InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nightmare ❯ Nightmare5:I will wed you ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Now is Sago’s turn

Sango awoke on the hut to Kagome’s yells “Wake up sleepy head, only you would sleep in a day like this” Said Kagome opening the window panes
“mmm?” she answered partially asleep
“The wedding is today, remember?” Kagome said smiling
“Ah, wedding? Did Inuyasha proposed?!” Sango said stretching as she always did on the morning
“As if? You are teasing me” said Kagome with irony “No baka yours and Miroku”
“What?!” Sango almost jumped.
Kagome sighed, “we have been planning this for months now, poor Miroku beg for almost 6 months, he even stop groping for you, and now with a bridal kimono standing in your room, Miroku denouncing as a monk a week ago, you are having second thoughts?”
“No” a confused Sango said, partially glad, partially ‘What the heck is going on?’
“But Naraku and the shikon no tama” Sango said
“Those are done deals, do not worry” Said Kagome urging her to get up and dress
Sango was dressed aided by Kagome and Kaede with the multilayered white wedding kimono and the hat, as a warrior she put a small dagger in her front obi and look at herself in the mirror Kagome had lend her.
“You look beautiful” both Kagome and Kaede said.
“Now we proceed.”
Sango felt very clumsy in the huge dress and the high getas she had to wear and could barely see with the huge hairdo and hat but was aided by Kagome and Kaede´s guiding hands.
Once in the front of the main shrine she was paired near Miroku, even with the hat she could see he looked handsome in the black hakama he wore instead of the tunic. They had just taken the first sip in the 3 cups ceremony and they were suddenly interrupted by a voice shouting “I protest against this union” Sango raised her head and saw Kouga standing “Kagome cannot marry him.”
“Ah, Kougakun, this is not my wedding, but you could accompany us” Kagome said calming him down and gazing Inuyasha with a stern look. Sango hear him growl.
Kouga said in a low voice “sorry I though you were under that mountain of cloths”.
We shall resume then Kaede said Sango then took the cup and made the second sip.
Once again they were interrupted by an angry voice.
“Kagura cannot marry anyone without my authorization, kukuku I am the father after all”
It was Kagura herself who intervene “I am not wedding the monk, he ask me once to bear his child though.”
Sango eyed Miroku angrily, “and who invited you?”
“Well your brother works for me, remember”
Kaede cough ordering silence.
Miroku had just take the cup in his hands when Jakotsu interfered “My Inuyasha is not marrying anyone, but me”
It was Kagome who angrily spat “It is Sago’s wedding”
“Uh” he said and seated near Inuyasha
Who stand up a put some distance hiding behind Sesshomaru, ignoring Sesshomaru's displeased look “Ugh, get away from me freak”.
Sango look again ‘Sesshomaru is here too, it keeps getting weirder’
They resume and the cup was snatched by a soul serpent
“Inuyasha cannot marry anyone for he is destined to accompany me” a displeased Kikyo said.
“Again,” Kagome shouted. “It is Sago’s wedding, so would you return the cup”
Kikyo order the serpent to release it and pull Inuyasha to her side. Which was seen with relief by Inuyasha who was trying to escape from Suikotsu, and with burning eyes from Kagome who suddenly decided to sit near Sesshomaru and started talking to him?

The final sip was finally taken by Sango and everyone hails the newly weds.
It was then that Miroku approached Sango.
“I am very happy you finally took me as your groom my fair Sango” he said approaching her. ‘Must be anxious to grope me again’ she thought remembering Kagome’s words, but well he was her husband now.
“There is something you must know Sango” he said
His word where interrupted by the arrival of a troupe of women carrying various children of different ages. “Hoshisama, Miroku” one of them said “since you are no longer a monk we have decided that it is you and your young bride who should take care of your children, we cannot keep their Kazaanas under control anymore.
Miroku ran to seal one of the kids hand as fast as he could (Naraku started laughing. “What are you laughing about evil spirit if you do not help me out we will have 10 kazaanas open, and you know what that will do. Naraku´s laugh fades. “Please everyone, take an ofuda and put them over the children’s hands.” he said taking a fan made of ofudas on his hand-
Everyone rushed to help or to escape (cough Naraku, cough Kagura, cough Kouga)..” The Shinichitai were the first swallowed” to Inuyasha´s relief.
“Now you did it” Kagome shouted at the fleeing Naraku, “now how are we going to get those shards back” she then look at how Inuyasha was trying to prevent Kikyou from being swallowed by a huge kazaana that open in the kid in front of them. Kagome sighted again.
When they finally had everything under control Sango look with a burning gaze at the monk “and you where planning to tell me this when?!” They were interrupted by a hard slap that Kagome gave Inuyasha. “That does it, and since everyone insisted I am leaving and I am marrying….? Him!” she said dragging a confused Sesshomaru who happen to be near her to the table with the cups, who on second thoughts said “you are human, but what the hell, I need a mate anyway, let’s marry” and took the abandoned marriage cups and gave the ceremonial three sips with Kagome and then took her bridal style flying. To Inuyasha´s still astounded face who finally reacted and follow them. “Wait Kagome!” followed by a now returning Kouga who manage to said while running after the newlyweds “No, Kagome my love it should have been me”
“Now where were we” said Sango to Miroku releasing herself from the huge external robe and the hat and struggling to get the knife from her obi to teach a prolific monk a lesson or two.

Sango awoke to Kiraras cries. She immediately stands up and jumps to grab Miroku by the neck with one hand and the hiraikotsu in the other “Now hoshisama, exactly how many children do you plan on making me take care of?”

The Shinto wedding ceremony is different from the western for what I know the bride and the groom have an almost private ceremony inside the shrine and then they drink from 3 different cup and then are considered married bear with me I do not know the full ceremony, but no I do´s or if anyone has anything against this union.
Dreams do not have logic and do not distinguish between times so anything is possible.
I never plan to make one on Sango until Inubaby proposed, so I took the challenge and finally came up with an idea after making the I am poem, the problem with Sango was that, OK everyone has some tragedy. Inuyasha is a hanyou orphan, etc. Miroku has his curse and is an orphan, Shippo well he is a recent orphan. But Inuyasha and Miroku had dealt with their share for a while mostly all their lifes, Shippo was avenged and he got to say goodbye to his Dad. Kagome is an orphan, but it does not seem recent and she is pretty well adapted teenage and mostly happy before the Kikyou mess (uh all characters are orphans, it was the same in Ranma well Ranma´s mother was alive but pretty much absent even Ranma did not know until the day she show up, I think it was to for Urusei yatsura and even mermaid forest only one parent around. Must be some Takahashi trademark .) Well Sango´s grief is recent and unavenged, bleeding, her nightmare is pretty much her daily life.
If I were to compare let´s say Kagome LOTR is Bilbo Baggins in the hobbit the adventurer that complaints but in a sense is continuing on her own free well bad thing happen but she can go back home at the end of the day, Sango is more like Frodo for her there never was choice though she does not carry the ring (shikon no tama) her fate is entwinged with it and there is no going back home she even carries the wound that would not heal (Kohaku).
If you were wondering about the rest well I think
Inuyasha is Aragong, Miroku is a mix between the guy who marry Eowen and the dwarf, Kagura is Gollum, and Sesshomaru is Gandalf like character mixed with some high elf (no one knows what he is up to really). Naraku is Mordor. Arwen is pretty much secondary in the book in my opinion but could be Kikyou. (without the happy ending).