InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pointilism ❯ Accidental -- Part II ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Accidental-Scenario II


     "Turn and wave!"

     Kagome smiled and waved at the teen's camera, giggling at his surprised face.




     "Summer at Jii-chan's…Inuyasha's 12th birthday…Tokyo vacation?  Let's watch this."

     Inuyasha grunted and returned to his guitar.

     Miroku sighed.  "Not a single girl interests you at Tokyo U?"


     "All of- whoa, who's that?" 

     Inuyasha looked at the TV screen and saw the Tokyo Youth Orchestra girl waving at him.

     "That's…Kagome Higurashi?  Psych 202?" asked Miroku.


     "She must love music as much as you do!  Go call her!"





     On the honeymoon, Inuyasha played the video for Kagome; she couldn't stop giggling.




A/N: did anyone catch the double meaning of the title?