InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pirates of the Caribbean: Inu-Yasha Style ❯ Young Inu-Yasha Hibachi's Rescue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello, readers! I am a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean (As you probally already know ^_^) and I was so obsessed with it, I just had to write an Inu-Yasha fanfic that was just like it. Hence the name "Pirates of the Caribbean: Inu-Yasha Style". I am so obsessed it's funny. See? Hahahahahha! I am kinda insane, but you're lucky I'm insane enough to write a fanfic just like Pirates of the Caribbean, 'cept in Inu-Yasha style.

This will take place, just like the movie, in Britain.... so, in this fic, all the Inu-Yasha characters are British. Some of the characters might be made up or stay the same as they did in Pirates of the Caribbean, as I might not be able to find Inu-Yasha characters to match each Pirates of the Caribbean character. Oh yeah, and each chapter will be one scene from the movie, so there will be 24 chapters.... Enough of me rambling on, here's the 1st chapter of my newest fic!


Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-Yasha or any of the characters, nor do I own the plot of this story.... And, as much as it breaks my heart to admit it, I don't own Johnny Depp::cries::

Chapter one- Young Inu-Yasha Hibachi's Rescue

A young Kagome, who couldn't be more than 10 years old, could be seen, standing at the bow of a ship, looking off into the mist. She began to sing softly. "We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me 'earties yo ho! We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. Drink up me 'earties yo ho! Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me. We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack. Drink up--" She jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. The hand turned her around and she was slightly relieved to see that it was just a sailor on board, Myouga (he's not a flee in this, he's a grown man).

"Be quiet, missy!" He hushed her. "Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us, no, do ya?"

Hojo, the leitenunt on the ship, walked over to the scene and yelled at Myouga. "Mr. Myouga, that will do!"

Myouga turned and looked at Lt. Hojo. "She was singing about pirates!" He tried to reason. "Bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog, mark my words."

Hojo tried to hold back a disgusted look at Myouga, but said,"Consider them marked. On your way, then."

Myouga gave him a wierd look but obeyed. "Aye, Lietenant." He said but stayed there. Myouga then added to himself,"It's bad luck to have a woman on board, too... even a miniature one."

Kagome began to talk. "I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate," she said, staring out into the mist again.

Hojo, who was also looking out on the mist, turned to face Kagome, and she to Hojo. "Think again, Miss Higurashi. Vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them."I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves-- a short drop and sudden stop." Kagome then turned to Myouga or mimed a hanging.

Kagome's father, Governor Higurashi, was listening from afar, and felt he had to inerrupt thier little conversation. "Excuse me, Lietenant Hojo, but I'm well... uh...," he paused for a moment to find the word he was looking for, "concerned this subject will have upon my daughter."

"My apologies," Hojo said as he bowed his head a bit.

"Don't be," interrupted Kagome. "I actually find it all fascinating."

Governor Higurashi got a half annoyed, half concerned face. "Yes, I know. That's what concerns me," Kagome's father said. He walked away with Lietenant Hojo and they began to talk. Myouga gave Kagome an odd look (as he so often does) and stalked off.

Kagome sighed and looked back out into the fog. She squinted her eyes as she saw a parasol and then a piece of wreckage. 'Is that a boy...?' Kagome thought, but as the piece of wreckage got closer, she was sure of it. "Look, look! There's a boy in the water!"

Hojo and Governor Higurashi weren't that far away and they heard Kagome's shouts. "Man overboard!" Hojo said in a voice of somewhat panic. "Man the ropes. Fetch a hook! Haul him abaord!"

The whole ship was suddenly a live in movement. People going this way and that, but they finally managed to get the boy on board. "He's still breathing," Hojo declared.

Myouga looks out on the sea and spots a burning ship. "Mary, Mother of God!" He shouted.

"Rouse the Captain immediately!" Hojo shouted. "Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats.

A sailor could be heard shouting,"Heave to!"

Governor Higurashi turned to Kagome and looked in her eyes. "Kagome, I want you to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him."

Kagome nodded and her father walked away. She walked over to the young boy. She crouches down and sees something shiny wrapped around his neck. She put her hand around it, and then the young boy awakened. He grabbed her wrists. "It's ok. My name's Kagome Higurashi."

"I-I-Inu-Yasha Hibachi," the boy spluttered.

"I'm watching over you, Inu-Yasha," Kagome said. The boy named Inu-Yasha fainted. Kagome then started to examine the medallion. "You're a p-pirate," she whispered to herself."

Kagome hid it behind her back as Hojo approached. "Has he said anything?" He asked.

"His name is Inu-Yasha Hibachi. That's all I found out," Kagome lied.

Hojo turned to the sailors behind him. "Take the boy below."

Kagome studied the medallion closer. She looked up for a second and she saw a ship with the black flag flying at its mast. She closed her eyes.


That's chapter one. Please review, they would be greatly appreciated. I wrote that whole chapter within.... thirty minutes I think. I think it's pretty good, but, alas, I am not the judge of this fic. You, the readers, are. Please review and tell me what you think.

Thank you.