InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pinkie Swear ❯ Lady Kyuubi ( Chapter 11 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Week/Prompt: Week 7 / Sugar and Spice
Word Count: 500
Rating: G
Summary: She loves the taste of little girls....
Warnings/Author's Note: Quirky bit of fun.
=#= Lady Kyuubi =#=
He should have suspected something as soon as the scent of kitsune hit his nose. He should have recognized the danger, not to himself or the other youkai of his group, but to Rin as the lights of the inn came into view.
With her fertile imagination, they would be unable to resist her.
Fragrant flowers tempted her away from him, hiding her scent as he searched for her in the dark. Jaken and Ahun proved useless, fast asleep due to the effects of the blossoms. Frustrated, anxious, furious that they dare touch what was his, he fought his way through layers of illusion and fog.
The sound of Rin's laughter drew him, like a small light in the dark.
He paused outside the open sliding door, frozen with shock by what he saw. Two lovely kitsune ladies, dressed in fine silk, served Rin a banquet fit for a lord. One was robed in the cool colors of night and winter; the other vibrant with the colors of autumn and fire. Each held an identical, elegant pitcher, and they took turns vying for the right to fill her small, delicate glass.
Six more kitsunes preformed like circus acrobats; juggling and balancing on balls for Rin's entertainment. The sound of her clapping and giggles only encouraged them, until the feats they preformed were blatantly illusion.
It was unlike Rin to miss seeing him, even with that many distractions. He came to the conclusion that he was still outside the enclosed reality of the inn, and started to step through, only to find his way blocked by a powerful youki. Calling upon his own power, he pressed the awesome weight of his against the barrier, but it didn't budge.
He was helpless to do anything to but watch as, with a soft sigh, Rin fell asleep at the kitsunes' table. His glare was cold and deadly, yet the kitsunes ignored him as they cleared away everything else in the room but Rin and her cushion.
“Do not glower so at me, insolent pup,” a soft, feminine, authoritative voice purred as a door slid back to reveal an ornately dressed Lady with nine tails. “I will return your girl to you unharmed, all it good time.”
Rin's servers reappeared to flank the lady, kneeling to either side of Rin with small earthen jars in their hands. An unnatural wind crooned to life as they opened the stoppers, and Sesshoumaru watched with grim humor as ephemeral shapes of fiery maple leaves and icy snowflakes rose from Rin's sleeping form. On and on the wind sang, filling the earthen jars with the shapes.
“Enough,” the Lady decreed, motioning for her retainers to close the stoppers.
“Be sure to give my regards to your mother,” she told Sesshoumaru as she, the kitsunes, and all the rich trappings of the inn faded, leaving only Rin.
“Oh, and do come again, dear,” her disembodied voice added merrily. “I do so love having sugar and spice for my tea.”