InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Poor Poor Fluffy ❯ Did we just die? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's junk:

I, of course, do not own any characters from InuYasha. Ownership belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. Now you can't sue me, bwahahahaha!

Also, I don't use japanese words in this, unless referring to clothing or something obviously japanese. My reasoning for that is logical: if the story is in english, why not use the english words? I'm well aware that youkai is demon, youki is aura (although I don't believe that's truly what it is), and a number of other things are other things. Sometimes japanese may slip in, but, for the most part, it is in easy to understand english.

There may or may not be spoilers in here, but I won't tell you what or where. I'm up to chapter 495 in the manga (courtesy of the internet), but have also missed a lot of it. Soo... don't worry about spoilers and ignore inconsistencies. This is made up anyways. This is my story, not Takahashi's, I'm just borrowing her world and some characters ;-)

This is also, technically, my first fanfic, so blah. Proof read once. But I do love flames, they keep me warm. I plan to finish this story (unlike most others) since I've already got the whole thing planned out in my head. AND, as an added bonus, I can turn it in to my Writer's Workshop class, even though it's fanfiction :-D

If you find any errors, feel free to mention them. I can take constructive criticism :)


It was your typical, everyday, beautiful Oregon weather. Meaning it was raining like there was barely any tomorrow. And, of course, there were people out and about, no umbrellas in sight. This was the case for two born and raised Oregon teenage girls who were skipping down the street, intentionally making fools of themselves. What fun is walking around town if you can't make a fool of yourself? Exactly.

These two self-proclaimed fools were approaching an intersection near where they live, a busy street and a not-so busy street. At the end of the sidewalk, near the walk signal, these two young adults spotted a dying chicken. Hurriedly, they approached. It appeared to have been blind sided by a car that was turning and had not long to live. There were feathers lying about, golden in color. No blood was to be found.

Stopping before the chicken, the two looked on. Its feathers were mostly golden, but there was a crimson pattern, creating strange shapes and symbols. The chicken clucked, beckoning the two closer with its torn wing. They approached worriedly, hoping and praying for the chicken's survival. What they didn't expect, however, was for the chicken to speak. Which it did.

"You have been chosen to save the world from a great and dark evil. This evil dwells in the past, so I must send you there with the last of my power." With that, it grew silent, beginning to glow. This glow wrapped itself around the girls, surrounding them completely. They became unsure of themselves, uncertain if they should run or stay. They both remained rooted to the ground, more in indecision than the desire to stay.

As quickly as the glow came, it vanished, taking with it the two teenagers. The chicken was gone as well, leaving only a few feathers as evidence of its existence.

"Ack! What was that?!" One asks.

"MARYANN! Look out behind you!" The other screamed. MaryAnn turned around in response, seeing a giant monster. An oddly familiar monster. A monster that made her mouth drop in horror. She turned around and ran, grabbing her friend's wrist and dragging her along.

Of course, following every cliche known to man, MaryAnn trips, bringing her friend down with her. The fall was hard, and scraped her knees and elbows. Her friend, on the other hand, landed on top of her, elbowing her side, but receiving no injuries herself. MaryAnn didn't fail to notice this and smiled at the irony. Of course, the too-skinny-to-possibly-not-have-an-eating-disorder-girl lands on the bottom. She did not, of course, have an eating disorder, and resented the analogy.

"Man, Cathy, you haven't lost your touch at hurting me!" She said. Cathy smiled and smacked her on the arm, laughing, resulting in her rubbing the now-injured arm.

All this was forgotten as the monster flew in above them, causing Cathy to scream, MaryAnn to yell, and both to run away. Running didn't seem to help much, though, as the bird/monster/creature landed in front of them. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, MaryAnn snapped, turned to Cathy and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Bwahahahaha! Even in death, I shall always scare the world with my evilness!" She cried. Cathy simply stood there, confused and slightly worried about her friend. Then she caught on, and put her in a powerful lock, partially cutting off her airways. They both started laughing.

The monster stood agitated, hating being ignored, and hating even more that these two were enjoying themselves. It squawked, failing to get their attention. After watching them wrestle for over a minute, it finally attacked, flying straight for the long-haired one called MaryAnn.

Its flight path was interrupted by a glowing whip, chopping it in two. The owner of said whip was standing off to the side. He approached the dead body, searching for something, and then gave up. The two girls simply stood there in awe, mouths agape, eyes glazed over. The main didn't fail to notice this, and so he turned and took in their strange appearance. They both wore strange, blue pants and shirts with short sleeves. The shirt Cathy wore had a picture of The Killers, whereas the shirt MaryAnn wore had a ninja standing triumphantly over a pirate; both shirts were black. There was no obi to be found on either of them.

Cathy's body spoke of natural strength. Her hair was brown and fell down her back, naturally wavy. MaryAnn, on the other hand, was underweight and frail looking. Her hair was dishwater blond and fell to her butt, nearly perfectly straight. Her blue-gray eyes, now attentive, took in the sight, while her gaping mouth showed her nearly perfect teeth. Her braces had been removed a month prior, after all.

The two girls looked to each other, a mischievous glint in their eyes. They both gave their very unfeminine smiles to the other, and came to a decision. They began approaching their savior, cautiously but determinedly. Their quarry would not excape, they wouldn't allow it. Not now, not ever.

The man, sensing trouble, stood there, curious as to what these two human girls were laughing about. He smelled no fear on them, only amusement. And, from what he'd learned from Rin, amusement was never good when it came to women. It generally involved him doing something he didn't want to do. With Rin he could simply say no and be done, but she was the only one. Anyone else would soundly regret crossing paths with him. These two would learn that, as he knew that, from the look in their eyes, they would most likely try and hug him. That, or grab his pelt. Both of which they had no place doing.

The girls, oblivious to the fact that he knew they were planning something, and had accurately guessed what it was, continued to approach. He was simply waiting for them to make their move, not wishing to have his newfound conscience gripe with him about killing the two. His conscience was lenient, after all, and he took full advantage of that.

They were finally within leaping distance. Both jumped at the same time, so coordinated that he was amazed. Unfortunately, it didn't do them an ounce of good. He smirked, causing them to realize that he's not as dumb as they thought, and then he quickly dispatched them to the next world, feeling elated that he would be able to let off his frustration in such an effective way. Killing people helped, but killing people who annoyed you took the cake.

He turned and walked away, his silver hair being caught in the breeze. Rain approached on the horizon, he could smell it.

"What happened? I thought he killed us. Which, by the way, was so not cool!" MaryAnn cried.

"Yeah... But you sound pretty alive to me." Cathy responded. "Not sure what's going on, you'd think we'd be in Heaven by now."

"Except for the fact that we're not. In fact, I do believe that we're the same place we died." She said.

"What makes you think that?" Cathy asked.

"Maybe the fact that our bodies are right over there?" She pointed to the two bodies.

"Oh... Hey, maybe if we jump in them, we'll come back to life! It's worth a try!" Cathy exclaimed. MaryAnn nodded, and they both tried. Instead, they found that they could touch their bodies instead of go through them. This is getting interesting, MaryAnn thought.

"Well, it looks like we're dead, immortal, and a few other things. So, what shall we do with this newfound immortality?" Cathy asked.

"Haunt Sesshoumaru!" MaryAnn responded.

"Haunt Sesshoumaru!" Cathy echoed. Yes, this was most definitely interesting. The poor demon had no idea what he had done, for these two girls were easily entertained.

Sesshoumaru had finally arrived at camp. It was situated in a cave protecting against the rain, which was coming down hard. He was staring out of the mouth of the cave, watching. His senses were dulled, so he had to be careful. It would do no good to lose Rin again, this time forever. Too bad for him, his position made him stick out like a sore thumb. MaryAnn and Cathy had found him, and, being dead, decided to sneak up on him.

They'd discovered some other things about themselves. They could phase through walls and other objects at will, meaning they could fly as well. They could hold their breath forever, being dead already, and had somehow inherited superhuman strength and speed. They were even dressed differently, wearing japanese clothing made for fighting, something they were both excited to discover.

They snuck through the ground, not wishing to be discovered. Finding themselves behind Sesshoumaru, they rose from the ground, landing silently atop it. Still clueless, Sesshoumaru looked on. Cathy had decided that MaryAnn would do the honors, having always wanted to do this. And so she prepared herself mentally, took position, and pushed.

Sesshoumaru, caught completely unaware, fell easily. She hadn't expected him to be such a pushover, literally, but, seeing him on the ground, she couldn't resist a laugh. And, when the laugh reached his ears, Sesshoumaru's face became 5 shades lighter. His body tense, he turned and looked at the two, his mouth dropping slightly as his eyes widened.

"Impossible..." He whispered. The two girls looked at each other, wide eyed.

"Did you just understand japanese? Cause I think I did." MaryAnn said, in japanese. Cathy nodded. Sesshoumaru simply remained on the ground, confused, shocked, and, for once in his life, scared. Having people avenge the dead, that he could handle. But having the dead avenge themselves? He must have gone insane. Too bad he had actually felt her hands push him. That ruled out insanity.

MaryAnn turned her attention to him. "Hello, my good sir. I would be one of those two girls that you killed earlier. I found that awfully rude, you know. Blame it on the chicken that sent us here, not us!" She said, adequately rambling.

"Chicken...?" He responded, obviously not having had enough time to compose himself.

"Yes, chicken. Hey, why'd the chicken cross the road?" MaryAnn suddenly asked Cathy.

"I don't know, why?" She asked.

"To send us back in time to our deaths!" MaryAnn finished. Cathy and her shared a laugh, completely losing Sesshoumaru, who was still on the ground. He didn't understand how they could laugh about their own deaths, let alone what's so funny about the joke.

"Uhh... MaryAnn, maybe we shouldn't forget about our victim?" Cathy said. Sesshoumaru memorized her name as best he could for future reference.

"Oh, right. You killed us, and now we have these friggin rad abilities! We can even fly! How awesome is that!?" She said to him. MaryAnn finally noticed his appearance, which could only be described as completely and utterly confused and frightened. This caused her to frown. Sesshoumaru frightened wasn't right. He's not supposed to be frightened. He's supposed to be an idiot who's afraid of nothing, not an idiot who's scared silly! She had to fix this!

She approached him, went behind him, and tried to pick him up. He responded, carrying his own weight, but still being tipsy. She then looked towards Cathy and nodded. Cathy approached him cautiously, then waved her hand in front of his face. He didn't react. So, this is what happens when he gets freaked out, she thought. Then she yelled in his ear. Loud. This resulted in him jerking back in shock, then looking around in confusion. He finally found his bearings and turned to glare at the two... somethings.

"Who are you and how is it that you continue to breath?" He questioned coldly. The girls smiled at him, seeing that he'd recovered, then played rock paper scissors to see who would answer. Cathy won.

"I'm Cathy, and this is MaryAnn. We don't know why we're still alive or anything." She said.

"We don't even know if we're still alive." MaryAnn added.

"Hn." Sesshoumaru had to have the last word, even if it wasn't a word. This earned a glare from MaryAnn.

"Hn isn't a word, if you're gonna comment, then at least use a real word, ya goob!" She scolded.

"I suppose I cannot simply kill you again?" He asked, then tried. MaryAnn was cut in half, but still alive. Her body floated back into one piece again, proving that he could not, in fact, kill her. "Darn." He said.

"It was your careless attitude toward life that got us here in the first place. Maybe if you actually respected life a little more, you wouldn't have given us immortality and the desire to haunt you forever. You do realize that it'll be you that tells our parents that we're dead, right?" MaryAnn said, Cathy nodding in agreement.

"Tell your parents that you're dead?" He said, verifying that he heard correctly.

"Yes. In 500 years it'll be you doing the honors." Cathy added.

"I will do no such thing." Sesshoumaru said, trying to end the conversation, completely missing the part about the 500 years.

"Oh, well then, I suppose we can't offer our services to him, Cathy. Darn, you know, phasing through walls and all our other abilities could be so helpful too." MaryAnn pouted.

"As if I would need a human's services." He said, slightly grumpy.

"Ah, then it's a deal, right Cathy? Otherwise we'll have to haunt him forever!" She said.

"Yep, I'd say that's a tight contract there!" Cathy responded.

"Wait, what!?" He said as frantically as he is capable of sounding. The two girls simply walked into the cave, laughing evilly as they laid down near Rin.

The next morning, Rin awoke to her two new friends. She found them breakfast, which was miraculously beneath a rock. They ate it heartily, as unnecessary as it was. After that, they talked and played games within the cave for some time. It was still raining, so they were unable to go outside..What they failed to notice was that Sesshoumaru was in the back of the cave, instead of the entrance, and sound asleep. This didn't last as long as he would have liked, as Cathy soon saw him back there and beckoned the other two girls to look.

As they approached, they were shocked to find that he had a serene look painted on his face. He didn't snore, a bonus, although he did twitch in his sleep. He was also slightly curled up in his pelt, barely noticeable, but still there. This was a sight that both MaryAnn and Cathy wished they had their cameras for. Rin, however, decided to destroy the moment.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" Rin ran up to him, disturbing him from his slumber. Cathy, who was closest to her, tried to cover her mouth and hold her back.

"Don't wake people up, silly. It's rude, and he probably needed the sleep." Cathy calmly rebuked. A quiet moan drew their attention. It was too late, Sesshoumaru was slowly shaking off the sleep and entering the world of the living.

"Rin, what is it?" He inquired.

"Rin just wanted to know who the nice people were and how Lord Sesshoumaru knew them!" She said enthusiastically. Sesshoumaru gave them a look that said "are you still here?" and then turned his attention back to Rin, thinking of what he should tell her.

"They are... acquaintances who have decided to travel with us." He told her. The girls smiled to each other. They'd won.

"Okay!" Rin exclaimed, then took their hands and dragged them to the mouth of the cave. Sesshoumaru let out a sigh; he'd seen the look that they'd given each other and didn't like it one bit. Sitting back down, he decided to go back to sleep, leaving Rin in their hopefully capable hands.

No time was wasted once he fell asleep. Having convinced Rin to play innocent and let them have their fun, the troublemakers approached Sesshoumaru's sleeping form. Having traveled back to their bodies and found their sharpies, they were prepared. Uncapping them, they began to make quick work of the now not-so-perfect face. He'd wake if they were there too long, the smell of the sharpies being too strong, so the job was sloppy but thorough.

Sesshoumaru now sported black eyeshadow, a black heart over his crescent moon, and a hitler mustache, not that he would understand the significance. On top of that, his ears were black, his cheeks had black swirlies drawn on them, and his chin had a very fake looking goatee. Put simply, he looked like a freak, which was their aim. He'd also be more than a little upset when he awoke, but the girls had no fear, having immortality and all.

Running away, they tripped on a green blob. I'd forgotten about Jaken, MaryAnn thought. And Jaken it was, in all his ugly, green, toady glory. Cathy quickly clamped his beak shut, afraid that Sesshoumaru would wake up. The ink had to dry, after all.

"Keep quiet, you ugly toad! Sesshoumaru's asleep!" Cathy whispered loudly, nearly forgetting not to raise her own voice.

"Mffrnmahrm, muh ffy mmn!" Jaken tried to yell. It was then that his eyes snapped up in confusion. He looked around frightened, as though he couldn't find his captor, who he looked straight at when he first opened his eyes.

"What's wrong with you, you ugly toad?" MaryAnn inquired, deciding to start off mean, then try and warm up to him.

"Who said that!? Show yourself!" Jaken cried, slapping himself out of Cathy's hold.

"I'm not hiding myself, I'm right here." MaryAnn answered confused. She then reached a conclusion, picked up a rock and quickly threw it, experimenting.

"Ah ha! There you are!" Jaken, having quickly retrieved the Staff of Heads, shot flame to where the rock landed. Unfortunately, with MaryAnn's bad aim, the rock landed just beneath Sesshoumaru.

"EEP! Jaken, NO!" Both girls screamed in unison. Too late, the fire had already reached Sesshoumaru, who woke with a start.

He had been having a pleasant dream, which was rare for him, and waking up to fire was not his idea of a good joke. Angry, frustrated, and tired, he used his powerful aura to push away the fire with more force than necessary. Suspecting that the girls were behind this, he glared at them, only to see them pointing innocently towards a shaking lump. This lump, of course, was Jaken.

"Jaken, what are you doing?" He asked.

"M-my lord, my humblest apologies! I thought that the ghosts were by where you were and fired without thinking!" Jaken was bowing low enough to kiss the ground.

"Ghosts?" Sesshoumaru asked, looking at Cathy.

"Yes, my lord! I awoke to someone grabbing me and covering my mouth, but when I looked to see who, no one was there! Then another voice spoke, and still I could not see anyone!" He quickly said.

"Hn. So you cannot see the two." He said.

"Haha, the ugly one can't see us! How cool is that? We can prank him and he won't even see it coming!" MaryAnn laughed. Sesshoumaru kept a blank face, but in his mind he rejoiced. If they focused on Jaken, that would mean he's in the clear. "Of course, we still have to haunt ol' fluffers here." She finished, Sesshoumaru's hopes plummeting.

"You will do no such thing!" Jaken cried, looking around frantically, unable to tell where the girls are.

"Hey, Sesshoumaru's the one that killed us, not the other way around! According to chapter 4, section 12b, of the Dark Laws of Doom, it is our right to haunt our killer!" Cathy said.

"The Dark Laws of Doom?" Jaken gulped.

"Yep, made ‘em up last month just in case I take over the world. Gotta have laws, ya know." MaryAnn said. It was, after all, in her nature to make such things up. "And, as part of our verbal contract, until Sesshoumaru tells our parents that he killed us, he will be haunted by us." She turns to Sesshoumaru. "By the way, did we mention that we're from 500 years in the future? That's a long time to wait."

"That's impossible." He responded.

"Ah, young one, are you in denial? I have proof! Come out into the light!" She went through the floor, came up behind Sesshoumaru, and pushed him outside. "Look at thine reflection upon the water of thy doominess." Sesshoumaru intelligently obeyed, seeing his face and regretting falling asleep.

"What did you do?" He asked coldly, clearly infuriated.

"Oh, nothing. Just a bit of futuristic permanent marker here and there. We thought your markings needed a little improvement. Yep, the markers came from the future. Go ahead, just try and rub the markings off!" MaryAnn teased.

"Yeah, I've seen MaryAnn doodle on herself with those markers. She's so stubborn that she peeled off her skin in some places while trying to clean them off." Cathy laughed.

Sesshoumaru took another look at his face. Long ago he would have found this exceedingly funny, but that time has passed. He had a reputation to uphold, and these two monsters would destroy it. He frowned, wondering what he should do. It was then that he remembered he could just burn the markings off with his poison. Glaring at the two exceedingly annoying former humans, he raised his hand and sprayed poison on his own face, being immune to the poison. After a few moments, he looked back at his reflection, the markings gone.

"Cool!" Cathy said.

"Awesome!" MaryAnn exclaimed. They both received a death glare from Sesshoumaru, which was ineffective against them.

"Have you no fear?" He asked defeatedly.

"Nope, not at all. So, do you believe us now?" Cathy asked. Not even gracing them with a response, he turned a gracefully stomped away. Giggling, they followed behind, planning their next prank.

Reviews make me happeh.