InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ No One's Laughing ❯ No One's Laughing ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay my friends, this is the very last chapter. I know it's sad, but it needs to be to make my point about fate. Read on!

Disclaimer: It's a good thing I don't own Inuyasha because I'd do things like this to him.

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Inuyasha sat in the God-tree and talked to down to Kagome as he did everyday. He felt safe talking to her from up there. Their distance made the conversations easier. Today, he was planning on doing something really important for her. He had been planning to do it for months now but felt like he needed to finish some things first. Now those things were complete.

"Kagome, everything is done now." He smiled at that. "We've completed the jewel and defeated Naraku. I don't have to tell you how hard that was. Can you believe the kazanna is gone from Miroku's hand?" Inuyasha laughed a little. "He actually misses it. Isn't that funny?"

The wind pushed the leaves of his tree around. It was a sad and melancholy wind, like the earth was sighing. "You know, Sango's brother came back to us today. He's keeping the jewel with him now. It's keeping him alive." Tears started to form in the corners of his eyes. He was so scared of what was about to come.

"Kikyo returned to the earth, but I probably don't have to tell you that." Inuyasha jumped to the ground and stared at where Kagome was. "It is time I do for you what I promised."

He took off his yukata and under kimono and folded them neatly. Inuyasha walked closer to her and bent down on one knee in the cool, damp grass. He knelt there in only his loincloth. He unsheathed Tetseiga, untransformed, and held it before him. Tears flowed freely from his eyes now. Fear shook him to the very core of his being.

"I want to be with you forever, Kagome." He turned Tetseiga around and touched the tip of the blade to his heart. "My heart will always be yours." He began breathing heavily, choking on his words.

"I love you, Kagome." His grip tightened on the powerful sword.

"I'm coming."

Tetseiga transformed into a giant fang in his hands. His breath caught, and his mouth hung open, though no sound came out. Blood flowed down his body, soaking it. It stained the ground around him and dripped from the blades of grass. He slumped over and the sword returned to its natural state. It looked ridiculously small in the gaping wound in his torso. Nearly all his strength spent, he fell further onto the sword, impaling himself again. With his last ounce of strength, he reached forward and put his hand on the stone in front of him. His eyes closed and his life left him.

It was a very heartbreaking scene to behold, a beautiful, silver-haired, hanyou boy, run through by his own sword, his hand reached out on a gray rock, upon which three words were carved in very poor hand.

Kagome, My Love.

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Mrs. Higarashi sat under the God-tree staring at the gray stones in front of her. She had seen them all her life, and she had even tried as a young woman to interpret the ancient writing. She was glad now that she had not been able to understand it. Her life would have been much different if she had known. She was sure now what they said. Inuyasha had told her earlier that year. They had stood over them, and when he told her, she couldn't believe how calm he was.

Her eldest child was already gone when she found out. She had been angry because her only daughter had been buried in the Feudal Age. Inuyasha had led her to this very spot.

"This is her grave." She remembered those words as if she had heard them only yesterday.

"Can you read it?" He had looked at her so sadly, so hopelessly.

"I wrote it."

"What does it say?"

"It says: Kagome, my love."

"Oh, it seemed much longer. Is that all?"


"What does the rest say?" He had stared hard into her eyes. She had never seen a look like that before. He was so scared and worried, but this was mixed with something that hinted at wisdom and enlightenment.

"It says: Inuyasha, wielder of Tetseiga, defeater of Naraku, lover of Kagome." She had been amazed. There she stood with her dead daughter's boyfriend on top of his own grave.

"Aren't you scared?"


"Don't you fear how you will go?"


"Why not?" She had been hysterical. How could he not fear his own death?

"Because I know how I will die."

"How? How do you know?"

"Your daughter gave herself to me the night I admitted I loved her. We made many promises to each other. She died from a fever. It was worst Kaede had ever seen. I know."

He had never really told her exactly how he knew or exactly how he would pass, but she felt she knew the answer. She leaned over the resting-places of her daughter and the man she had loved and cried. Her tears dripped down and splashed onto the stones in the same way the hanyou's blood had exactly five hundred years before.

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A/N: Well, there you have it. "No One's Laughing" is complete. PLEASE tell me what you think. I am going to start on an AU story soon (I promise it won't have an ending like this one) and I need to know if I need to make any improvements. Thanks a bunch for your reviews.