InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On a Leash ❯ Popcorn Blues ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: ("Signs" does not belong to me….)I DO OWN INUYASHA! HAHAHAHAHA! *deep breath* Well, now that that's out of my system…in all seriousness, folks, I don't own him. *sigh* If only….

A/N: Ok, well, I got some questions for the crew (and for myself!) and I'll answer some of my reviewers. (There's so many that my hard copy would be very long indeed, lol!)

ElfinKat:O O ! *waves hand in air* I have a question!!
For Yash: Why were you so keen on keeping Kag there, hmm? You knew when you transformed you were going to be completely nekkid ^_^
For Moonlight or Kag: What would Kag have done had she been there?
For Yash: What would your response have been?

Inuyasha: *big eyes* I didn't want her to go with that stupid idiot….

He wasn't thinking clearly, thinking things thru, like usual. For your other question, since Kagome isn't supposed to know about this yet *clears throat* she probably would've done something like this. *deep breath* KYAAAAA!!! Though much longer.

Inuyasha: My response…? *blink, blink, blush* Shit….

KougasMyMan: Kagome what would you do if you walked in on Inuyasha trying on your bras? And Inuyasha do you even know what a bra is?

Since I'm still answering her questions at this point, Kagome probably (in the series) would have done this: "Um…Inuyasha…could you-uh--put that away…. S-sit!" Blushing furiously, too, I suspect. Or "You pervert! SIT!" Either way, you're good.

Inuyasha: Yes! I know what one of those, uh…things are. *is beet red as his bottom lip creeps out* But I ain't about to tell you how I know…

thegymrat: Did the transformation really remind you of "Animorphs"? I only saw the show, never read the books.

Houndingwolf: *blush, skims the ground with her toe* W-well…thank you for those nice words. But, I'm sure there are better fanfic authors than me… Rosefire1 is very good, and she's my age (and has more reviews, lol! She's been around longer, though.)

Lechan1: Can't tell you that. Questions to main plot, I don't answer. ^^ Sorry! You can guess though.

mkh2 (Mikki): Wish I could take a 4 hour+ nap…. Why are you miffed over pizza crusts?

hanyoupup: Thanks!

WakadoriRamen: Nice name! Yeah, I bet my animals have a thing or two they'd like to say to me.

Ghoul King: Damn exclamation points, I know…this supposed to annoy me? Not likely, keep trying! LOL. (BTW, I used to RP-hence my penname-as a mage in a village that battled the undead. Weird.)

Burning-Yami-Rain & Aurora_Thorn: Same idea!

Queen Klu: I did miss you! And I'll talk about his clothes; hope that'll clear up your, uh, desires.

Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to Yin Yang236 who celebrated a 21st birthday on January 7th! Belated Happy Birthday!

Chapter Seven: Popcorn Blues

"So, what kind of movie do you want to see, Higurashi?" asked Houjou as they walked along.

The wind blew in spry gusts, causing Kagome to frisson a bit, hugging her long, tan leather jacket closer around her petite form. Ducking her head down slightly, she braced herself as another nippy eddy harassed her face. "Not sure," came the half-frozen, muffled reply from blue-tinged lips. Her trembling-with-cold fingers quickly brought her hunter scarf over her mouth before shoving her hand back in her pocket, mentally chiding herself for being so scatter-brained as to forget something as crucial as gloves when another famously harsh Japanese winter was looming near. It felt like snow would fall at anytime.

Glancing over to her, the boy stated the obvious, "You cold, Higurashi?"

Nodding deafly, she managed an, "Uh-huh."

Houjou, never wanting to be too forward, such as putting an arm around the shivering girl, smiled cheerfully. "Well, we'll be at the cinema soon. Just pretend it's not even cold outside. Pretend it's a nice, warm summer."

"R-r-right," Kagome grumbled tartly, teeth chattering like no tomorrow. You're not the one freezing, though!

The sidewalk seemed very long in the dimness of early evening. The streetlamps hummed as they made rings of yellowish light on the gray concrete. Multicolored neon signs greeted them as they got closer to the shopping arcade. Other scores of movie goers trolled in the general direction as the pair.

Soon, a rather large slate and maroon checked building came into view. Posters for the latest flicks were illuminated by the bulbs riveted around all four sides. A couple of kids' movies, hormone-driven teen features, and higher-rated films along with several more were being shown. Below each, the playing times were listed.

A few of them, upon inspection, Kagome realized she'd seen already. The kiddy movies she'd seen with Souta not long prior to getting Inuyasha. She skimmed her boot's toe over the frozen sidewalk guiltily. Albeit she'd said adieu to her pet, the look in those fiery orbs had seemed so dejected, especially with the way his ears drooped in conjunction with his tail. That mutt could get under her skin easier than any pet or person she'd ever known. Still, why had she felt so rueful? Like this was wronging him in some way? It was almost a sensation of cheating or something…which was absolutely ridiculous because she was a human and he was a canine.

Simple as that.

Although that walk through the freezing cold had seemed much longer than when she took Souta, or Sango and Miroku to with her for some reason…

"Would you mind seeing that movie Signs?" Houjou queried hesitantly.

Tearing her eyes off the poster she'd been staring in the general direction of-despite the fact she didn't remember what was even on it--, wondering why they couldn't discuss the stupid movies in the stupid lobby of the stupid theater--then forcing herself the breathe deep and think happy thoughts, that the wintry weather was what was making her attitude so biting--, she smiled with a bob of her head. "Yeah. I like Mel Gibson. For an American actor, he's very good."

Beaming broadly, the boy bubbled, "Great! Let's get tickets then!"

Sighing in relief at the notion of being warm, Kagome started for the glass doors. "Ok."

Luckily, the theater wasn't overly crowded, due to its mammoth size that Kagome and Houjou managed to get in line fairly quickly. Another plus was that they got to wait in the warmth inside, as the girl had predicted.

Stepping closer up to the counter, the young lady wondered how her date could have such a big grin. Though it was sort of endearing, didn't his cheeks hurt? They were still awfully pink. Or was he blushing like he always did when he spoke to her?

Houjou chattered non-stop about things going on at school, classes, latest news, how he'd been doing so far. He only ceased when they reached the ticked counter. "One ticket for Signs, please."

Blinking, the dark-haired girl stared at his back in bemusement. "Just one ticket, Houjou?"

Whirling around, bafflement lighting his brown eyes, the boy peered at her. "I thought we were going Dutch, Higurashi."

"'Going Dutch'?" she echoed back, hearing a few restless humans and demons jostling behind her.

"Yeah, I thought you were paying for yourself." Suddenly brightening up, oblivious-or just plain ignorant-to her fuming visage, he spouted off, "Well, that's alright then! I'll pay for you, and you can pay me back later, Higurashi."

She felt a vein pop as she calmed herself, whilst the boy went back to purchasing her ticket. Pay you back…? You're kidding me…. What kind of date is this supposed to be, anyway? Rubbing her forehead with a finger, she wasn't certain if she wanted to contemplate any deeper on that. "Sure, Houjou," she grumbled as she followed him through the double doors and into the waiting area/food court.

The lines were moving pretty swiftly, due to the earlier showing; when the seven-thirty throng hit, it'd be more bustling than the current trot of things.

Unzipping his dark green jacket to reveal a nice, button-up periwinkle shirt, the lad fumbled with his money for a moment, eyes glimpsing at the snack items. "Wanna get something, Higurashi?"

Rather dully glaring at him, Kagome said in the same manner, "Are you sure I won't have to pay for it?"

Perplexed again--as he seemed to be so easily--he gaped at her. "Higurashi," he started off quite slowly before breaking out into exuberance again, "what would make you think a silly thing like that?"

Forcing herself not to pratfall, she gawked for a moment. But you just…and I…pay back…? Ugh! Never mind…. Feigning sweetness in her tone, struggling to restrain from doing and/or saying something austere, herself as her aggravation level went up a few notches, "I don't know, Houjou."

"You're so funny, Higurashi," he laughed whilst she sighed and admitted defeat.

After waiting in line for a little while as Houjou told the girl how thrilled he was to be able to go out with her. It did succeed in making Kagome smile timidly, returning him to her good graces.

Getting a large bag of popcorn-with extra butter, naturally-, two sodas, and some candies, the pair meandered to the entrance of the hall of showings. The boy gazed around, commenting enthusiastically on all the movies that were going to be playing in the near future, and questioning his date on her opinion. Most of them time it was a thoughtful, "Looks good," or a distracted, "Looks like a remake."

A tired looking college kid stood at the small ticket receptacle, appearing that he'd rather be working on Sociology homework than be on duty that night; at the moment, he was staring at his claws with enormous interest.

Still holding both of their tickets, Houjou proudly thrust them at the guy, who stared at him like he was some form of lunatic. With a sigh, the theater worker ripped the vouchers and gave the stubs back. "Have a good night and enjoy your picture," he said rather mechanically, though he managed a quick smile for Kagome when she passed. He also whispered to her, "And good luck making it thru the whole showing with that guy."

"Eh?" was all she managed, peering at Houjou's retreating backside; awful pathetic if people noticed how-well-pitiable the direction this date was heading so far…. "Uh, thanks---I think…." Assuring her self that first dates weren't always so magical and wonderful, and supposing that even a polite, attractive boy like Houjou hadn't been on too many in the past, Kagome took a deep breath before putting on a plucky grin and jogging up to her date.

He spun around and pointed to a doorway a little ways down the hall. "Our movie's not far off. Let's hurry; I don't want to miss the previews."

Previews? Kagome hated the previews. Well, they were ok, she supposed, but she came to the picture, not the advertisements; however, she didn't lose heart that this date would turn out alright, regardless of something as petty as cinema going preferences. It wasn't like it was critical that they agreed on every minute detail. "Let's go then."

"Great!" Striding swiftly ahead, Houjou made his route to the entryway with a few stretches of his long legs.

Poor Kagome, on the other hand, who was no where near as tall as the boy-who was only half Japanese and had inherited the height trait of a foreigner-had to scuttle as quick as she dared. At least he waited for her to meet him. She was a tad more endeared to him when he held open the door for her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Higurashi." He gave a small bow, which was rather funny as he had the bag of popcorn tucked under one arm along with his drink in his other hand. Some of the popcorn spilt onto the red carpeting, and the boy looked more than a little embarrassed and befuddled as to what course of action to take.

Giggling into her palm, Kagome crouched down and scooped up the excess food and tossed it into the trashcan when she stood. Shaking her head, still laughing, she grabbed Houjou's arm and led him into the theater, the lights having yet dimmed. "Don't worry about that. We picked up most of it."

"Th-th-thanks, H-H-Higurashi," he stammered as they wound their way around up to the middle tier of the stadium seats.

Pausing to glance at him, she asked, "Houjou, why are you blushing?"

"W-well, I-um-you are…" he stuttered again previous to finally gesturing with his noggin at her hand, which continued to grasp his forearm.

"Oh, oops, sorry," she apologized. She slipped her hand off and toddled before him as they slid into the row; Houjou accidentally stepped on her toes, earning a stifled hiss of pain from her.

He did, however, act contrite because of his deed, saying sorry copiously. To help rectify his klutziness, the boy made silly faces at her and read the trivia questions in funny voices. His grin got very wide each time Kagome giggled at his antics. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I was actually worried you weren't having a good time to start off with."

The girl smiled gently at him, waving a hand. "Are you kidding? I'm having a wonderful time." Though some of that babble I could've been without….

"Good." Gradually, the torch-style lights on the walls lowered, and only the glow of the screen and the small bulbs along the walkways illuminated the theater. "Great! The previews are starting."

"Yeah, I guess," Kagome half-heartedly agreed with a shrug. Sipping a bit of her lemon-lime soda, observing as the familiar dancing popcorn and soda came across the screen, idly listening to Houjou's excited remarks, which she was going to endure for the next fifteen minutes at least. Sliding off her jacket and scarf with a petite moan, This is going to be one long date….

---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

Gods it's fucking cold out… thought Inuyasha as he trudged along barefoot on the footway. He bowed his head low, hands shoved in his pockets, extremely thankful to that fat feline lying back at home. Buyo had picked out a ribbed, turtleneck sweater that would hide his collar from view. It held nicely to his form, and definitely kept him warm, but not so bundled up that he wasn't mobile. He'd have to reward that fur ball later on, if he got the chance.

Maybe if he was really lucky he could get this blasted collar off tonight.

If that happened, he'd be more than glad to purchase a miniature palace for that feline.

Inuyasha brought a fist up and rubbed a numbing cheek with his knuckles. "Only a couple of blocks more," he whispered to himself. He'd managed to find a map from a phonebook, which he ripped out, and double checked his directions with a passerby.

The woman had been totally stunned by his lack of footwear and had given him some yen, insisting that he go buy some shoes. She had constantly kept saying that Buddha would bless him and release his soul from bondage, whatever the hell that meant. Yet it was almost humorous at how unwittingly correct she was. She'd inquired if there was anything else she could do besides donate some funds and give him directions.

He'd thought it over, and asked her--courteously enough that would have made his mother proud, as well as keep his nerves in check-if she could please remove the leather choker around his throat; he explained with a faint chuckle that a young fox-demon had played a trick on him while he was sleeping at his friend's house. He went on by saying that the same fox-child had destroyed his sneakers with his Kitsunebi.

Obliging with a laugh, the woman had reached up to the silver clasp when Inuyasha lowered the neck of his sweater; however, when she touched it, a barrier crackled around it and she yanked her hands away.

He expressed his regret, saying that he hadn't expected the child to have put such a barrier on the choker. Showing his appreciation of her for all the help, he had watched as she hesitatingly walked away, thinking bitterly about Kikyou's long-forgotten words when he'd had the spell placed on him fifty years ago.

"Only a priestess, a powerful miko like me, will ever be strong enough to remove that collar, Inuyasha." She snickered, placing a graceful, ashen hand over her mouth as she did, tittering glibly. "Don't whimper so, Inuyasha; it's unbecoming."

Gods, how he hated that bitch.

And to think he'd actually believed he'd loved her at one point in his crazy life.

With a sigh, he tramped around the few people milling along the Tokyo walkway, only having one thing fueling his mind: find Kagome. Now.

Pausing at a crosswalk, Inuyasha waited none too patiently as the cars whizzed by. He crossed his arms and drummed his fingertips in irritation. He really wished that the world would freeze and let him just cross already! Why couldn't the whole damn city, if not the entire earth, cease what it was doing so he, the great Inuyasha, could cross the fucking street?

Ok, maybe his nerves were starting to bother him. Still, hopeful thought, anyway, right?

After an eternity of thirty seconds, the vehicles came to a halt at the handy white line, and the green pedestrian walk sign flickered on across the way. Loping over the pavement, Inuyasha made it to the other footway, the theater not far off. Full out sprinting, the boy dodged around people, determined to get to there as fast as he could. Every second he knew that Kagome was with that scrawny human-he, of course, was above that kid-it made Inuyasha more perturbed; heart pounding hard, an odd sort of dread rushing through his veins, the boy gnawed on his bottom lip as he willed his body to move with the speed it had once retained once upon fifty years ago.

Zooming through the double doors of the lobby, Inuyasha slipped to a stop, grasping onto the velvet rope as he ground his feet into the damp mat. He shook his head, and, seeing that the line was way too long, and he having no shoes-remembering the 'no shoes, no service' policy-the lad took the time to warm up and think of a plan.

I don't have a lot of choices here,he thought, watching people filter passed him. I can try and get through by running this way, but there's too much space for them to catch me. I don't even know what film Kagome's seeing, anyway. Smirking, his answer came. But I can sneak in thru the alleyway. Decision made, he skirted out again.

Inuyasha jogged the edge of the block until he came to the alley. Sidling in, he searched for a door that opened into the cinema. Finding a side-door of sorts, he entered. As the door shut after him, the boy found himself cloaked in darkness. Glimpsing around quickly, he was startled when a bright light shined in directly in his eyes.

Holding a hand up to shield his vision, he peered up through his eyelashes at a gangly teenage guy. He gripped the black flashlight menacingly, glowering at Inuyasha. "I didn't see you come in. Where's your ticket?"

Bringing his gaze down to the guy's feet, dressed in a nice pair of newer red high-tops, he inquired with a derisively light tone, "You've got good-sized feet, don't you?"

Raising an eyebrow curiously, the theater worker responded slowly, "Yeah, I do."

Looking back up to him, Inuyasha smirked. "Good, so do I." He raised his fist a bit. "Don't take this personally." Rearing his fist back, he slammed it into the side of the guy's face. He waited as the other boy stood there, stunned for a moment-countenance a complete blank-- previous to keeling in front of him.

Crouching down, Inuyasha untied the running shoes' laces and removed them from the guy's feet. Sliding the pair on and finding that they fit pretty well considering they were already broken in a bit, he laced them up. He got up, wiggling his toes a little with satisfaction. The boy lifted his foot to step over the body of the fallen male, when he reversed the action with an annoyed sigh; fiddling in his pocket for a moment, he retrieved a few bills and stuck them in his hand. "Like I said, nothing personal, kid," he stated, shutting off the flashlight.

Strutting into the shadow-filled chamber in his permanently borrowed sneakers, Inuyasha climbed the red carpeted stairs, scanning the rows for Kagome. He spotted her about midway, seated next to that dork. He felt a growl start in his throat, not his most intimidating, and was shushed by a nearby cat-demon. Making a face, the boy sought out a seat close enough to pair, but not so close that he was easily noticed.

The whole row behind them was completely empty. Staring rather longingly at Kagome as he passed, he was a bit surprised when he saw her give him a quick dip of her head, flashing him a smile when she turned to pick up her fallen jacket. Giving a brief half-smile in return, he moved to the level behind her, waiting for the choicest moment.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

Kagome was sitting on the edge of her seat, absolutely engrossed in the plot line. Right now, Mel Gibson's character was outside a pantry door where, locked within, was the alien, but no one could be for sure. She held her breath as she watched the character grab a knife from the kitchen and use the shiny surface as a mirror to see what was prowling on the other side; at the moment, she was oblivious to Houjou's arm draped around the back of her chair.

She leaned forward even more, as was most of the audience, when they all saw a flash of green legs pacing the floor. The movement stopped, and the girl exhaled and inhaled once quickly, eyes still glued.

Then, suddenly, as Houjou leaned over to brush away a tendril of her hair, the creature shot its hand through the gap and Kagome screeched as the boy's fingers came in contact with her skin. Her own hands flew up to the sides, one of which smacked her date right in the face. Gasping, she whipped her head around to stare at the boy.

The unfortunate Houjou sat with his palms clasped over his nose, a rivulet of dark liquid trickling around over his lips and chin. A few people turned to see what all the fuss was about.

"Oh! Houjou!" she gasped again, shakily scrounging up a handkerchief from her purse. Pushing his hands out of the way and laying the cloth on top of his bleeding nose, she requested forgiveness. "I really didn't mean to-oh, Houjou, I'm so, so sorry!"

He took in a few deep breaths, moving his fingers to the place where hers had been, attempting to stanch the flow. Smiling encouragingly, he laughed faintly, "You have a really strong backhand, Higurashi." Seeing, even in the dimness of the theater-and his own little brain-that she blanched, he hastily added on, "But I'll really be fine. It doesn't hurt all that much."

"Uh…hehe…" she managed weakly, trailing off as pink stained her cheeks out of disparaging embarrassment and remorse. She struggled to ignore the sniggers of the group of teenage guys seated across the aisle. "You should probably get that cleaned up."

Standing up carefully, Houjou made a feeble nod. "I'll wash up in the men's room."

"Ok," she said as he sidestepped out. With a sigh, Kagome rubbed a temple with her forefinger. This was going pretty bad for a first date. She was about to refocus her attention back on the film, when she felt somebody slide into Houjou's vacant seat. Glancing over, she saw a guy with bleached hair, maybe two or three years older than she; he was one of the young men from moments ago that had been chortling at her poor suitor's expense.

"It looks like your date isn't going so well," the guy said, leaning towards her and throwing an arm around her shoulders. Drawing her closer, albeit she wriggled, he whispered into her ear, "So, how about me and my boys show you the town tonight?"

"Leave me alone!" Kagome shoved against the guy's chest as she sought to rise.

"Sit down," he chuckled scathingly, grabbing her around the waist and yanking her to her seat again. "Enjoy the movie."

"Hey, bastard, she said she wants you to leave her alone, so leave her the hell alone!" a new male voice barked from behind. Simultaneously, the owner of the voice had leapt over the tier, wrenched the other boy's hold from around Kagome, and impelled the kid into a wall, seizing him by the throat. He began off, in a mock-playful tone, "Look, we can do this one of two ways. The first is that you don't get your ass kicked, and you go back to your loser friends.

"The second is one I like a bit more. I kick you ass now," the boy gave a sharp squeeze on the other's neck, "and make you wish you'd never laid your eyes on that girl. Do you understand?"

Bobbing his noggin quickly in his restraining position, he spluttered in a croaky voice, "Y-yeah…."

"Glad a simpleton like you gets the message." With that, the rescuer let the guy drop to the floor. "Now get out of here before I stop feeling so damn gracious." Waiting until the other guy left, he shimmied over to Kagome. "Are you ok? He didn't hurt you or anything?" he asked, worry lighting his eyes.

"Uh---no," she replied, shaking her head. "Just scared me."

"Good." He took over as the third claimer of Houjou's seat. Turning his gaze to her, he asked calmly, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Huh? Oh no, that's fine." The girl smiled at him. Weird…it seems like I've heard that voice from somewhere before. They watched a majority of the movie in silence; Kagome even shared her chocolate mints and the remainder of popcorn with him.

At one point, towards the last ten minutes or so-Houjou had still yet to return--, they both reached in for some more popcorn and in return grabbed something else entirely. "Sorry," the boy said, quickly releasing her hand. "I was, uh…"

"Looking for some popcorn, right?" she finished, swiveling her head to face him. Warmth was spreading steadily across the bridge of her nose, swimming down her cheeks.


Finally, the credits started to roll and the lights brightened. The people began to get up and stretch with their voices a boisterous as they discussed the various elements of the motion picture; a few couples that had used the film for other purposes leapt speedily to their feet hustled out.

Kagome also got up and worked her stiff muscles. "That was a really good movie!" Pivoting her gaze to her savior, she suddenly felt a little nervous and self-conscious. Her knight in shining armor had turned out to be an impossibly handsome human boy.

He had a stalwart jaw and a long, rather sharp, nose. Deep, midnight black hair fell, unbound, to waist level, which dropped the masculinity of some guys or just made them look utterly ridiculous, yet it was well-suited for this particular boy. She also could tell from the way his clothes hung that he had an agile, lean build.

Yet, that wasn't what seemed to draw her to him.

It was his eyes.

They were an intense wine color framed by dark eyebrows and nice lashes. His irises were spiked with the occasional deep swirls of burgundy and sapphire that hadn't quite coalesced; inexplicably, though, his pupils were slotted like a cat's.

And at that moment, those alluring eyes were paying attention to her.

"Should we check on that friend of yours?" he inquired, a smile seeming to tug on the edge of his lips at her flustered, pink face as he strode out of the row.

"Um, sure." She swiftly picked up her purse, Houjou's coat, and slipped on her own jacket before catching up to where he waited. Together, they began to descend the theater steps, when she halted.

Subsequently, the boy was surprised. "Why'd you stop?" He quirked an eyebrow as she turned to face him.

She grinned at him. "You never told me your name. Mine's Kagome. What's yours?"

At that, Inuyasha's heart whammed against his ribcage agitatedly. How could he not have thought of something as simple as this? Of course she'd want to know his name when they met like this, but what in the seven hells was he supposed to tell her? Inuyasha couldn't very well come out and tell her the truth, as how would he explain that to her? It wasn't very often one meets another with the actual given name the same as their dog, and wearing the same collar, no less.

Hell, it wasn't everyday that someone met a humanoid being that claimed to be their house pet on a moonless night.

That would ensure a one-way ticket to the Funny Farm.

However, as all the questions fluttered round his brain in a matter of nanoseconds, his mouth-the most frequently used and functioning part of his anatomy-took over. "Taisho. My name is Taisho." His voice, luckily, came our neither hesitant nor uncertain. But… I used Father's name… Inuyasha thought, awed slightly, in tandem, reverently. Hope I don't do anything to shame it.

Previously to brightly smiling, the girl seemed taken aback for a moment. Still, Kagome nodded as the odd sentiment departed. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Taisho."

They swung around to the lower level and exited. Reaching the hallway, they bumbled their way over to the restrooms, when they spotted a familiar noggin full of ruddy-sandy hair. Changing course, Kagome and 'Taisho' sprinted to where Houjou sat on a plump sofa. With his head between his legs-spaced about shoulder width apart-- the handkerchief was pressed tightly on top of his nose.

Upon hearing footfalls advancing his way, the male brought his gaze up. He waved at them. "Hey, Kagome," he said, the words muffled by the white cotton cloth.

"Hi, Houjou." She knelt down in front of him, eyes filled with guilt. "I really didn't mean for this to happen."

He made a little bob of his cranium in response. "I know…. Higurashi, I'm really sorry."

The girl blinked. "Huh? Why are you sorry?"

Lowering his peering to the white and black speckled tile, he ashamedly said, "I know this date turned out terrible."


"And I know it wasn't exactly ideal, what with you hitting me in the nose." Thankfully he didn't notice the ashamed look on the girl's face switch to irritation as she clenched a fist. "I know you didn't mean to, Higurashi." Turning his kindly brown eyes on her, giving her a softening glimpse, he told her in quiet assurance, "I'm sure you can't help it that you're a klutz."

That pratfall she'd felt approaching earlier finally got its way as the lass tumbled to one side. Swiftly righting herself, she hid her embarrassment. I'm the klutz?! You're the one who was bumbling around! Kagome mentally railed angrily. She spared a glance at 'Taisho' as he snickered at her. After a mild glare sent was his way, she fixed it on Houjou, speaking rigidly, "Well, let's not dwell on that, ok? Instead, how's your nose doing?"

"It's doing better," he admitted, scooting rearwards on the sofa cushion. "It hasn't stopped bleeding, though."

"Oh…I see…."

Noticing for the first time the boy standing with her, glowering at him, Houjou grinned behind the hankie. "Hi! Are you a friend of Higurashi's?"

"…A new acquaintance," Inuyasha replied, still eyeballing the other male warily. I've only known Kagome a month, but yeah, I'm a new acquaintance, even if I've shared meals with her, sleep in her bed…. Alright, maybe that thought was taking on the wrong connotation, so the boy curbed it before any more of his testosterone-induced nature came into play. He was NOT a gutter-mind! Swallowing the insult he wanted to launch at Houjou, "You know, if your nose is bleeding so badly, you should probably have someone pick you up and take you home." Weakling, he added in his mind.

"But, I can't leave Higurashi by herself--," Houjou began.

"I'm sure I can get a ride or something home--," also started Kagome when her mouth suddenly shut and she groaned, smacking her forehead with her palm. "I can't believe this!"

"No, need to get upset, Higurashi," her failed date stated serenely.

Inuyasha spoke right after the other boy. "What is it?"

She, having buried her countenance in her hands, gradually raised her head. Tiredness marred her face heavily. "My little brother and my mom were going to an indoor soccer game."

Houjou suggested helpfully, "What about your grandfather?"

Patience wearing ever thinner, and struggling to resist the slight homicidal urges that always began to pulsate through her when she got miffed, she replied loudly, "As if I'd let Gramps behind the wheel of a car, especially with me in it!"

Watching the whole escapade with a hidden smirk of triumph, Inuyasha looked pointedly at Kagome. "What if I walk you home?"

"What? Really?" she asked, startled.

He replied nonchalantly, "Yeah, sure. No problem, just tell me where you live." As if he didn't already know where she lived, in addition to her bedroom décor.

Kagome pondered for a moment, studying the new boy. What was it about him? It was so strange, she never this trusting. Yet, somehow…she just knew she could trust him, that he wouldn't hurt her or anything, just the opposite. It's like I've met him before…. "Ok, Taisho. Houjou, have your mom come and pick you up. I'll be fine."

Nodding, and then cringing in pain, the boy waved. "Be safe, Higurashi. I'll see you another time."

"See you." Kagome waved as she and 'Taisho' padded out of the cinema complex. "I live at the Sunset Shrine in the heart of Tokyo. It should take us about fifteen to twenty minutes to get there. Do you know where that is?"

"Yeah. I've been there several times."

"Really? I've never seen you there."

He smirked like a ghost. "I have a way of being pretty damn unnoticeable."

The wind chill must have descended a few degrees, as a few icicles could be seen hanging off a nearby streetlamp. Together, the pair made it to the crosswalk. They waited in a thick silence as they watched for the "Don't Walk" light to change.

Inuyasha wasn't quite sure what to do from this point, now that he was alone with her; he hadn't exactly planned this far ahead. Alright, he never planned anything other than somehow getting out of the house and tracking her down from there. He was just playing it by ear.

Strategy had never been his strong suit, give him a break.

At least he knew that, as mentioned previously, "Hey, I've been your dog for the past month," was definitely not a good conversation starter. Gods, he wasn't that much of a simpleton.

The sign changed and they walked across. It was eerily silent for Tokyo, even if this wasn't the heart of the thriving metropolis, it still was a huge city; only a handful of people and cars milled the road. The neon signs still glowed brightly, teasing the two by their radiating warmth.

"So," Kagome began, thankfully for him, "where are you from?"

"Tokyo," he answered. "I was born in Hitachi."

"Wow, that quite a ways."

Inuyasha shrugged. "I've lived in Tokyo pretty much my whole life. What about you?"

"I've lived in the shrine my whole life." She smiled at him. "It's the only home I've ever known."

He nodded. "I see."

For a while, the walk was fairly quiet; only fragments of conversation were exchanged, due to how cold it was. But also, it seemed like it was sufficient. When Inuyasha slyly asked if Houjou was Kagome's boyfriend, she made a face and rejected to the suggestion, to his immense pleasure.

Kagome continued to glance over at him, absolutely curious about him. It was this almost déjà vu feeling, like reliving a dream. She felt like she knew him, but she didn't know him. It was completely baffling and annoying and wonderful all at once.

He seemed to be a more of an introvert to her, and from what he told her about himself, she vicariously knew why. Apparently his older brother-whom he consistently liked to refer to as 'bastard'-- couldn't stand him and his parents had passed away when he was small; she hadn't pressed into either matter. She kind of grasped that it wouldn't have been wise.

Taisho's swearing habit made her giggle for some odd reason. It suited that brooding expression on his face and sarcastic tongue of his when they had a battle of words. Kagome supposed she didn't mind it so much, as Miroku could get such colorful language at times, and it was so refreshing after enduring Houjou for a majority of the night. Taisho didn't seem to mind the fact that she was a girl; he didn't get as bashful and shy as Houjou by any stretch of the imagination, and he seemed to know her so much better!

Nonetheless, there was a nagging sensation in her back of her mind. Have we met before, Taisho? She couldn't quite place it, but there was something about him, like an aura. A very familiar aura.

"Kagome," Inuyasha said near inaudibly, breaking the stillness between as he spoke her name for the first time; it felt good on his lips and the taste on his tongue when he spoke it made him feel anxious. "You're…you're beautiful."

Red painted itself speedily and heavily over her cheeks. She looked away, twirling a lock of raven hair around her finger. "Thank you," she whispered, at a loss of words.

He gave her a half-smile. Everyday he was with Kagome, canine or human like this, he'd begun to feel a bit different. His heart seemed fuller and bigger, and life-cursed as he was-didn't seem so bad. It was as if being with her made everything better.

The sudden remedy for a fifty or more year illness reminded him of when he was young, when he believed a kiss could heal everything. Inuyasha gaze dropped a little to the ground. The whole time I was with Kikyou, we never kissed. I don't think I ever really wanted to….

Inadvertently, the boy had found Kagome's lips in his line of sight; apparently they'd shifted upwards of their own accord during his contemplation. The throbbing, burning sensation that rippled throughout his chest took him by surprise, almost to the point of consuming. His emotions were going haywire and he was struggling to grasp onto a coherent thought to explain what was happening. Then he surmised his answer: I want to kiss Kagome….

They looked soft, and he mused what it would be like if he ever got to taste them.

Maybe if he was returned to his half-demon form, to be his true self, and she knew him a bit better, he could then.

Unfortunately, there was another damn stipulation to that stupid binding collar.

"That collar can only be removed when you're a dog, Inuyasha," Kikyou said, pausing at the doorway. "Otherwise, it'll repel them, priestess or not. And I doubt that there's anyway for you to get them to take it off."

Damn Kikyou! She thought of every fucking loophole possible! No way could he ever ask Kagome to remove the collar; she'd recognize it instantly as her dog's, and that would make for a less than good situation. But Inuyasha solidly refused that there was no hope of ever being a person again, even if he was reverted to the disgraceful, hated status of a hanyou. He would not let her stupid spell dictate his life, now that he was free from her.

Kagome's giggly voice interrupted his livid cogitation. "Oh, wow! Look, Taisho, it's snowing!"

"Hmm?" Glancing up into the opaque sky, Inuyasha could see snowflakes glide to the sidewalks, the rooftops, the car hoods and roofs, and couples like themselves moseying to their destinations. With a pensive expression, he spoke reflectively. "My mother used to tell me a story when I was little about when it snowed."

"Really?" the girl asked, turning her blue-grey eyes attentively on him. "What did she say?"

Thinking for a moment, he let out a deep laugh. "To tell you the truth-I can't remember right now."

Kagome smiled with a shake of her head. Glimpsing up, she saw they were at the base of the temple steps. "I live right up here."

I know that. "I'll walk you up."

"Are you sure this isn't out of your way, Taisho?" she inquired timidly.

"No, I don't live far from here." Not far at all. "Come on." Taking his hand and placing in on the small of her back, he ushered her upwards.

Surprised, but pleasantly so, Kagome allowed her escort to help her. They made it to the landing, and she dove into her purse and retrieved her house key, still ambling to the front door. "Thank you so much, Taisho."

He tilted his head at familiar angle as they came to a stop. "For what?"

She studied him for a moment, cobalt orbs shining in the moonlight. "For being so nice. You made those guys leave me alone, you walked me home…maybe, you know," she glimpsed down, "could come and eat dinner with my family as thanks."

He was started, when he responded, but endeared even more by the girl's shyness. "I…I'd like that."

His voice came out soft and tender, just like his eyes, when Kagome gazed up. His eyes were so well-known to her, in some way. She knew those pools of violet from somewhere…. Do I know you, Taisho? Kagome asked herself. We've never met, but I know you…somehow. "Well, you're more than welcome to stop by the shrine any time. Stay warm." She pressed the key into the hole and gave it a turn. Sliding the front door open, gaze shifting back to the boy, she said, "Good night, Taisho."

"Good night…Kagome…" he whispered her name with a dreamy look coloring his expressive eyes. Stepping back torpidly as he watched her shut the door, Inuyasha whirled on his heel and sauntered his way to around the shrine grounds; the snow came in thicker collections on the stone. He meandered to the Goshinboku where he sat cross-legged at its base between the wide, gnarled roots on the frozen ground.

He was well aware that he couldn't very well return to the cozy shrine-house. Laying his dark-locked cranium against the bark of the thousand-year-old tree, Inuyasha longed for the warm blankets of Kagome's bed, of the sweet scent that perfumed the entire chamber, of the soft heat of Kagome's body cradling his doggy-form close as she slept with a cute smile on her pink lips. More snow collected on the boughs of the god-tree above him.

Inuyasha pined for Kagome. Even if he was stuck as a dog a majority of the time, at least he could be near her.

Glancing upwards to her bedroom, the boy spotted the girl at her window, presumably leaning on the wooden ledge from the warmth behind the glass. It was hard to tell exactly what her expression was, but it looked happy from his vantage point, cleverly obscured from her line of sight. Altering his stare, Inuyasha's eyes moved to face the general direction in which Kagome had been gazing. Over the shrine wall, he could make it tops of buildings, the Tokyo skyline. Snow was shimmering as it sifted on the quieted city, taking solace for one seemingly enchanted night on the rooftops and peaks beneath it; in the same way, it sieved from the limbs and sky in unison fore Inuyasha's vision as he went to gaze towards Kagome's window once more.

Snow… Inuyasha whispered so softly in his thoughts. Snow begins to fall when two people are in love…. His eyelids lowered gradually. Snow means love…

---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

A/N: So, how was that everyone? My longest chapter for "On a Leash" thus far; I don't think I'll make them all this long, unless you want me to, that is. In any case, today's the first day of my madrigal! My high school went pretty out on props and stuff. I'm really excited; I'm in the serving chorus. (Or a wench. ^^') Sorry if I didn't answer everyone's question, but I'll try to fit it in the next update. You can continue to ask and suggest torture. Also tell what you really liked in this chapter. It makes me smile. ^^

Inuyasha: Damn, stupid ass thing….

Whatcha got there?

Inuyasha: This block-y thing. Why the hell won't the damn colors just line up?!

Uh…I…don't know. *sweat drops* Really shouldn't give him Rubix cubes…. (I'm still no sure on the spelling of that word; Word 2000 is going ga-ga over it.)

Note something: I'm going to try and finish "The Mysterious Little Visitor" before I finish "On a Leash" because I'm so close to the end. If I'm lucky, you only have to go two weeks to a month without an update, ok? Please check that one out; it was my very first fan fiction I started a year ago on Hero in the 21st Century.


~Moonlight Shadow