InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pirates of the Caribbean: Inu-Yasha Style ❯ The Daring Resuce AND Escape ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I changed the story to more Inu-Yasha oriented.... read the chapters and you will see the difference.

Oh yes, and I will try to read all of the stories that all of the kind reviewers are asking me to read.... but do not get disheartened if it takes awhile for me to read your story because I must write this fanfic, along with 2 other ones, and read some of my other friends' fanfics.... *sigh* PLUS, I've got school to go to and friends to talk to.... so it might take me awhile to get to all of them, but trust me, I promise I will read each of the fanfics that you want me to read.... just might take awhile.


Disclaimer: *sigh* fine, you want me to admit it?! I don't own Inu-Yasha, the characters, the plot of this fanfic, or.... *mumbles* Johnny Depp....*gives disclaimer evil death glare* I hate you....

Chapter Four- The Daring Rescue AND Escape

Miroku was still in the boat with the soldiers as he finished telling them his story. "...and then they made me their chief."

Back on the Battlement, Hojo was freaking out. "Kagome?" He asked as he turned around. "Kagome!!!" he yelled as he took off his jacket and was about to jump in and save her.

Jakotsu stopped him. "The rocks, sir! It's a miracle she missed them."

Miroku stopped telling his story as he saw a girl falling through the air and land in the water. "Will you be saving her then?" Miroku asked them.

"I can't swim," Shippo replied. Sota just stared at him.

"Pride of the King's Navy, you are," Miroku said sarcastically. "Do not lose these," he said as he handed them his things. He then dove in to save Kagome. A minute later, you could see him out of the water, Kagome in his arms. He swam to shore.

Sota helped Miroku with Kagome. "Oooh, I got her...." Sota realized something odd..."She's not breathing!"

"Move!" Miroku said as he shoved Sota out of the way. He took out a knife and cut open Kagome's corset. Kagome awoke abruptly, spit out water, and gasped for breath.

"Never would've thought of that," Shippo said quietly.

"Clearly you've never been to Singapore," Miroku said and then looked back down at Kagome. He saw a medallion attached around her neck. "Where did you get that?"

Hojo's sword appeared at Miroku's neck. "On your feet."

Governor Higurashi helped Kagome up and asked,"Kagome, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Kagome replied.

Governor Higurashi noticed that Sota was holding Kagome's corset. Sota saw this so he immidiately pointed to Miroku. Governor Higurashi turns his stare towards Miroku. "Shoot him!"

"Father!" Kagome yelled at her dad but then looked at Hojo. "Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?"

Hojo put his hand out towards Miroku, giving him a suspicious look. "I believe thanks are in order." Miroku put his hand out unwillingly and Hojo immidiately turned his sleeve up a bit revealing a "D" for demon. "Had a brush with the East India Trading compay, did we, demon?"

"Hang him," Governor Higurashi said, giving Miroku a somewhat digusted look.

"Keep your guns on him men," Hojo said to all the soldiers. "Jakotsu, fetch some irons." Hojo then noticed part of a tatoo and put his sleeve up more to reveal a tatoo of a sparrow in flight. "Well, well... Miroku Sparrow, isn't it?" *A/N-Couldn't think of a last name.... ::cries::*

Miroku winced. "Captain Miroku Sparrow, if you please, sir."

"Well," Hojo said, deciding to be a smart-ass and got a smirk on his face, "I don't see your ship...Captain."

"I'm in the market as it were," Miroku said back in his usual drunken way.

Sota spoke up. "He said he'd come to commandeer one."

"Told ya he was telling the truth," Shippo said quietly to Sota but then turned to Hojo. "These are his, sir." He handed him Miroku's things.

"No additoinal shots nor powder," Hojo put Miroku's gun aside. "A compass that doesn't point north," he put it aside with the gun and then unsheathed Miroku's sword. He got a cocky grin, then said,"And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without a doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me," Miroku said to Hojo, pointing at him drunkily, then was pulled along to be put in chains.

"Commodore," Kagome argued,"I really must protest."

Hojo ignored her. "Carefully, Lieutenant."

Kagome got a tad bit angry. "Demon or not this man saved my life."

Hojo looked at her. "One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness.

"Though it seems enough to condemn him," Miroku cut in sarcastically.

Hojo looked at him. "Indeed."

Jakotsu finished putting the chains on Miroku and walked next to Hojo. "Finally," Miroku said and threw his iron chains around Kagome's neck.

The soldiers' guns aimed at Miroku. "No, don't shoot!" Governor Higurashi yelled.

"I knew you'd warm up to me," Miroku said, sounding rather insane in my opinion. "Commodore Hojo, my effects, please, and my hat. Commodore! Kagome. It is Kagome, isn't it?"

Kagome growled. "It's Miss Higurashi."

"Miss Higurashi, if you'd be so kind. Come, come, dear. We don't have all day. Now if you'd be very kind." As Kagome strapped his sword on, he grinned at Hojo because Kagome had to have her arms around him. "Easy on the goods, darling," he grunted.

"You're despicable," Kagome spat at him with disgust.

Miroku grinned. "Sticks and stones, love. I save your life, you save mine, we're square..." he turned to everybody. "Gentlemen, m'lady, you will always remember this day as the day that you almost caught Captain Miroku Sparrow!" He pushed Kagome away. He escaped and swung around, and landed on a beam above their heads.

"Now, will you shoot him?!" Governor Higurashi said impatiently.

"Open fire!" Hojo yelled. All the soldiers shot at Miroku, but missed. "On his heels!" Jack throws his chains over a rope and slides down to the ground. "Jakotsu," Hojo said,"Mr. Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows. I would hate for him to miss it."

The soldiers run around, searching for Miroku. "Search upstairs," one yelled. "Look lively men."


Yes, it is me, the mysterious Gothic Youkai666.... well, not mysterious, actually...but y'get the point! I will not be updating as much, sadly. I have compiled a list of reasons why:

Reason 1- I am back in school after being sick.... and I have a new project in History that is huge.... and it's all on Texas!

Reason 2- I am a very busy person; lots of friends' houses to sleep over, and many times friends come to my house to spend the night.... so, I cannot update while they are here, as it would be you.

Reason 3- The phone and the internet!! It is eeeevil.... eeeeeeevil!!! It keeps me away from my fanfics.... why?!

Those are all the reasons why I probally can't update as much... maybe about twice, three times a week.... I will say this again.... would you like me to change the theme more Inu-Yasha-oriented.... or keep it the same?