InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Open Eyes: Sequel to Lightening Assassin ❯ Blind ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters, so please don't sue.
Rin had been traveling for several days now. Her mind wandered to the people she left in the village and her Sesshoumaru-sama. I miss them all so much, even Jaken-sama. Passing through a forest something touched her senses. She ducked into the bushes as huge ryu youkai passed by. She watched as he sniffed the air, no doubt looking for her. I don't want to have to fight that thing!
Finally it gave up and she came out of the bushes and went on about her way. A few minutes into her journey she felt herself lifted off the ground and was flung forward by some unseen force. She landed on her feet and found that the ryu had been her attacker. She immediately went into a fighting stance.
“Fight me if you wish to die ryu.” Rin hissed
“You are an intruder, this is my forest.” His voice boomed
“I only wish to pass through.”
“You made no offering to pass, why should I allow you to continue throughout my forest?”
“I wasn't aware that I needed to make an offer. Also, I see no markings stating you are the owner of this forest.”
“My scent is all about this forest.”
“Hai and all that tells me is that you are a resident.”
Rin felt the ryu's anger flare with his power from her indignant comment. She readied herself for a fight; he looked to be a worthy, but troublesome opponent.
“How dare you! I am Kyoketsu of the Ryu no Kurayami!”
“And I am supposed to be impressed?”
“Die you insolent pest!” Kyoketsu raced forward to attack
Soon as he was within five feet of her, Rin let loose her Kuro Inazuma. It hit the ryu sending him back several feet. He tumbled into the bushes only to get back up within seconds and glare at her.
“You're a strong little pest.”
“Hai.” Rina nodded with a smile on her face. This is what she really needed, to dish out an ass kicking.
“Fine then, I shall give you a true fight.”
The ryu shrunk until he was in the form of a man with black wings. His hair was the color of a raven, falling past his shoulders to his firm behind. His attire was quite strange, Rin gave him a good once over taking in everything. Leather crises-crossed over his finely built chest then linked to his leather pants. His boots came to his knees with his pants tucked neatly into them. Then his wings took Rin's attention. Instead of the bat wings he once adorned, they were now feathered and beautiful. He cleared his throat which brought her eyes to his handsome face. Red eyes, strong cheekbones, and the most kissable lips anyone's ever seen…well besides her lords'.
“Still unimpressed?” He cocked an eyebrow
“You're cute, so what.” Rin scoffed
Suddenly he let out a loud laugh and sank to one knee.
“What's so funny?” Rin thrust her hand on her hip
“Oh, Arigatou, that was deliciously amusing.”
“Forget it.” He stood, “Pass as you wish.”
“Watashi wa wakaranai?”
“It's been a while sense anyone's made me laugh like that.” He explained
Rin let out a sigh, “Doo itashimashite?”
“Doko desu ka?”
“To my home, let me treat you to dinner.”
A strange look took hold of Rin's features. If this was his way of giving me a true fight, then he must be delirious. Maybe he's up to something. Rin frowned at the last thought and stayed where she was.
“Don't worry, I will not hurt you. Come.” He turned and headed in the direction he came from Rin shrugged and followed.
Kyoketsu's Home
“Welcome to my home.” Kyoketsu smiled
“I am making deer stew tonight, are you hungry.”
“Hai, domo.”
“Well then, take a seat.”
Rin looked about the small cottage. Of course it wouldn't be anything like Sesshoumaru-sama's castle or the Seitaro-sama's home, it was in a forest. Rin almost smiled, she was faced with another world, and another chance to be happy. Even though she was glad to have resided in the village, the human was no longer a place for her.
“May I ask you a question?” Rin looked to the ryu
“Hai.” Kyoketsu began stirring the stew in front of him
“How old are you?”
“How rude.” He arched a dark eyebrow, “But if you must know, I am old enough.”
“Young then?”
He turned to her, “What makes you say that?”
“Because anyone with any real age status would claim it proudly.”
He shrugged, “Does it really matter?”
“Gomen nasai. Onamae wa nan desu ka?”
“Watashi no namae wa Rin desu.”
“Where are you from?”
“The west.”
“I can smell that, but where in the west?”
“Does it matter?”
“You don't have to become defensive.” He laughed
“Don't laugh at me!”
“Have you no manners child? You enter my forest without an offering and then insult time and time again. I am amused, but only for so long.”
“Gomen, I was taught manners…there is no excuse for my behavior.”
“You are forgiven. But you must tell me why you are out here.”
“Of course.”
“I am…searching.”
Shock spread throughout Kyoketsu's face. “Ai? Dooishite? You seem like a lovely enough demoness to find it anywhere.”
“Not really.” Rin cast her eyes down.
He cleared his voice and began to spoon Rin some stew. “So you're searching for a mate ne?”
“I don't care if it is a lover or just a friend.”
“Aw, a lost child.”
Rin's eyes shot up to him, “How did you know?”
“Because I am one too. As a young ryu, my clan left me here to protect our ancient home.” He sighed
“No need to be sorry. Taberu.”
Rin nodded and they finished the rest of their meal in silence.
Soon after dinner Kyoketsu led Rin a small room.
“You shall spend the night here. And continue your journey of love tomorrow.” He tried not to laugh, “I'll be down the hall if you need me.”
Rin nodded and entered the room.
She looked at the spears and masks that decorated the room's walls. She sighed and missed her home even more. This place was adorned with simple touch of the ningen world, but the fierce honor of the youkai world. Rin sighed and found her thoughts placed on the most important being in the world. Sesshoumaru-sama…I miss you.
The next morning Rin awoke to an explosion outside of the cottage. She quickly dressed and ran outside to find Kyoketsu lying face down in a ditch.
He raised his head, “Hai.”
“Are you ok?”
“What are you doing?”
“I was just trying out a new magic.”
Rin let out a sigh, “I thought we were under attack.”
Kyoketsu climbed out of the ditch and sat by Rin, “We?”
“Hai.” She looked away shyly
Kyoketsu chuckled and stood, “Shall we have breakfast then?”
All Rin could do in her embarrassment was blush and nod.
Rin told Kyoketsu about the village she had left as they ate breakfast. How she was so ready to spend the rest of her days there. But as fate would have it, she was forced to leave.
“So where are you headed now?”
“I don't know.”
“That sounds like a sad journey to me.”
“Then…may I…stay?” She looked away
“Didn't your parents teach you to face someone when you speak to them, especially when making a request?”
“Gomen, my parents are dead. But my Sess…my guardian did.”
“Did my ears deceive me, or were you about to speak the name of your guardian.”
“His name is irrelevant.”
“Please don't pick apart my words.”
Kyoketsu nodded, “You may stay, as my mate that is.”
Rin turned to him with eyes wide.
“Just joking.” He said laughing, “I could never take such an untamed creature like you as my mate…unless you could be tamed.” He winked
Rin fell over and recovered quickly, “That wasn't funny!”
“Do you want to be my mate?” He chuckled
“I just met you yesterday.”
“Hai, well then you may stay if you protect this forest with me. I'll give you route to protect, ne?”
Kyoketsu nodded, “And if we fall in love, so be it.” He stood and took the dishes away
Rin heard him chuckle again folded her arms angrily. He thinks he's soooo funny!
Two Months Later
Rin entered the cottage to find Kyoketsu asleep on the floor. She kicked him lightly with the tip of her boot.
“Rise you fat lazy ryu.
He turned on his side and sighed, “It's been a long day Rin-chan. Let me sleep.”
“Then who will make dinner.”
“You are the outsider, make your own food.”
She heard him laugh and kicked him for good measure.
“You are not amusing Kyo-san.”
“Kyoketsu.” He stood coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, “You may only address me as Kyo when you become my mate.”
“Get those dirty things off of me.” Rin tried to pry his arms from around her.
He released her and sighed, “Rin-chan, why do you treat me like this?”
“Treat you like what?”
“I admitted my love for you a month ago, why do you push me away.”
“Because you are still a stranger to me.”
“Because someone else owns your heart, and I am not him.”
She turned to him, “You shouldn't speak of things you have no knowledge in.”
“Then be my mate, let me give you the love you yearn for so passionately.”
“Have you lost your mind?”
“Hai, crazy with love.” He chuckled
Rin turned to him and kissed his cheek then walked briskly to her room leaving a bewildered Kyoketsu.
“Rin-chan!” Kyoketsu was more than shocked
“Could you make dinner?” Rin pleaded with her eyes
Kyoketsu let out a sad sigh and slumped slightly, “Sure.”
Rin watched the sky turn dark and pondered her world. Sesshoumaru-sama will never come for me, and Kyoketsu loves me. I don't know what to do. I like Kyo-san, but I don't love him. What if this love is the only love I'll ever find? Tears streamed down her face and she found herself wanting to leap out the window and just run. Run till she could run no more and then just die where she fall. I can't give up though, I will not be weak!
A/N: I hope you like this chapter. I don't know what I'm going to do next and it might be a while till I update again. If you want to give me any input I'm open for it. Here's some translation, sorry for the confusion.
Ryu: dragon
Ryu no Kurayami: dragon of darkness (basically)
Kuro Inazuma: Black Lightning
Arigatou: Thank You
Nani: What
Watashi wa wakaranai/ Wakarimasen: I don't understand.
Doo itashimashite: You're welcome
Doko desu ka: where
Domo: very
Iie: no
Gomen nasai: Sorry
Onamae wa nan desu ka: What is you name?
Watashi no namae wa Rin desu: My name is Rin.
Ai: love
Taberu: eat