InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now you ready to see Inuyasha ❯ Now your ready to see Inuyasha ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

lala clean the dog ahhh its kikyo die you bitch (pow pow) ahh inuyasha Help Ive got to save Kagome! DIE Demon! ive got you now im going home.the village o no ahh run away! wow look at kagomes bikini! Oww my back Sesshomaru?! give me the tetsiega! NO! I am your father WUT!? look butts (rub rub) (smack) oww my face. The End.
*now your eady to see inuyasha*

a/n- yeah I know its short but it wasn't meant to be long. I got the idea from this star wars comedy thing and I thought it would be cute to make an Inuyasha one.

O yeah the disclaimer ok people im am fully aware that I do not own Inuyasha.