InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pirates of the Caribbean: Inu-Yasha Style ❯ Port Royal Under Attack! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry for the delay on the new chapter. My mom made me rest. *cough* I'm really, really, really sick. I threw up twice yesterday and once today. T_T But, I cannot let a stupid illness keep me from writing my fanfics. And I did change this fic to more Inu-Yasha oriented. I don't change much, but it's still a bit changed. ::sigh:: Well, on with the fic.

And you will have to find out in later chapters who I am going to let play AnaMaria.


Disclaimer: *sigh* I'm too sick to yell... so might as well just admit it. I don't own Inu-Yasha, or the plot. Nor do I own Johnny Depp... or do I? No, no, can't say I do. T_T

Chapter six- Port Royal Under Attack!

Prisoners were whistling and waving a bone to a dog that had the keys to the prision cell in its jaws. "C'mere, boy. Wanta nice juicy bone? Come 'ere. C'mon."

Miroku's hat was halfway over his eyes. He said in a tiresome voice,"You can keep doing that forever, the dog is never going to move."

One prisoner stopped, looked at Miroku, and said sarcastically,"Oh, excuse us if we haven't resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet." Miroku just grinned at the remark.


Kagome was lying in her bed, reading a book. The maid, Estrellu, put a bed warmer between the sheets. "There you go, Miss. It was a difficult day for you, I'm sure."

Kagome put down her book. "I suspected Commodore Hojo would propose but I must admit, I wasn't entirely prepared for it."

Estrellu replied,"Well, I meant you being threatened by that demon. Sounds terrifying."

Kagome sighed. "Oh. Yes, it was terrifying."

"But the commodore proposed," Estrellu replied in her usual soft voice and smiled. "Now, that's a smart match, Miss, if it's not too bold to say."

"It is a smart match. He's a fine man; he's what any woman should dream of marrying,"Kagome said, partly trying to convince herself.

Estrellu smiled, and knew that Kagome also fancied Inu-Yasha. "Well, that Inu-Yasha Hibachi, he's a fine man, too."

Kagome glared at Estrellu. "That is too bold."

"Well, begging your pardon, Miss. It was not my place," Estrellu replied and left.


Inu-Yasha was hammering a new sword, but then he sensed something odd. He looked out at the deserted street.

Back on top of the fort, Governor Higurashi and Commodore Hojo were talking. "Has my daughter given you an asnwer yet?" Governor Higurashi asked.

"No, she hasn't," Hojo replied with a sigh.

"Well," Governor Higurashi said back,"she has had a very trying day. Ghastly weather, don't you think?"

Hojo looked around at the clouds covering the moon, and then at the fog around them. "Bleak. Very bleak."

"What's that?" Governor Higurashi asked as he heard something loud.

"Cannon fire!" Hojo yelled as he tackled the Governor of Port Royal to the ground, saving him from a cannon ball that was fired. "Return fire!"


In the prison cell, Miroku and the rest of the prisoners could hear the cannons being fired. "I know those guns," Miroku said as he stood up and looked out of his little window. "It's the Pearl."

"The Black Pearl?" a prisoner asked panic-stricken. "I've heard stories. She's been preying on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never leaves any survivors."

Miroku grinned. "No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?"


The Black Pearl's guns were destroying the battlements, the demons were then coming ashore in boats. Inu-Yasha took a sword, a hatchet, and a knife to fight the invading demons. On the battlements, he saved a maid by killing (or so he thought) a demon with his hatchet.

Commodore Hojo was shouting orders to the soldiers. "Sight the muzzle flash!"

A soldier yelled,"Aim for the flashes!"

Hojo continued shouting orders,"I need a full strike, fore and aft! Let these demons both bite at this!" Cannons were shot at the Black Pearl. Hojo turned to Governor Higurashi. "Governor, barricade yourself in my office... that's an order!"


Kagome watched from her window as demons ran through the gates and headed for the door. She quickly ran down the stairs and tried to stop the butler from opening the door. "Don't!" she shouted, but it was too late. He had already opened the door.

"Hello, chum," a demon named Hiten (The tall, good-looking Thunder Brother) said as he shot the butler. Kagome screamed and put her hand over her mouth as the butler fell to the ground. The demons poured into the house. "Up there!" Hiten pointed to Kagome.

One demon yelled,"Girl!" Kagome ran upstairs. Estrellu ran into Kagome and put her hands on her shoulders, panic-struck. "Miss Higurashi, they've come to kidnap you!"

"What?" Kagome asked, confusedly.

"You're the Governor's daughter," Estrellu replied with a hint of a smile, and in a calmer voice.

Kagome looked at Estrellu. "They haven't seen you. Hide, and the first chance you get, run to the fort." Estrellu ran off to hide while Kagome distraced Manten (The fat, ugly Thunder brother who has hardly any hair) and Hiten. Kagome ran into her room and got the bed warmer out from under the sheets of her bed.

Kagome moved to one side of the doorway, bed warmer still in her hand, as Manten and Hiten entered the room. "Gotcha!" Manten yelled as he caught Kagome. She released ashes onto his head. "It's hot!! You burned me!"

Hiten yelled at Manten,"C'mon!" Kagome was cornered on the stairs, and while the demons are distracted by one of their own being taken out by a cannon, she ran away. *A/N-AHH! My foot fell asleep.... WAKE UP, YA DAMN FOOT!!* Hiten and Manten were stopped by a falling chandelier. Kagome locked the door and tries to get a sword out from a thing *A/N-I have no idea what the thing is called* but was unsucsessful. She heard Hiten and Manten trying to break down the door, and so she quickly ran and hid in a closet.

They, meaning Hiten and Manten, were finally able to break down the door. "We know you're here, Poppet," Hiten said as he was looking around the room.

Manten laughed and repeated,"Poppet."

"Come out..." Hiten continued,"and we promise we won't hurt you." Manten looked at Hiten with a confused look, but realized that he was just lying after he smiled. "We will find you, Poppet. You've got something of ours, and it calls to us. The gold calls to us.

"Gold calls..." Manten repeated.

Hiten looked through the crack of the closet door. "'Ello, Poppet," He said to Kagome, then opened the door.

"Parley!" Kagome shouted once they opened the door.

"What?" Manten asked.

"Parley," Kagome explained. "I invoke the right of parley. According to the Code of the brethren, set down by the pirates Domarugon (it means Morgan in Japanese, so I used it) and Barholomew, you have to take me to your Captain.

Hiten looked at her. "I know the code."

"If an adversary demands parley, you can do them no harm until the parley is complete," Kagome continued.

"To blazes with the code," Manten said to Hiten.

"She wants to be taken to the Captain," Hiten replied to Manten's remark. "And she'll go without a fuss. We must honor the Code."


Port Royal street was still alive with the demon invasion. Inu-Yasha was fighting with a demon named Grapallo, who was holding Inu-Yasha defenseless. "Say goodbye!" Grapallo yelled.

A sign then fell on Grapallo, knocking him to the ground. "Good-bye," Inu-Yasha said, looking at the demon on the ground.

Hiten and Manten were leading Kagome to the Black Pearl, passing Inu-Yasha. "C'mon!" Hiten yelled at her.

Kagome then spotted Inu-Yasha. "Inu-Yasha..." she said.

Inu-Yasha turned around and saw the same demon that he "killed" before wave at him. He looked down and saw a lit bomb at his feet. The wick of the bomb burned to nothing, and it didn't go off like it was supposed to. Inu-Yasha was about to hit him with his hatchet when he saw Kagome. "Kagome!"

Just as he was about to go rescue her, a demon came running from the street. "Outta my way, scum!" He knocked Inu-Yasha on the head, and he fainted.


*sneeze* I hate being sick... I sneeze at least every five minutes! Anyway... review and tell me whatcha think of the chapter! (No critisism, please)

It might take me awhile to get chapter seven out, as I am sick. Plus, I have two other fanfics that I need to write chapters for. Sooo... it might be awhile. Not a month or anything, I dunno. I'm just saying it might take awhile, just in case it does.