InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Youkai Bondage ❯ Oath ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

So, this is chapter four. I know I'm excited.

Disclaimer: Even if I won the lotto, I still wouldn't own Inuyasha.

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Ayame ran the brush down Kagome's long black hair for the hundredth time. "You should have seen it, Ayame. It was so awful." Ayame stopped brushing for a second. Kagome had been talking about this mysterious slave that had been in the house and abused by Kikyo. She talked about how angry he was and everything he had said. She mentioned more than once the beauty of his body, the tone of his muscles. Now she was talking about the surroundings.

"Mistress Kagome, I have seen it." Ayame had seen more of it than she wished to remember. She knew of the room at the end of the hall that Kagome had found her slave in. She had watched members of her family enter that room. Although, she'd never seen them leave it. She'd watched as bodies covered by sheets had been carried out, but she never saw her family leave.

"I am so sorry. I totally forgot." She turned around and gripped the slave's hands. "Was it as bad as I think it is?" Ayame almost laughed. This girl lived in the lap of luxury. Everything she wanted, she got. What could her idea of bad be? No warm bubble baths? She stared down into her innocent eyes.

"The things that happen there are too contemptible for someone like you to imagine. I hope against hope that you will never know those evils, and that I will never know them again." Kagome felt tears forming at the corners of her eyes. She had always liked Ayame best out of all the slaves. She couldn't fathom anyone treating her horribly.

"I swear, you will never be in a place like that again as long as I'm alive!" Her force and sincerity startled Ayame.

"Well, thank the Gods for that." Kagome hugged her. She would never let anyone hurt Ayame or any of the other slaves she could get her hands again.

"Mistress Kagome, your package has arrived."

"Thank you, Hiten." She looked at the red-haired girl. "I'll be back in a little bit."

Kagome bounded down the stairs two at a time. She didn't know why, but she had to see the boy again. When she reached the grand entrance hall, her heart sank. There, in front of her, stood her slave, the one Kikyo had been looking at, and Naraku. "I decided to deliver them personally."

"How very thoughtful," said Kagome, but she didn't mean it. While running her eyes over the silver-haired boy she had noticed a few diminishing black and blue marks that had not been there that afternoon. Naraku must have punished him for calling her names.

"All right, say it." The boy covered in furs stepped forward.

"My name is Kouga. I am the personal slave of Kikyo Higarashi. I am her protector and servant. I do as she says for she is my owner. I have no will of my own. I live by her whim. I die by her whim. Thank you, Mistress Kikyo, for allowing me to live." He bent down on one knee and lowered his head. Kagome gawked. She had heard of this ceremony before, but she'd never actually witnessed it. Kikyo placed a dark purple rosary around the youkai's neck, and he stood.

"Your turn, hanyou." Her slave stepped forward. He was clothed now in a red yukata. It was loose and billowy, hiding the muscles she had been marveling at before.

"My name is Inuyasha."

"Inuyasha," she thought, "what kind of a name is that?"

"I am the personal slave of Kagome Higarashi. I am her protector and servant."

"Oh no," her mind raced, "he's saying it."

"I do as she says for she is my…" He stopped. He did not want to speak the next words. Naraku reached out and grabbed one of his obviously sensitive ears and pulled it to face.

"If you know what's good for you, you filthy disgusting creature, you will continue." He released the tender piece of anatomy.

"She is my owner," he said through gritted teeth.

"Don't say it, Inuyasha," Kagome thought.

"I have no will of my own."

"No!" Kagome's mind was screaming at her now. It told her to go down to him and say that he did have a will, cover his mouth and not let him speak anymore.

"I live by her whim." Kagome stayed put. She knew that she couldn't do that. She knew the rules that she was governed by.

"I die by her whim." Kagome's heart couldn't take it. How could they make them say those things? They already knew their place; was it necessary to remind them in such a way?

"Thank you, Mistress Kagome, for letting me live." He kneeled down in front of her and hung his head. She could tell that he hated those words. He hated his place in life. He hated what he was. She placed the rosary around his neck with shaky hands. He rose and stared her in the face. Naraku hit him in the back of the head with the cane he had been caring seemingly only for that purpose.

"You do not look your superiors in the eye! Really Miss Higarashi, when you realize you made a mistake just bring him back, I'll be happy to give you back your money for the chance to watch his pathetic life end." Inuyasha looked at the floor. Kagome felt physically sickened. How could he speak like that?

"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't criticize my decision, thank you." She turned on her heel to head back up to her room.

"You will see after a few days. He's been returned five times."

"Come, Inuyasha." He followed her up the stairs.

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A/N: Whew! I kind of stole the "I live at their whim. I die at their whim" from Nightmare's story "Shadow and the Kat." It's an X-men fic about a concentration camp, but I really liked the line. I just wanted to give credit where credit was due. Anyway, that's it for tonight. I have to clean my house before my parents get back from the Bahamas. It's a little messy *cough* trashed *cough* so I have a lot to do. Please continue reviewing. It makes me happy!