InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Me ❯ Only Me ( Chapter 1 )

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She sits one night wondering about her relationship with him. She says a few things aloud and he happens to over hear. What will happen?



~ I want to feel like I'm the only one

The only time I feel like that

Is when you hold me tight

In my heart I know I not the only one

I'll always have to share your affections

If you have any feelings toward me that is ~


She sighed she knew he'd never notice her as long as she'd been with him he'd never been clear about how he felt about her. The darkness of the night closed in upon her, but she remained where she was.

"All I want is to know how you feel about me, you jerk."

She turned towards their camp she knew where he was. She turned suddenly she couldn't stand to she the sight of everyone acting so normal when she felt any thing but normal.

" I wish you could see how much you hurt me."

"You shouldn't wish for things that already are."

She looked up shocked.

"H-h-ow much di-did you hear." She managed to stutter.


"She looked into his beautiful violet eyes.

" May I sit next to you Sango or do you wish to be alone."

"No, you can sit hear if you wish Miroku."

How could see not have hear him coming. His staff jingled as he sat next to her.

"What troubles you on such a fine night Sango?"

She mentally laughed what troubled her was sitting next to her right now.

"If you'd been listening long enough as you put it then you would know."

He laughed. "Yes I suppose I do know I was just trying to respect your privacy."

He was looking into the sky. She looked at what he was looking at. It was a shooting star.

"I think Kagome once mentioned that if you make a wish on a shooting star it would come true." Sango stated.

"Do you wish to try?" Miroku inquired

"Yes, yes I would." She answered him.

She thought for a moment before she closed her eyes and wished

I want it to be only me that Miroku cares about.

Only me

She felt a pressure on her lips and as suddenly as it was there it was there it was gone. She opened her eyes. Miroku looked at her.

"I wished that I would have to courage to do that." Miroku stated as if answering her unasked answer.

He stood and was about to leave when Sango grabbed his hand.

"Don't you want to know my wish?" She looked into his eyes.

She stood up next to him and smiled." I wished." She whispered to him "to see something that was always there." She kissed him on the lips as she pulled away he pulled her close to him and said

"I'll always love you and only you." Before he kissed her again.





What do you think? I like to know how people react to these things. I might make another chapter if I do It'll be with Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo spying on them in a bush.

Rewiev or e-0-mail me if you want me to write the chapter.