InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Youkai Bondage ❯ Youkai Farm ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, it's time for chapter 2.

Disclaimer: Not mine!

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Kagome rested her head against the window of the car. They were on their way to buy her a personal slave. She was finding it hard not to yell at everyone in the car. "So, do you want a girl or a boy?" Jii-san asked. Kagome sighed. "Why can't they just leave me alone?" she thought.

"It doesn't matter."

"Well, it should. I have had lots of boy and girl slaves. I want a boy today. A strong one."

"Kikyo," the old man scolded, "this is Kagome's special day." Kagome had gone from resting her head on the glass to slightly banging it. She had lived her whole life around slaves, and she knew they were unhappy. She did not want to be going to get one and her family's incessant chatter about how special this day was made her even more unhappy. She stared out the tinted glass and watched the woods fly by. "This is where Ayame should be," she thought. The girl's words were still ringing in her head. "Every moment of every day." How horrible it must be to suffer like that. She lived with it all around her and still Kagome couldn't truly understand. It was frustrating to her. Why did this happen? Who made this okay? A horrid yellow sign with gaudy red letter came into view, blocking the forest, keeping it away from the road. It was fitting that the sign was holding the forest hostage just as the owner of the sign held so many lives in his grasp. Naraku's Premium Youkai Farm.

"We're almost there!" yelled an excited Kikyo.

"Whoopee," said Kagome, sarcastically.

"I don't understand how you can be so angry on such a great day."

"You don't understand anything."

"What? How could you say that?"

"Well, for one thing…"

"Girls! Stop that right now, or I'll tell the driver to turn around." Kikyo closed her mouth tight while Kagome went back to staring.

They pulled into the drive of the farm a few minutes later. A small green toad-like youkai ran up to open the car door for them. "Welcome to my farm," a voice called from behind him. There stood a tall man with long black hair. He wore a business suit that obviously cost a great deal, "I am Naraku."

"Oh, we know that silly."

"Ah, if it isn't Kikyo. Tell me are you here for another slave today?"

"You know it."

"Actually," interrupted the girl's grandfather, "today is my Kagome's seventeenth birthday." The frightening slave trader looked intrigued.

"Is it really? Well, we will get you an amazing slave for your first one. Follow me please." The family walked after him into a long gray building. They passed through a lavishly furnished room with a large mahogany desk. It was where Naraku conducted most of his business. They entered a door in the back of the room. "This is the kennel." Kagome cringed at his word. Kennel? Wasn't that where they kept dogs? Kagome let her eyes adjust to the dim light and gasped. This was no kennel. Kennels were much better. The hall extended past the point where light and dark melded, and from where Kagome stood, it was impossible to see its end. It was lined with cells. There were thick metal bars with prayer beads wrapped around them that kept the youkai locked inside. There were two to three in each cell, and she couldn't make out any of their faces. All the youkai hung their heads low, as if they stared long enough at the floor when they looked up, there would be no dingy concrete cell to be confined to. "They'll be staring for a long time then," Kagome said quietly to herself.

Kikyo was now leading the way down the row of youkai. After a while, she stopped at one. "Let me see that one in the corner." Kagome was standing about fifteen feet beck and watched as Naraku slid his key in the door. It opened with a loud bang against the opposite wall.

"Get over here," commanded Naraku. A slender boy walked from his little prison. He was somewhat tall, at least, taller than Kikyo, and was covered in brown furs. His long black hair was tied up in a ponytail, and his head was encircled by a brown piece of fur. Kikyo brought her finger to his face and instructed him to open his mouth. She inspected every inch of the poor boy's body. When she told him to remove his clothes so she could get a better look, Kagome turned on her heels and ran back toward the entrance. She couldn't watch that anymore. She didn't care about whether he Jii-san was happy or if Kikyo was angry. She just had to get out of there.

When she had almost reached her destination, she noticed a door she had looked over on the way in. It was not barred like the others but made solidly of steel. She felt like she was drawn to it and moved closer. Her heart skipped a beat when she read the word inscribed there. Termination. She knew what that meant, but she couldn't believe it. "This is where I will get my slave," she decided. She would save one. She opened the door quietly and looked back down the hall. Her family and Naraku were still scrutinizing a now very nude slave. She looked back into the room. Although it didn't seem possible, this place was even drearier than the cells outside. It was the same size, but instead of having two or three beds, there were six. They stacked up the walls. The only light in the room was a single bare light bulb that hung from the ceiling and swayed slightly because of the continuous water droplets coming down from numerous cracks. But Kagome didn't notice any of this. There was only one bunk filled at the time, and that was where all her attention was placed. In the midst of all that squalor, something exquisite shined. She could not take her eyes from the boy on the bed. He was covered to the waist with only a sheet. His clawed hand rested by his face, and adorable little dog ears popped out of his head. But the thing that kept her gaze fixed the most was his hair. It spilled forth from his head and fell around him, causing silvery white puddles of silk to pool on top of the pillow and below his shoulders. She moved close to him. She just wanted to touch those ears and that hair to see if they felt as good as she imagined. She leaned forward and moved his bangs away from his soft face. How could anyone want to kill something so perfect? Suddenly he had a hold on her wrist and his eyes jerked open.

"Oh my god!" she cried. It wasn't because he scared her but because she was staring into orbs of gold. She had never seen eyes like that before. He stared at her, then sniffed the air. His soft features contorted as anger rose within him.

"What are you doing here?" he yelled.


"Why are you here?"

"I-I-I wanted to save you," she stammered.

"Keh! You save me?"

"Well, yeah."

"I don't want your help," he growled, "I'd rather be dead than be a slave to you again, Kikyo."

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A/N: Dun dun dun! Sorry about the little cliff hanger there. Alright. I have to go to Literature class, so no more writing for at least three hours. Can you believe I wrote chapters 1 and 2 in only an hour and a half. I think that's pretty good. Okay review!!!