that cloak won't survive me passing out. Did I revert to this immediately?” She seemed worried about it, which was actually right on the dot.

Zia spoke carefully, trying to retain her level of understanding of Japanese. It came almost fluently to her now but in this moment, it was attempting to escape her. “You appeared human until just before you woke.”

Kaede moved forward. “Ye are not shocked by this change Kagome?”

Kagome gave Kaede a small smile. “No, I've been this way for some time now. I simply had a spell covering my true form. Well, not exactly the truth. I have multiple forms now and one of them happens to be my human form.” Kagome gave a small shrug. She wasn't quite sure how to explain it but she had basically become the embodiment of the Shikon Jewel. She was a mix of full youkai and yet she was also full human due to her own humanity as well as Midoriko.

Shaking her head, she focused and allowed her human guise to fall over her. She felt rather than heard Zia stiffen. Glancing over she gave her a small pained smile. It would take some getting used to definitely. Her soul was fully complete now. It was just a matter of time before she would go to reclaim her full power. Even still, the little bit she had now would make most youkai shiver in fear. She was almost on par with Sesshomaru after all in her opinion. “Well, shall we go see the others?” The other two nodded.

The silence was deafening when Kagome stepped out. Inuyasha was the first to be by her side, followed soon after by Arie. Kagome frowned as she inspected him. “Inuyasha, why aren't you a full youkai yet?”

Inuyasha gave her a bewildered look. “What do you mean? I've always been like this.”

Kagome glanced at Arie whom promptly placed the stone in her hand. “I couldn't do it. It felt wrong for me to be the one to do it.”

Kagome nodded in understanding. She raised the stone before pausing and motioning for Kikyo. Kikyo moved next to her cautiously. “Kikyo, this should be up to you to present. You are after all his mate to be.” Kagome's eyes were twinkling as the blush took over Kikyo's features.

She inspected the stone before frowning toward Kagome. “It feels like…” Kagome gave a secretive smile and a nod. Kikyo's eyes widened in shock. Turning to Inuyasha, she studied him. “If you could be full youkai right now, would you want to be Inuyasha?”

Inuyasha stared between Kagome and Kikyo with confusion. Crossing his arms, he looked away, his ears flickering back and forth on his head. “I don't need to be no damn full youkai. Besides, it might actually make me more like them stuck up bastards.” He pointed a finger toward Sesshomaru and Hiroki who were standing nearby.

Kikyo nodded her head before looking down at the stone, studying it. She knew of these stones and how to put them back. It seemed Inuyasha had passed the test as well. He was happy with who he was. This was his though and it belonged to him. Taking a deep breath. “Inside this stone is something that was lost to you. Apparently Kagome found it. It is yours again my love.” Her hand began to glow pink and she slammed the stone inside his chest.

Inuyasha stared in shock and agony. She was betraying him again! She was going to kill him. Before he could lash out, Kagome was there blocking his claws. He brought his claws down but it felt as though they simply bounced off of her skin. This caused his anger to grow. The stupid bitch had no right to step in. He would punish his mate.

Kagome could see the anger and knew instantly where Inuyasha's mind was going. It was the reason she stepped before Kikyo as she did. She knew that Inuyasha's claws would be unable to hurt her. At least until the change fully took hold of him. By then, she hoped Sesshomaru and Hiroki would step in. It wouldn't do to have Inuyasha kill his mate in misunderstanding.

Kikyo stood behind Kagome watching the change take place. Arie was holding her close, protecting her just in case Inuyasha got past Kagome. Suddenly Arie thought of something. “Kikyo, subdue him.” She watched Kikyo's eyes widen. She had apparently forgotten that little bit of information.


Inuyasha's body crashed to the ground. Kikyo subdued him a few more times to make sure. Finally, it seemed his anger had subsided and he was staring up at her in agony. “Why?”

Kikyo kneeled. “I simply gave you back something you had lost. It will end soon, I promise.”

Everyone watched tensely as his ears slipped down his head to become pointed human like ears. He seemed to grow a few inches and his markings appeared on his face. The last thing to really change was the tail that formed and surrounded his body around his waist. Finally the pain was over and Inuyasha grimaced. “What the hell was all that?”

Kagome gave a large smile. “Your mother asked me to give it to you. She regretted taking it away but in her mind, she was thinking more of revenge at the time rather than you.”

“You speak of something you have no knowledge of woman. Do not fill his head with lies.”

Kagome whirled on Sesshomaru and scowled. “I'll have you know that I heard all the sordid details. Izayoi and your mother plotted and planned Inutaisho's demise because he played them both for a fool and then attempted atrocious things. Your mothers were actually the best of friends and no doubt you will find proof of letters written to Izayoi and vice versa in Mother's home!” Her last sentence had been directed toward both Taisho brothers.

Sesshomaru's face had turned even stonier. “She was not your mother human and you have no affairs in the business of this Sesshomaru's mother.”

Kagome gave a small growl before smiling down at Inuyasha. “Apparently when a youkai mates a miko, a full youkai is born that is supposed to be immune to reiki. That was the reasoning behind your conception and anger of your mother. She had been used. Just don't be a horn dog like your father.” Her eyes laughed at Inuyasha. He gave a sheepish nod. He was full youkai! He honestly couldn't blame his mother. If Kagome had said she regretted it, he believed her. Kagome had never lied before. “By the way, where's Sango and the kids?”

This is where no one wanted to speak. Kaede spoke up. “They are in another room of the shrine. She is unwell.” Kagome's eyes gleamed with tears. “Take me to her.”

Kaede nodded and began to lead the way. Kagome moved after her but paused at the door. “I'll be getting some guests soon. They will be foreigners. Do let them through with the children.” Then she disappeared inside.

Moving through the rooms, Kagome could feel the sickness in the air. There were numerous other scents like sorrow and hatred but the sickness was the most potent. Arriving, she watched the three beings in the room. It was Sango, whom was lying down, Shippo and Rin, whom were sitting next to her. The kids were trying to get her to eat. Moving inside, she motioned for Kaede to close the door. “Let me try.”

Shippo and Rin jolted at their mother's voice. Obviously Sesshomaru had agreed to adopt Rin as his own when the suggestion was brought up. Arie had kept her word in giving Rin her blood to adopt her as well. There was now a mixture of both her and Sesshomaru that was revealed in Rin. The two hastily ran to her, hugging her.

“We tried to make her better mama but she is really sad.”

Kagome smiled down at Shippo. “That is alright Shippo. I'm proud of both of you. Why don't you step out and get something for yourself. I'm going to wake Sango up and get her to eat and then we will join you okay?” The children gave hesitant nods but obeyed, following Kaede out.

Once Kagome was alone with Sango, she changed into her youkai form, folding her wings gently behind her back. Kneeling next to Sango, she consulted Chi. `How do I heal her exactly?'

`Just focus on her body. You should be able to determine what needs to be healed and which needs to be healed more quickly. I would start with the child. She is close to miscarriage. Her mind should be cleared as well.'

Kagome shook her head. `I won't erase her memories of that. She deserves to know.' Chi gave a mental shrug. Focusing on the task, she watched healing light take over Sango. Sango's body welcomed the boost of healing, immediately closing any and all visible wounds. Chi had been right in the sense that the baby had been in danger. Kagome strengthened the baby immediately, filling the womb with nourishment that would only be temporary. Food was necessary. Kagome's focus continued, healing Sango. When she got to her mind, Kagome almost reeled back at the darkness within. That's what Chi had been talking about then. She sent a burst of light, clearing away the darkness and began replaying the good memories of Miroku within Sango's mind, pushing the dark ones into the back of her mind. She found the memory of the two of them talking about the baby and placed that forefront in her mind.

As she finished, she felt the arrival of her guests. A smile appeared as Sango opened her eyes, clear for the first time in a while of darkness. “Kagome, you're awake!” Kagome nodded.

“Come in!” She looked at Sango, her smile strained. “Yes, I'm awake. I'm sorry I couldn't have been a better sister.” Sango was about to retort when the door opened and a tall foreign woman with two familiar looking children stepped inside.

Sango's eyes darkened. “They look like Naraku…”

Kagome raised and hand and stopped Sango. “No, you have a child to think of for now. Peace won't last for long so allow peace. They have his souls and you will not harm them. Think of this as their redemption for the suffering they caused. Please trust in me Sango, they are not the same as the monster that had been created.” Sango gave Kagome a heavy looked before she sighed and nodded. If it was one thing in her life that never changed it was her loyalty and trust toward the woman that had become like a sister to her. She settled back with a bowl of soup and began to eat, watching this strange woman, the children and Kagome.