InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nonexistent Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Fairy Tale

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters. This is the rewritten version of the story, Punks Are Better Than Preps, with more details, and an actual plot.

Just as Inuyasha and Miroku had come back, his older brother, Sesshomaru, glided in to speak with him. He was a good few inches taller than Inuyasha and didn’t have such obviously demonic features. He did have the long gleaming platinum hair, pointed ears, claws, fangs, amber-gold eyes, and markings on his face. To the untrained eyes all of this was oblivious, except for the markings which most people just took as some weird make-up choice. “Inuyasha…that Kikyou girl called and she said she is moving out here! Isn’t that great? Now you’ll have two little girlfriends around here!!” Sesshomaru had a slight smirk on his face. His usually stoic face having a smirk on it was quite a shock to the hanyou. The Kikyou girl that his brother was referring to was some chick from summer camp the previous year. She had started off okay. They were even close to dating. But then the girl had become his stalker while he was there, when he left he thought he had been rid of her for good. Boy was he wrong!

“Just fuck off, Sesshomaru!! And leave me the hell alone!!” Inuyasha practically screamed.
Inuyasha walked up the stairs to his room all the while thinking, ‘Shit, how’d she get my number?!?’

Then incredulously the doorbell rang. ‘Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Shit hide!’ He thought as he panicked and ran to his room while locking the door. The trio already in there looked at him as if he was insane, but went back to what they had been doing before they were so rudely interrupted.

“Inuyasha!! Kikyou’s here!!” Sesshomaru’s booming voice echoed throughout the house. There was a hint of joy in his voice. He really loved to torture Inuyasha, not only physically, but mentally as well. It lasted longer.

Inuyasha could hear Kikyou’s light footsteps approaching the steps. Now they were coming up the steps. They were coming down the hall. They stopped a little ways down the hall. Then the dreaded voice that caused his ears to press against his skull, as though that would protect them from the sound, came.

“Inu-babe I’m here!!”

He opened his door expecting to tell her to go away, but she came bouncing down the hallway faster than any demon he had ever seen, and threw her arms around him.

He had a look of disgust, anger, sadness, and loneliness on his face. He had never really liked her, everyone could tell that, except her for some odd reason. ‘She probably goes on diets and accidentally loses brain cells instead of weight.’ He thought smirking to himself as he shoved her off him.

She took a step back and he realized what she was wearing…

She had a white tube top that was at least two sizes too small on. With a really, really short mini skirt that was hot pink. She had black hooker boots that came to just above her knees. And to top it all off, her hair was in low sluttish braids.

‘Kagome would never dress sluttish or wear such an ugly shade of pink…Wait I have to stop thinking about her!’ He mentally yelled at himself, yet again.

“Inu-babe lets go out!” The clueless girl said, whilst twirling a braid around her fingers.

“Listen I dumped you six months ago, so go screw yourself. I have company and I would like it if you wouldn’t bother them…and leave me the hell alone!!” He yelled, shoving her out of the way and quickly slamming the door behind him. He slid the bolt into place and fell to the floor cowering.

“You’ve moved on!?!” She asked the question even though she knew he wasn’t listening. ‘I’ll win you back, Inuyasha!’ She fisted her hands and quickly walked out of the house, all the while planning ways to get her Inuyasha back.

Sango and Kagome didn’t even have to look up from the magazine they were looking at to know what had happened. “Kikyou?” They asked it at the same time. That stupid girl had been doing the same thing every two weeks or so for the past six months now. Kagome had even tried beating her up…‘But that damn persistent and idiotic bitch keeps coming back! What’s so great about Inuyasha anyway? I mean yeah he’s my best friend, but EW! I would NEVER want to date a stubborn ass like him!’ She thought while frowning. “Hey, Inuyasha? Why would anyone even want to date you anyway?” She giggled when he growled and threw a pillow at her as a response.

“You’re lucky you’re my best friend or else I’d kill you right now!” He grumbled while settling himself into a beanbag chair in the corner of the room.

Kagome mock-sniffled. “You mean if I weren’t your friend you’d kill me?” She asked forcing a tear to roll down her cheek.

The next thing she knew, he was sitting in front of her, which startled her and caused her to fall sideways off the bed. She screamed and winced when she hit the floor. She knew what was going to be next. Inuyasha had her pinned down (A/N: Minds out of the gutters, people!) and was tickling her. They had been doing that since they were little. The one who hit’s the floor, is tickled until they say something to the other.

By now, Kagome was giggling hard. She was even starting to get a pain in her side from wiggling around, trying to escape his grasp. She was gasping for breath and tears were welling up in her eyes.

He smirked and dared to tickle her ribs. She busted out with a completely new series of laughs. That was her weakness.

“What do you say?” He asked, his smirk growing wider.

She gasped for breath and managed to choke out, “I’m not worthy of the almighty Inuyasha!” before he stopped. When she had finally managed to retrieve her normal breathing she saw the awkward position they were in and without even looking over, knew that the already famously perverted Miroku was laughing at them. Her face heated up quickly and she squirmed her way out from under Inuyasha.

‘Ahh…Sometimes I’m glad to have friends like these…’

Yes, I hope that wasn’t too incredibly terrible, but I was out on a limb there. I didn’t know what to write and I couldn’t come up with anything else! I thank the lovely Marissa for helping me edit. (You'd better, damnit. Although, I do love to help! ^.^ -Marissa)

Continue on your search of your own fairy tale,
