InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Question ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:  I don’t own InuYasha or any of the characters therein.  They are the property of Rumiko Takahashi, and she does a beautiful job!

Please forgive any spelling and grammatical errors.

One Question

Chapter 4


“InuYasha, you can’t just tell a child that!”

She had to be quiet.  Ariana was just now asleep in her bed.

“What’s the big deal, Kagome? It’s not like he is ever going to come back for her if he hasn’t shown himself by now.”

Kagome rubbed her forehead, “that’s not the point.  The rest of her life she is going to believe that you are her father.”

InuYasha shrugged his shoulders, “so?”

“I can’t have some man I barely know being my baby’s father,” she couldn’t believe how lightly he was taking this.

“So, what are you going to do, Kagome?  Tell her that her daddy doesn’t want her?  Tell her that I am not her real dad?” He asked her as he waved his hand towards where the girl’s bedroom was located.

“I don’t know, InuYasha.” Kagome told him seriously.  This whole situation just got really complicated.

Kagome went over to sit on her brown suede couch.

InuYasha followed quietly behind her, “Listen, I know that the whole thing is hard on you, and I know that you have worked really hard for her so far Kagome, but… If you will let me,” he began as he took her hand, “I would love to be a father-figure for her… at the very least.”

Kagome felt tears building in her bright blue orbs, “thank you,” she told him as she began to sob in his shoulder.


Kagome woke up to her daughter’s voice in the kitchen, along with some not so wanted noise of some pots and pans.  Worried, Kagome quickly got off the couch and headed into the room, but she was not expecting this.

“No, we have to add the eggs first,” Ariana was saying.

“I am the one holding the box with the directions,” he pointed out to her.

“What are directions?”

His brown eyes locked onto hers and he smiled, “they’re daddy instructions.”

Ariana’s face brightened immediately, “are daddy instructions only good for daddies?”

InuYasha crinkled his nose as he thought about it for a moment, “Yeah, I think it is one of the requirements.”

“Aw, man,” Ariana protested as she banged her foot on the ground.

“Hey, shush,” he told Ariana as he placed a finger over his lips, “remember, we have to be quiet because we are trying to make mommy breakfast.”

Ariana nodded in agreement as she placed her finger over her lips and made the shush noise.

Kagome quickly stepped out of the kitchen.

There were so many feelings that resided within her just from seeing those two interact, and she still wasn’t sure if it was a good idea, but Ariana sure looked happy, and so did he, so maybe it all would work out in the end, at least, in a perfect world, if that’s what she was living in, she hoped it would.


“Hello?̶ 1;

“Hey Kagome.”

“Hey Kikyo,” Kagome smiled to herself.  She could always count on her sister to call her bright and early on a Saturday morning.

“So…” Kikyo began.

Kagome rolled her eyes, she knew where this conversation was heading, “so… what?”

“Kagome, don’t play dumb with me.  How did yesterday go?”

Kagome laughed, “yesterday went –”

“Surprise mommy!” Ariana said as she pranced into the living room, barely carrying the two glasses of chocolate milk that she was in charge of.  

Kagome halted her daughter before she could drop all the contents on the floor, “baby lets not spill that everywhere.”

Ariana looked at the cell phone, “is that auntie Kikyo?”

“Hi Ariana,” Kikyo said into Kagome’s ear.

“Aunt Kikyo says hi,” she told her daughter as she placed the chocolate milk onto the coffee table.

“Kikyo?” InuYasha asked confused as he entered the living room carrying a huge tray with scrambled eggs, sausages, and pancakes.

“Is InuYasha there? Kagome, what’s going on?”

“Mommy tell Aunt Kikyo that my daddies here!”

InuYasha and Kagome looked at each other wide eyed.

“Kagme!” Kikyo was yelling into the phone.

Kagome felt like crawling into a corner and dying, “I am going to have to call you back.”


After Kagome sent Ariana to her room, she knew that she and InuYasha would have to really talk about this whole situation.  It seemed nice to let him pretend to be daddy, but in reality, they both knew it would have a lot of difficulties.

“So, what are we going to do?”

She felt like she had just taken two steps back.  Here they were in the exact same position as the day before, but now, there was a lot more pieces to the puzzle that needed to be added.

Kagome rubbed her forehead, she really had no clue as to where even to start.  “I don’t know.  It will be really awkward for Kikyo if this is the way we continue.”

InuYasha shook his head in agreement.  Out of all the outcomes, he didn’t want his ex-girlfriend to think that he had cheated on her with her sister.

“But at the same time,” Kagome continued, “if we told her our plan, I don’t think she will have a problem with it.”

Kagome hated saying that out-loud.  Calling it ‘the plan’ – her life couldn’t just be as simple as ‘the plan’ actually was.

InuYasha turned to face her, “and you don’t think she would be upset?” he asked cautiously.

Kagome studied him.  She wanted to know what he was thinking behind his dark brown eyes.  His worry lines around his eyes gave her all the answer she needed.  He was afraid.

Afriad of what – she had no idea.

She looked back at her palms joined together, and said the one true statement to him since she met him.  The one statement she knew would change everything, “I know she wouldn’t be upset.”


Kagome and InuYasha sat uncomfortably at the table waiting for Kikyo.  They told her they would meet her at 12:30, just after the lunch hour.

Kagome looked at InuYasha, and she could see the sweat droplets begin to form around his hairline.  She knew he was nervous, and the more she watched him, the more nervous she became even though she knew she had no true reason to be.

Kagome’s eyes focused to the door when the little bell rang signaling that someone had just entered the small Japanese restaurant.  She was not at all surprise to see her sister walking towards them with a sort of worried look on her face, but that was only battling with a somewhat relieved look as well, Kagome would have to ask her about that later.

Kikyo made her way to the table, having no trouble spotting the duo in the eight table seating area, and then sat down.

Kagome opened her mouth to talk, but InuYasha beat her to it.

“How are you today?”

Kagome had to let out a large breath; she hated how dotting the man still was over her sister.

Kikyo smiled at him, showing the smile lines that were always apparent around her eyes and lips, “I am good.  Just trying to get as much work done as possible before the big day,” she told him as she held up two of her fingers that were crossed.

InuYasha looked down at the table and nodded his head; a definite sign of what he was actually feeling, “Oh, well that’s great.”

Kikyo smiled sadly at him before turning to face Kagome, “So, what exactly did I hear earlier?”

She was grateful that her sister was not trying to jump on any ideas that she might have formulated in her head, but instead waited to hear it from her.

Kagome smiled meekly at her older sibling, “you heard Ariana wanting me to tell you that her daddy was at the apartment.”

Kikyo nodded her head slowly, “yes, but what does that have to do with InuYasha?”

By the calculated way Kikyo was forming her words, Kagome was glad that her sister’s speech class had taught her well on not giving anything away.  It was almost as if she were playing poker, and all her chips were on mediocre cards.

“We told her that I am her father,” InuYasha butted in.

Kagome looked at InuYasha surprised that he would have stated anything at all, but she was always underestimating the man.

Kikyo looked at them both shocked, “so he kn–”

Kagome quickly shook her head, “Ariana was really upset about not knowing her father, and I suppose,” she paused as she looked at the brown haired man to cover up her sisters’ words, “that InuYasha decided that he would be the father that Ariana never had.”

The light in Kikyo’s eyes immediately went away, “Oh I see.”

Kagome looked quickly at InuYasha and could tell from the concerned lines around his eyes that he was completely lost on what Kikyo’s demeanor gave away.

“Yes,” Kagome started up again, “I am sorry that we just dropped this in your lap, but we both feel that it would be best for Ariana.”

Kikyo gave off a slight laugh, the darkness not leaving her eyes, “I understand.”

“Do you?” InuYasha asked her worried.

Kagome felt her throat swell up.

Kikyo looked at him, her sad eyes searching over him.  

Kagome couldn’t help but look away, that look on her sisters face – it was one she never wished to see again.

“I do,” she reassured him, and when Kagome turned back to face them she caught a glimpse of Kikyos hand just leaving the comfort over InuYasha’s, and she knew that her sister was not at all okay with it.


A/N: love triangle coming? Hmmm…