InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pandora's Box ❯ Re-Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Inuyasha Youkai's apartment: March 2004


"What are you saying Kikyo?" Inuyasha yelled at the woman standing calm and collected next to him. She had raven-black hair that she kept in impeccable condition, jaded brown eyes, and a pointy nose, which she looked down at him with. She had a calm sort of ethereal beauty about her, which he supposed helped her become the world renowned movie star she was. Well that, and her acting of course. Silently he cursed the heartbreak she was putting him through. They were just coming upon their tenth year together as a couple, and now she was saying this!?


"What I'm trying to say Inuyasha, darling, is that it was fun while it lasted. I had a great time, and I want no hard feelings between us." Kikyo stated calmly. She had anticipated his anger and had taken precautions against it.


"No... What you're saying Kikyo, baby," he sneered, "Is that there is no room for a guy like myself on your resume, and so it's time to say goodbye. Is that it? Hmm!?"


Kikyo sighed. She had always hated his intuitiveness, and now it had come back to bite her.


When she made no reply, he assumed he had guess correctly and quickly dispelled the hurt he felt at her silence. She didn't even try to defend her actions. "It makes sense, I suppose... But you forget one thing Kikyo, who got you here? Huh?! Who helped you get your career started when no one would give you the chance?! Who let you star in one of his movies and take no credit for `discovering' you?" he looked at her pointedly. He had no doubt that little piece of information had either slipped her mind or she was hoping it had slipped his. When he caught her slightest wince, he knew it was the latter.


"Yeah, that's right Kikyo, my movies and films are international, and I took the chance that it might be a flop when no one else would! I did that because I loved you, I thought you felt the same. Obviously I was wrong." he shouted loudly at her.


"Obviously..." she announced quietly.


He could not describe how it hurt to have his heart shatter into a million pieces and have them slice throughout his body at that one word, anything less than searing pain would be a lie.


"Kikyo... Just... Just get out!!" he started out quietly but by the end he was hollering at her. "Get out and go away! Just stay out of my life!"


Kikyo knew this would happen but still tried to make amends. He was a famous movie writer, producer, and director, and that was to say nothing of the connections he had in Hollywood. "Inuyasha, honey, you're taking this the wrong way. I like you, I like you a lot, but I can't be seen to my public as taken. The peasants have to dream, right?" she tried to cheer him up but only succeeded in having him shut her out.


"Leave! Now!" Inuyasha violently whispered with so much emotion that Kikyo instinctively took a step back, as if she'd been slapped.


"Inuyasha, please... Try to be reasonable. I want to be friends. Don't you?" she pleaded again.


"No." was the one word response Kikyo received from him. She finally resigned herself to the fact that eventually he would get over it, but now was not the time to push the issue. She would be back, and she told him so as she left the apartment. Regardless of the fact that she was no longer attracted to him, he would be a very powerful ally in the production world, one that wasn't worth losing. Yes, she would be back to plead her friendship and with a little luck tempt his soft, maybe even hopeful side. At this she had to grin maliciously. `I'm an actress, he's a producer. We are from two different worlds. Besides, there are to many fish in the sea to be focused on just one.' with this last thought she began to speed down the highway in her cool blue Benz.



Shikon Publishing Office: May 2004


"Ms. Higurashi, your secretary reported you in, have you edited the story I faxed you as of yet?" a dignified man's voice came across the intercom on her desk. She mentally reminded herself to scold her new secretary. Lovely as Rin was, she had to know that no matter how much your fiancé begs (even though Aphasia couldn't see Sesshomaru Shinwa begging) you can't let him talk to your employer, when said employer strictly announced she wasn't taking calls! Aphasia sighed, unfortunately there was nothing she could do. Rin was her friend and she would never intentionally cause her pain, no matter how slight. When Mr. Shinwa pushed the topic, she cursed her kindness.


"Mr. Shinwa, you seem to know the publishing business well, yet you insist on pressuring me when you claim to know that editing is a lengthily and touchy profession. If you are the expert you say you are, why do you constantly call to check up on me? Also, you assigned this task to me, not someone else. You've worked with me before so you should know I enjoy my privacy and I take my time, but I produce quality work. NOT rushed sloppy work that looks as if a kindergarteners edited it with crayon! Understood?" Kagome all but yelled at him. `If Rin is gonna let him through against my instructions and I can't yell at her, I have to let it out somehow.' she thought smugly.


"Ms. Higurashi, have you ever considered time off? A vacation maybe?" Sesshomaru asked calmly but teasingly.


"Yes I have considered it and you don't pay me enough." she replied testily.


"Of course we don't Ms. Higurashi." Sesshomaru's response was impassive yet there was definitely a hint of sarcasm there. They both knew she single-handedly was the best paid editor in all of America, North and South.


"Sesshomaru, I don't have time for this, I am about to go home and shoot myself, what can I get for you?" Kagome uttered despairingly. There was no point in getting him angry, or happy for that matter (he was eerily calm either way). `When I get home I am going to have the longest shower/bath in the history of fussy, over-cleanly, stressed-out-from-their-jobs women!!' she thought dreamily.


"I presume it has been a long day?" Sesshomaru stated collectedly. He wasn't usually one to sympathize with others but since she was currently working on his assignment it might help to give her some time off to herself.


"No Sesshomaru, it feels as if I just got up, and am ready to go one on one with the heavy weight champion of the world, who is co-incidentally, doped up on steroids." she snarled, then sighed, "Listen, I'm sorry to snap at you Sesshomaru but I really want to go home. PLEASE, make it quick."


"I am just calling to check up on you. Tell me you have at least received the story and are finished reading it, and I will let you go home to commit suicide. But I must warn you, it's still a crime in nine provinces."


Again Kagome sighed, "Yes Mr. Shinwa. I have received your story and I am finished reading it. Now stop badgering my secretary, and leave me alone, I'm going home!" With that Kagome hung up on him. He was not going to stand in between her and a nice warm bath.



Out front of Inuyasha Youkai's apartment: May 2004


Things just weren't going his way today. He had thrown himself into his work since she had dumped him, a failed attempt to forget the heart wrenching pain, and had slaved over his newest production. But God must hate him because there was some fault in the assembly line of pompous retired directors, and he was unable to begin to actually DIRECT the film he was working on until these lazy wanna-be's got their act together.


As he closed the lobby door to his apartment building, he thought he saw her walking down the street looking miserable, but he must have been dreaming because she'd said she wanted nothing to do with him (more or less). As he did a double take, he realized this girl was more youthful, more openly expressive than his shuttered ex-girlfriend. Her raven-black hair was wild and unkept yet soft and shinny looking, and her dark brown eyes left none of her emotions to the imagination, they were all right there. Suddenly as if struck by lightning he realized who this was. Sure, she had filled out, 10 years changes people, but he hadn't seen her since their little confrontation...



He walked quickly, trying to catch up with her. He was her best friend and he always walked her and her sister home, but as of late she seemed to be avoiding him, which in turn made him seek her out. Kagome was not one to avoid confrontation. She usually took life by the balls and the world be damned if they didn't like it. But if this were true she wouldn't be purposely eluding him for some unknown reason, now would she? Things had become strained and awkward between them after he had asked about her sister. Eventually she had seemed to just be avoiding his presence. She would talk to her friends, he would join them and she would excuse herself. It was starting to scare him. She hadn't even yelled at him, and it seemed that whenever she saw him her eyes become dull and lifeless, and her appearance eerily reminded him of Kikyo, her twin. What had happened that day to change his fiery best friend into a walking shell devoid of, it seemed, a reason for living? He wouldn't know until he talked to her and last time he checked talking was a two way thing. Well he wouldn't know until he tried, and he had finally caught up with, and cornered her. Here it goes...


"Kagome? What's wrong? You're acting weird, and we never hang out anymore. You seem to be avoiding me, leaving the room when I come in.
What happened? Does it have something to do with me liking your sister? What is it? Tell me and I swear I'll fix it. Please, I'm sorry, I miss you." he finished desperately.


"Inuyasha... I-I... I can't... I can't hang out with you anymore. You just don't get it. No one does. I'm sorry." she whispered, and just like that she walked out of his life...




Could it really be her? After all these years? Was she still the walking shell or had she reverted back to her old self? Did she still hate him? He had to find out.




"Ugh... Stupid car, can't break down in my parking lot can you? No you just had to break down in the MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY!! Grrr... evil car, spawn of Satan. Make me walk home. At least if I were home I could catch a ride with my roommate, but oh no, I get the fussy convertible..." she trailed off, mumbling to herself as she walked down the sidewalk to her home two blocks down. `Evil malevolent, vicious, vile, indescribably mean ca-`


"Excuse me Ms. Higurashi? Kagome Higurashi?" a deep voice called cutting off her train of thought. He was currently walking through the crowds towards her from an apartment building. She couldn't see him and was tempted to keep walking so she could get home to her bath, when he stepped through the crowds and was suddenly in front of her. She gasped. `No it couldn't be... Not after all these years... All the precautions I took, all of it wasted with one glance. Damn him!'