InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pinkie Swear ❯ His ( Chapter 6 )

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
=#= His =#=
She plays with the other children, caught up in the innocent revelry of games and fun. Here, there is no pain, no sorrow, no suffering. Here, there is no anger, no abuse, no neglect. Here, there is only the simple joy of child's play.
In the Elysian Fields, there is paradise for innocent souls.
And she is among the most pure, the most courageous, the most loyal. She is treasured by all as a bringer of joy, even in this place of bliss. For her sweet smile, the greatest poets and musicians of the ages all try their hand at charming her into gifting them with one.
All who see her are enamored of her. Even among the demons, the great dog Kerberos lays his heads in her lap and listens to her songs. Not a devil exists that she cannot convince to wear her flower crowns; not an Enlightened one passes by without patting her fondly on the head.
Among the masses, she is the brightest star, the sweetest soul.
He comes for her. Calls her by name.
To them, he is merely an upstart little pup from a tiny island in the Pacific. His bloodline, once noteworthy, is scoffed at as impure; tainted by the mixing of human and youkai blood.
He is sneered at. Looked down upon. Insulted.
They dare not forbid him though, or they risk her displeasure. Even the least among them is allowed to come to her in adoration.
But he comes with arrogance, with demand, with possession. Even among the greatest gathered, he shows no fear, no diffidence.
She rises and turns to him; their beloved little girl.
She smiles…but it is not the smile she has ever shown them before.
It is his smile, his and his alone.
He turns and leaves, without showing so much as a flicker of an eyelash to acknowledge the gift of her smile. With grace and a rare happiness they have never seen in her before, she rises and follows him.
Without a backward glance, she exits the gates of hell.
They are left with emptiness and wonder. With dawning clarity, they realize that she was never theirs.
She was always his.