InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pill Poppers Anonymous ❯ Win Some, Lose Some ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the television show, Inuyasha, © Rumiko Takahashi.
Ch-san: Weeeeellllllllll!!! Certainly has been a long time, hasn't it? I must say, my gallant return is all thanks to a little bug that chased Moonshadow14 into hiding. Here, see for yourself:
chihiro-chan, help me-e-e-e-e-e-e!!!!! I'm stuck on my chair because theres a bug on the floor and if i get down it will eat me!!!! i'm not kidding! it's sitting there staring at me and...and...and it's creepy!!!!! NOO!! Dammit! the stupid bug just ran up the wall!! And now it's right above my door!!! Dammit! now i can't get my book... that bug planned that!!! Chihiro-san-chan-sama, would it be too much trouble for you to update within the next five minutes so i can find out what happens to kimi and shippo and everybody while i wait for the bug to go away????????
This one's for you, Moonshadow14. You've always been so sweet and kind, and I just wanna give you a hug!!! *squee!!*
In a little broom-closet-sized office, in the E-block in NIMH, Inu Yasha was bent double over a paper-smattered desk, making notes on Kimi, Kagome, and Walt. With only a week and a half left to cure the three, one of which seemed incurable and another in a coma, Kagome was next in line for complete restoration. Since she arrived in NIMH, her progress has done nothing but escalate. In a short while, the young doctor concluded, she would be well enough to return home. He grinned as he gazed dreamily at her patient photo. He would miss her, though. But maybe, just maybe, Dr. Higurashi, Kagome's mother, would extend his sentence a week if he cured her daughter quickly. It certainly was worth a shot.
The crashing sound of shattering glass echoed down the hallway. Inu Yasha leapt clean over his desk and flew out the door, his white sneakers squealing as he skidded across the floor. There was no glass to be found. What could it have been? The sound came again, to his near right. His head whipped around as he headed for his nearest patient's room. The evidence of what made the noise was right in front of him in blazing Technicolour. There, pressed against the glass, was Kagome. A rather ghastly head wound spilled blood rapidly down her face, falling like crimson rain onto the tiles. The wire-laced window was completely shattered, but held its shape. When her glazed eyes lifted to find Inu Yasha staring at her in horror, she flew backwards in fear, screaming. He shook his head quickly, snapping himself out of his daze, before he launched himself into her room.
“Kagome!! Kagome, what is it!?” he yelled, completely panicked.
“You just stay away from me…” she blubbered, tears rolling down her face. “Stay away… you're all trying to kill me…” Inu Yasha balked.
“Kill you!? What in God's name are you going on about, wench?!” He took a step towards her. She let loose a wail of fright and pressed herself against the back wall of her room. The gush of blood had progressed to the point where she was completely covered, giving Inu Yasha haunting images of when he saw the movie “Carrie” alone one Saturday night. For a moment the good doctor thought he was going to be sick, but swallowed it back.
“Y-you and the Penguin King and Geraldo Rivera!!! You all wanna slice me up and hang me on a WALL DON'T YOU?!” she shrieked. The hanyou paused. What in the name of hell….? He blinked for a few seconds as his brain tried to sort it all out. No, it seemed it couldn't be sorted. She was absolutely raving. Time to take drastic measures.
Quicker than either of them had expected, Inu Yasha had drawn an emergency one-use sedative hypodermic from his lab coat and plunged it into Kagome's right thigh. She screamed and buckled as she tried to push herself away from him, but he held her tightly until all of the medicine was inside of her. Within seconds she was laying prostrate on the floor, completely limp. Inu Yasha wiped the sweat and blood off of his brow as he staggered out of the room and straight into Kikyo.
“Oh my G- Inu Yasha!!! What happened?!” she exclaimed. He looked at her stonily, mumbling:
“I want you to look up Geraldo Rivera and find his connections to the Penguin King.” Kikyo blinked rapidly.
“Huh?” she blurted, confused. Then, before either of them could say another word, Inu Yasha lost his lunch all over the nurse and passed out.
“Inu Yaaaaaaaasssshhhaaaa??” someone trilled in a worried tone, snapping their fingers in front of his face. The man in question reluctantly opened his eyes. The first impression he received was white and sterile. He was in a hospital. `Oh, well, duh…' he groaned in his mind. `I work in a hospital.' With as much effort as his shaking body would allow, he rolled over onto his side to throw up. When he rolled, however, he noticed a person in the bed next to him. Seeing this person confirmed two things: One, that he was in the infirmary at NIMH, and two, that Kagome wasn't dead from lack of blood. She was, however, twitching and muttering to herself. He groaned again. What in the blue hell went wrong?
“What in the blue hell went wrong?” he voiced aloud. Kikyo, who he now realized was the one who was calling to him and snapping, answered his question.
“We don't know, doctor. I ran both blood and urine tests to see what may have caused her sudden spike, but the tests came back negative. It must have been some change in her… maybe it was stress induced? No, that's silly. She hasn't been under any stress lately; she's in a safe, secure environment…” her voice trailed off as she meandered out into the hallway to talk to Rin about something. Inu Yasha gulped hard. Stress? Of course! She was under stress… and he knew what kind of stress, too… `So it's my fault that her schizophrenia took a turn for the worst,' he inwardly cried. `If I'd only kept to myself she'd be okay right now; possibly even cured! I'm a failure as a doctor…'
With the look of a man with far too much on his mind, Inu Yasha slipped off of the sickbed, gingerly testing his wobbly legs before attempting anything drastic. Walking, for example, was far too radical a concept at the moment. Crawling seemed plausible. As a sort of compromise, he conducted a sort of shuffle-slide out of the infirmary, out of NIMH, over to the nearest taxi cab, and up the stairs to his apartment where he was immediately greeted by a rather affectionate, if not sometimes annoying, kitsune.
“Hey, Inu Yasha, whatcha doin' back here so early, huh?!” the cute little fox daemon asked, bouncing up and down like a furry rubber ball. More to the point, he WAS a furry rubber ball.
“God, Shippo, for the last time you are NOT allowed to practice fox magic in the living room!!” the agitated half-breed growled as he kicked the round menace across the room. The youngster popped back into his usual, adorable self in mid-air and landed with a soft `flump!' on the couch.
“Step into my office,” he grinned, indicating the seat on the couch right next to him. Inu Yasha halted his action of shutting the door and looked at the boy curiously. A sudden, almost manic grin plastered itself onto his face. He dashed over and planted a big wet one on the daemon's cheek.
“Shippo, you're a GENIUS!!” he shrieked as he dashed back outside, flying at breakneck speeds down the stairs and out the door to catch a cab. Shippo, dazed from the sudden show of random, non-Inu-Yasha-type emotion, slapped himself hard across the face before hurling himself at the window. He threw open the glass, calling out to Inu Yasha as he bounded out onto the pavement.
“HEY!! You can't just kiss a guy and expect him to forgive you for kicking him, can you!? HEY!! WHAT ARE WE HAVING FOR DINNER?!” Shippo called. Needless to say, his calls fell on deaf ears. By the time the last word had slipped from his lips, Inu Yasha was in a cab on his way into town.
The next morning flew by with as much speed as a turtle running through drying cement. Inu Yasha spend most of his time in the infirmary, staring at Kimi's comatose body and listening to Kagome prattle on. Shippo decided to come to work with him today. For some reason, it struck the hanyou as odd that an energetic young pup wouldn't want to be locked up at home all day. Go figure.
Finally, after an excruciatingly long wait with nothing to do but stare at someone who looked half dead and listen to someone else rave on about how Geraldo's mustache is actually a tiny badger that is controlling his brain via his nose hairs and will surely use the media mogul to kill us all, it was time for Inu Yasha to check up on Walt. With the enthusiasm of a schoolboy who just had his first kiss, the doctor literally skipped to his patient's room. He was SKIPPING. What was this world coming to!? Ah well. He was grinning all the same when he knocked on the heavy, pale door.
“Yeeeesssss….?” Walt called from within. Inu Yasha entered, grin still intact. As soon as Walt recognized his doctor, he cringed and stuffed something shiny down his shirt.
“Oh, hello Dr. Yasha! I-is it time for my medicine already?” he trembled. The young pup simply handed him a slip of paper. Walt read it over. “I-I'm being sent to a psychiatrist? B-but what about NIMH? I need to be here, Doctor, I'm really sick!”
“Did you know,” Inu Yasha interrupted, “that kleptomania is a form of anxiety that can be caused by excessive stress, and can be helped (if not CURED) by finding other ways to channel that anxiety?” Walt shook his head. “Is there anything that may be causing you great anxiety right now?” A somber look fell onto his patient's countenance.
“My… my wife left me… and my daughter left for college…” he mumbled in a low voice. “I…I'm all alone… I…”
“You're not alone, Walt. Make some friends, go to a bar, hang out; get yourself a girlfriend, for God's sake. But first, go to this psychiatrist. I went to college with them. Very reliable chap.”
“Dr. Myoga?” Walt read aloud.
“The best of the best. And if you aren't completely satisfied-“
“I get my money back?” he grinned enthusiastically. Inu Yasha pulled a face.
“I was gonna say you can come back here and pay us to eat rubbery meat loaf.” Walt looked upon the psychiatrist's business card in a new light.
“I'll try the quack,” he bluntly stated.
“Good boy,” his doctor smirked. They ambled towards the front doors of NIMH, chatting about the things he's stolen, laughing a bit. When they reached them, Inu Yasha gave him a big hug… and stole back his name plate.
Ch-san: not as long as I would have liked, but there it is!! It just keeps getting better and better, don't it? ^-^ LOVIES!!