InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once upon a time in Pervertville…….. ❯ Once upon a time in Pervertville…….. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Once upon a time in Pervertville……..
Once upon a time in a village hidden in the remote mountains of Uummshalala there lived a young boy named Takemaru. Takemaru was an adventurous boy and one day while exploring the woods around his house hr got lost for days and ended up in a town called Setsuna far, far away from his mountainous home. There he met a man named Ye Wana Cumalot who owned a house full of young boys all around the age of Takemaru. This man loved young boys but once he saw Takemaru he vowed to have him.
Takemaru, being only fourteen and quite effeminate, was a prime candidate for the next boy to be added to Ye Wana Cumalots' collection of pretty boys to molest.
Takemaru was cold and hungry and being naïve believed Ye Wana Cumalot when he said he ran a house for poor orphaned boys and agreed to stay in the house until his parents could be informed of where he was. Once in the house Takemaru was well cared for and made friends with all the other boys who were very happy to have Ye Wana Cumalots attention off of them.
After living in the house for almost six months during the cold season and constantly being around him Takemaru began to have certain feelings towards Ye Wana Cumalot that confused him. Ye Wana Cumalot used Takemaru's confusion to gain his trust by saying that it was all right to have those feelings towards other men and admitting that he too liked Takemaru in that way. The two of them began a relationship and Takemaru moved out of the boy's house and into Ye Wana Cumalot's house.
Takemaru eventually fell in love with Ye Wana Cumalot and changed is name to Hai I Wana Cumalot so that if his parents ever looked for him they couldn't find him now that he was in love with a man.
However their happily ever after was short lived and after two years of living together Hai I Wana Cumalot walked in on Ye Wana Cumalot having an affair with Me Sook Yoo from next door. Hai I Wana Cumalot was devastated and ran out of the house and into the arms of Jack MeOff from the Far West. Jack MeOff had been watching Hai I Wana Cumalot for weeks and fell in love with Hai I Wana Cumalot the first sight he saw him. Seizing the opportunity Jack MeOff grabbed Hai I Wana Cumalot and kidnapped him into the woods. Once in the woods he told Hai I Wana Cumalot about his feelings and that he knew about Ye Wana Cumalots betrayal. He asked if Hai I Wana Cumalot wanted to run away with him to a place Ye Wana Cumalot could never find him or hurt him ever again. Hai I Wana Cumalot agrees to run away with him to feudal Japan.
Once in the feudal era Hai I Wana Cumalot and Jack MeOff traveled the beautiful area searching for the perfect place to live. Once in a village they deemed suitable they built a house and live there. During that time Hai I Wana Cumalot started falling in love with Jack MeOff but was reluctant to act on those feelings because of what Ye Wana Cumalot had done to him. Jack MeOff knew Hai I Wana Cumalot was having problems dealing with his past lovers betrayal so he planned a romantic picnic where he again declared his love and said that he would wait forever for the return of his love and that he would travel anywhere to prove his love. Hai I Wana Cumalot said that if Jack MeOff really loved him he would go on a one week journey and on this journey he had to get everything off of a list and bring it back. If he had everything at the end of the week Hai I Wana Cumalot would stay with Jack MeOff forever.
Jack MeOff went out on this journey but he couldn't find the last object, Tears of a True Love's Tally Wacker, a rare flower. Defeated he returned home ready to say goodbye to his love forever. Hai I Wana Cumalot was waiting at the door when he entered and Jack MeOff reluctantly told him of his failure. Hai I Wana Cumalot just smiled and held out a flower. It was the Tears of a True Love's Tally Wacker.
Hai I Wana Cumalot changed his name again to Yoo Wana Jack MeOff and after Jack MeOff came back and the two were married.
It was also discovered that Yoo Wana Jack MeOff could get pregnant and he displayed this ability numerous times.
As he grew with child everybody could hear him screaming at Jack MeOff in pregnant rants. Jack MeOff was often seen with black eyes and bruises from the objects that got thrown at him.
When their first son was born they named him Little Sook MeOff.
And they lived happily ever after….and had more kids with cooler names like Me Fook Yoo and Yoo Fook Me who were twins.
Written by: Schuldig