InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pirates of the Caribbean: Inu-Yasha Style ❯ A Beautiful Dress and an Impressive Sword ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm glad most of you liked chapter one. And to Nina Moon Princess and ChristyKay:

Of course I will read your fanfics! I bet they're awesome! ^_^ Nina Moon Princess, when your new fanfic is out, tell me, then I will most certainly read it. ChristyKay, which story would you like me to read first? Review with the answer.


Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-Yasha, or the plot of this story. WHY MUST I ADMIT THIS EVERY TIME... WHY?! I also.... sadly.... do not own Johnny Depp.... ::breaks out in hysterics and leaves::

Chapter two-A Beautiful Dress and an Impressive Sword

A much older Kagome, who looks to be around the age of 18 or so, awoke. She got out of bed and reached into a drawer. She held a medallion in her hand. Kagome admired it for a moment, and then put it around her neck. Two seconds after that, a knock at the door startles her.

"Kagome? Are you alright? Are you decent?" Governor Higurashi, Kagome's father, asked.

Kagome frantically hid the medallion in the bodic of her nightgown. She ran over to her bed and threw on a robe. "Yes, yes!"

Governor Higurashi walked in. "Still abed at this hour?" He walked over to the curtains, and opened them. "I have a gift for you," Kagome's father told her as servents walked in with a dress.

Kagome gasped. "Oh, it's beautiful!" She said, admiring the dress.

"Isn't it?" Governor Higurashi agreed.

"May I inquire as to the occasion?" Kagome asked, taking her eyes away from the dress, and looking into her father's.

Governor Higurashi looked somewhat hurt. "Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter?" He paused for a moment, then said "Actuallly... I umm... I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today.

"The ceremony?" Kagome asked confusedly.

"Captain Hjo's promotion ceremony," Governor Higurashi said in a low voice.

"I knew it!" Kagome said as she went behind a wall and the maids helped her get into her dress.

"Commodore Hojo, as he's about to become!" Governor Higurashi said.

The maids laced Kagome up into a corset, making it hard for her to breathe. "A fine gentleman, don't you think?" Governor Higurashi continued. "He fancies you, you know. Kagome? How's it coming?"

"It's difficult to say," Kagome managed to say.

"I'm told it's the women's fashion in London," Governor Higurashi said nicely.

"Well," Kagome said, "women in London must've learned not to breathe."

Their conversation was soon interrupted by a servent. "Governor Higurashi, you have a visitor."

"Very well then," Kagome's father said as he left the room.


A much older Inu-Yasha, looked to be around Kagome's age, was studying a sconce. He touched it. 'Uh-oh,' he thought as a piece of the sconce came off in his hand. Inu-Yasha quickly buried it in a vase that was holding canes and umbrellas.

Governor Higurashi followed the servent down the stairs. "Ah, Mr. Hibachi, good to see you again," he said, smilling a bit.

"Good day, sir," Inu-Yasha said politely. "I have your order." Inu-Yasha opened the case he was holding and pulled out a sword.

Governor Higurashi ook the sword and unsheathed it. "Well," he said approvingly.

Inu-Yasha smiled at this. "The blade is folded steel. That's gold filigree laid into the handle," Inu-Yasha said pridefully. "If I may," He asked, putting his hand on the handle. Governor Higurashi nodded. Inu-Yasha balanced the sword. "Perfectly balanced. The tang is nearly the full width of the blade." Inu-Yasha flipped the sword and presented it gracefully to the Governor.

Governor Higurashi took the sword. "Impressive. Very impressive. Ah, now, Commodore Hojo is going to be very pleased with this," He said smiling. "Do pass my compliments to your Master. Hmm...?"

Inu-Yasha smiled. "I shall. A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated."

Kagome walked down the stairs in her new dress, looking very beautiful. "Oh, Kagome, you look absolutely stunning!" Governor Higurashi smiled at how beautiful his daughter looked.

"Inu-Yasha!" Kagome said excidedly as she walked down the stairs faster. She approached Inu-Yasha. "It's so good to see you. I had a dream about you las night."

Inu-Yasha looked surprised and flattered. "About me?" he asked.

Governor Higurashi tried to interrupt. "Yes, well, is that entirely proper for you to...?"

Kagome ignored him. "About the day we met, do you remember?" she asked Inu-Yasha.

"How could I forget, Miss Higurashi?" Inu-Yasha replied.

"Inu-Yasha, how many times must I ask you to call me Kagome?" she said with a smile.

Inu-Yasha returned the smile, but only faintly. "At least once more, Miss Higurashi, as always."

"There," Governor Higurashi managed to interrupt this time. "See? At least the boy has a sense of propriety. Now, we really must be going." He handed Kagome a parasol (one of those umbrella things the women used to put over their shoulder in the olden days). "There you are."

"Good day, Mr. Hibachi," Kagome said to Inu-Yasha.

"Come along," Governor Higurashi rushed Kagome. They began to leave.

"Good day...." Inu-Yasha said quietly as they left the manor and rode off in a carriage,"...Kagome."


*cough*cough* I'm sick.... *sigh* It's really fun to write chapters for this fanfic.... I love it so much! ::Hugs fanfic:: and I must thank you, the readers and the reviewers... espeically the reviewers! ::hugs the readers and reviewers:: I will try to update every day for this fanfic, but I don't know if I can.... I hope not, no offense or anything, but it's just so much fun to write this story.

Please review, your reviews encourage me to write more faster.