InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Predestination ❯ Predestination 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Keito sat in her room thinking over the day's events. She remembered hearing the news from the inu village about Kagome, she laughed silently as she combed her long blonde hair. What a temper her mistress could gain, perfect for Sesshoumaru. She sighed also remembering how Eichiro held her in his arms bringing her and the sleeping children to the castle. Oh how she reveled in the moment, she wouldn't deny it she always loved him but she knew she never had a chance. At first it was the simple reason that she wasn't strong enough for him. He would want someone like Siya a beautiful and deadly inu soldier that absolutely adored him. She didn't have much of a chance with her, but now she had even far greater competition, Kagome. She could smell his blinding lust and jealousy emitting from his body when he took her back. Sighing she flopped down on her bed knowing that he would never look at her in such a way.

She quickly masked her room and adorned a similar outfit to the one she wore the night before, after throwing her hair into a bun she climbed down the balcony. As soon as she hit the ground, she took off for the maze. When she arrived she found nothing, she sighed, maybe he was still mad at her from earlier. She started to walk away but a blue blur circled her before stopping in front of her. Standing in front of her was a puppy eyed Eichiro.

Before she could utter a syllable he began. "Lady Kagome please forgive me if I offended you today. I never considered you might be a youkai that particularly likes ningens." He bowed deeply.

She smiled and cupped his chin guiding him back to the full standing position. "I just never want to see anyone hurt ever. So please forgive me for coming off strong but I could never have stood there and watched that. Cruelty in any form sickens me." She watched as his eyes softened.

"Then you may trust me never to disappoint you Kagome." He bowed gracefully.

"Now start teaching me teacher." She chirped. He smiled and took her by the arm and walked a little away from the castle just toward the edge of the gardens.

"Now what has he taught you so far?" she showed him some of the defensive moves and counter attacks. Interesting he thought, she had the moves down to a T almost she just needed minor works on speed and grace. As he told her to do other things to see where she was at he pretty much summed it up. " Ok Kagome, I won't teach you any new moves tonight but I will teach how to use your speed, grace, and calm to your help."

"Why those things?" her innocent voice made him smile, she was so new to this how odd. But he had to admit it was fun to teach her.

"Because speed will help you to keep up with him, making practice less tiring so fast. Grace will help you perfect and perform the technique with ease. While calm keeps you in the right state of mind and most importantly lets you think like Sesshoumaru himself."

She just gave him a confused stare, which only made him laugh. "Ok, ok, ok let me explain. As you know Lord Sesshoumaru is the most feared youkai of all, any and everyone who has tried to beat him has failed miserably. The only reason why he doesn't own all five lands is because he merely has no use for all five regions, he just expands the western plains from time to time."

Wow she thought, she never knew Sesshoumaru was so powerful. But just looking at him standing to his full seven-foot height, lean but muscular, ever so calm and regal. His rich stark white clothing blending in with his beautiful milky skin and silver hair, yes she thought he certainly looked the part but she just never imagined.

"The problem with his enemies is," he continued " is that they don't think like him. Sesshoumaru controls his emotions so well, his smell doesn't even give you a clue all too well. He never lets his enemy know what his next attack may be, making it impossible to calculate against him. He never lets his anger take over, for that only leads to failure. So to even come close to beating him one must master control like him, which is his calm demeanor."

"Oh well that makes sense! Shall we then?" she mocked bowed. He simply laughed before starting. First he perfected the stance Sesshoumaru taught her, then he started working on the defensive moves. After thirty minutes of learning five sets of defensive moves he started on the counter attacks that joined with them. Stepping behind her, which brought her back to his chest region not actually touching but close enough, he guided her arms for the moves. It was funny how her mind didn't stray much from the task at hand. Hell if it were her bubble headed friends or even her a few weeks ago she would have been giggling her ass off at her position with him. But unfortunately she wished it were Sesshoumaru instead of Eichiro. Gosh Kagome get a grip, why would you ever think of mister emotionless like that. She quickly refocused her attention on his instructions.

His blood was rising he needed to do something fast, just being this close to her was driving him insane. Why didn't Sesshoumaru claim her yet? She was way too innocent, making his lust go to levels it should never reach.

"Ok I thinks that is enough for tonight lady Kagome please let me escort you to your room." He bowed deeply and took a step back.

What the hell she wondered we're just getting in to it. She inwardly shrugged and figured it was about time to go to sleep anyways. After she thanked him and watched him leap away, she undressed quickly and dove into her silk sheets. Boy one thing she did enjoy was this soft ass bed she had. Everything was silk, gliding over her skin like melted butter. She couldn't help but wonder if Sesshoumaru's bed had silk sheets as well.

The singing of the morning cricket gave him good enough reason to open his eyes. He looked across his room through the rays of sunlight that beamed brightly through his gossamer curtains, towards the closed door that held his newest responsibility he decided it was time to practice. She would be traveling with him the day after the next to the central lands, and it would be wise if she had some sort of basic down.

Bathing in the family springs he contemplated many things as the handmaid washed his hair. He knew he would have to face the fact of her being unclaimed with other youkai, most likely their questions or slaughtering a few foolish ones. Smirking as he inspected his deadly sharp claws, no one would dare choose the latter option if they had any fragment of a brain. Just imagining Kagome begging her attacker to stop as they ravished her body caused his body to lose control. He could nearly taste its blood as he tore it to shreds.

As the young girl washed her lord's hair she sensed a change, a very dangerous change. Then she saw him as she pulled back a lock of his hair from the side of his face. She nearly gasped outright in sheer terror, fearing it was her who brought on this change. His face was hard as stone, his jaw locked, his long fangs were bared as his breathing grew heavier. His eyes were now crimson pulsating with raw anger, his fist were constantly flinching and unflinching causing his claws to draw more and more blood. She tried to ignore her masters behavior and continued to wash.

He could smell her overwhelming fear, it was causing him to lose even more control. He let out a deep growl, issuing her to leave, which she did so in great haste. He slammed his fist down on the stone ledge which he rested upon, causing it to crumble into the water with his force. But he couldn't think of that, his mind was racing with too many other thoughts. Why did he react this way about her? Was she not just means to an end? Why was he losing he well developed control? He was starting to think he might have to break his promise, she was becoming a plague to him.

"Sesshoumaru?" he felt her soft hand on his bare shoulder, her voice was filled with concern. When did she get in here, why couldn't he sense her before? He whirled around in the water standing straight, glaring at her.

As soon as she saw his eyes, face, blood, his entire demeanor she was reminded of the heartless demon that tried so many times to kill her. The water reached his stomach while his long hair, which was now soapy hung down his back. However, it did not take away from he predator like appearance.

Her hand covered her mouth as if to suppress a scream, he watched as she tried to squelch her fear and hesitantly step forward.

"Sesshoumaru please tell me what's wrong. I felt your anger, it was like a lightening bolt going through me. I rushed out only to see a servant come barreling out of here." Her voice was full of confusion; her scent was full of fear, while her eyes were filled with determination. He turned from her, not knowing what to think. He hated how she was the one to cause this, no one ever caused such inner confusion, then again no one ever truly cared for him. He could hear her step into the water and approach him slowly. Her sheer night gown was now wet from the chest down, causing his eyes to stray. When she reached him, he turned slowly. She stood there holding her hand to her chest as if afraid to touch him. He instinctively moved closer wanting to feel her touch.

As if reading his mind she cupped his neck, moving her fingers at the base of his scalp, causing the soap to lather once again. She watched as his eyes slowly closed, obviously this must relax him she thought. She used her other hand to massage the other side of his scalp. Gripping her waist he guided her to a large bolder that sat in the middle of the spring, placing her on it he turned so she could finish with his hair. She blushed as he leaned back in between her legs giving her full access to his head. However she was excited that she got to wash his hair, oh how she loved his hair and this was absolutely extraordinary.

He could feel her body blush as he positioned her, his anger slowly ebbed away. For some reason her purity an innocence caused him to relax. He knew deep down inside his fortressed heart he would slaughter every demon and human in the world if they threatened her. Simply because she belonged to him, he was sure that was the reason. No he would not break his promise, he had too much honor for such a lowly deed. Besides he couldn't quite fathom doing so.

She carefully rinsed his hair of the soap and combed through it, then braiding it. She slid off the rock and headed for the shore, she was just happy he calmed down, he could tell her why he was so angry later. But a familiar tail wrapped around her pulling her back inches from the shore.

"Where do you think your going, I believe its your turn." He gave her a sinister smile before clawing at her nightgown. Her eyes went wide in horror as she let out a scream. He flinched from the sound, but never let go of her. He moved her to the deeper part of the water where it came up to her shoulders.

"Sesshoumaru what the hell do you think your doing, I just came in here to check on your ass, not to be ravished by you." She was trying to fight his tail while covering her breast at the same time. Hearing her words brought back another spike of anger.

She didn't even get time to see him move she spun and hauled backwards towards his naked chest. "Trust me Kagome if I wanted to ravage you, you wouldn't have the ability to speak at the moment." He snarled in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

He cursed as he felt a wave of fear lance through his body, he looked down at her to see her body glowing a faded pink. He turned her slowly to see her eyes filled with faded pink tears. FUCK!!! He growled he forgot how sensitive she was, and her countless ningen emotions. He sighed, for some reason he never liked it when females cried and he sure as hell never wanted to see HER cry and be the cause of it no less. He pulled her closer and tilted her chin up so she could look him dead in the eye. Her blue eyes stared back at him with fear and uncertainty.

"I never want your fear Kagome. Never fear me, for I will never intentionally hurt you." He rubbed slow circles in the small of her back, watching her eyes change from fear and uncertainty to her normal trust and relaxation. Her naked breast were grazing his chest every now and then with his actions, making him respond with a full fledged need. He needed to leave, fast. "Quickly bathe and change for practice." With that he leapt out of the pool so fast he barely stirred the water. She hardly saw the blur dash out of the doorway to his chambers.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>

She was dressed in a short black kimono with matching slippers. When she entered the dojo she saw Sesshoumaru dressed in his usual white, but this outfit looked more like Inuyasha's but it wasn't synched at the bottom of the pants it hung loosely. She got into stance instantly and made eye contact like he taught her.

"Good your stance is perfect, now show me if you can hold it while defending and countering." He barely finished his sentence when he came at her; she blocked him gracefully, but missed her counter by his quick avoidance. After about ten times and missing every counter attack, he moved on. "Now that you have mastered defensive and counter you must now learn a series of attacks."

By the end of the hour, she mastered each movement on her own, but she knew it would only fail when he made her test it out on him. "Now I want you to…." He smelled an unfamiliar smell. He stopped and stood straight; lifting his face upward, he sniffed. He smelt it again; it was coming from the east of his lands.

"Stay here Kagome there is some business I need to attend to." Before she could respond he jumped out of the open sky windows to the large dome of the dojo. She sighed, not knowing whether to be relieved or what. But she did know one thing, he was going to fight something and she wanted to come to. She took a huge leap heading straight for the window, shockingly she made it. when she landed in the outside garden she looked around quickly, spotting her goal she ran towards it.

"Ah-un follow Sesshoumaru!" she commanded the dragon as she jumped on its back. He happily obliged and took off with a leap. She didn't think she would ever get quite used to flying on a dragon but one thing for sure it sure was fun.

After a good few minutes she looked down to see if she could see Sesshoumaru, but she couldn't find his familiar white blur. She was started to get a little disappointed, maybe she lost him. Damn it all she thought. She was starting to turn the dragon around when she saw a purple blur. She focused on the movement below her and saw one of the inu soldier being attacked by a giant purple snake, and by the looks of it he wasn't winning. But what really shocked her was that the inu had three jewel shards in his tail.

"Come on Ah-un!" the dragon tensed beneath her and dived straight forward the beast. Without even telling him the dragon started to launch beams of fire out of its mouths. Causing the snake to leave the battered inu alone, it hissed sending his tail straight for her, she jumped and side flipped in the air while Ah-un quickly avoided the strike. She landed in the crouched position by the inu.

"M'lady you should not be out here, with a weapon no less. Please run Lady Kagome, I will try and hold him…"

"Shut up!" she snarled his whiny voice was breaking her concentration. She stared at the snake dead in the eyes and knew she was going to win her first real battle. It lunged at her with its massive tail, she jumped high avoiding it landing right behind it. Before it could turn around she jumped on its back, it bucked wildly trying to dislodge her but she sank her claws into its back and held on. All the while she chanted a prayer out of the scroll she saw in the library.

The soldier watched in disbelief as his weaponless mistress started to glow blindingly bright purple. The snake stopped its thrashing and let out a ear piercing scream before turning to ashes.

She landed on her haunches as the ashes fluttered about her, quickly she retrieved the jewels and purified them. She turned to the soldier and kneeled towards him.

"Hi what's your name?"

He couldn't believe it here he was nearly being killed and along came one of the very ones he was supposed to protect, and saved him and now asking him his name. He was in total awe of her. "My name is Fuuto lady Kagome."

As she tore some of his clothing to make a makeshift bandage she noticed how shaken he looked. "Don't worry Fuuto you will be ok. Do you have anyone special waiting for you at home?"

"Yes my lady I have a wife and son." He said proudly.

"Oh how nice, please let me meet them when we get back, that's if your not too busy."

He nearly choked, it would be the greatest of honors to be meeted personally by the Lady of the lands. "Why of course, whenever you wish it." he tried to hold his excitement.

"Well ok I …" she felt a familiar sense of youkai. As soon as she looked around she saw that they were surrounded by boar like youkai, all chanting the same thing. "Shikon no Tama"

She barely had time to think before they charged at them. Her heart instantly tightened, but she couldn't let the injured soldier die he had too much to lose. She quickly turned to see him trying to take a battle stance.

{He felt a familiar wave go through him as he killed the last of the snake youkai. He dismissed it, thinking it was nothing. She was probably excited by something. He couldn't let her control him like this.}

He looked at her face as she whirled around and saw something he shouldn't have seen. A solemn smile, he knew what she was going to do without truly knowing. He screamed for her to stop but it did no good.

She placed a protection shield over him and turned just in time to feel the horn of one of the boars pierce her chest. Hell if she was going out without a fight though, she let out every bit of miko energy she could muster and let it out. Before the darkness hit she saw their body's disintegrate, before she slept and everlasting sleep she said the only name she could think of. "Sesshoumaru"

As he was flying towards the castle he was hit with what felt like a lightening bolt of fire. He nearly lost flight. "What the hell!" he growled, but as he looked up he saw Eichiro heading full speed towards him.

"Sesshoumaru come quickly its lady Kagome." His face was stark white, he could hear his heartbeat beating rapidly. Something wasn't right. He raced behind his friend to a clearing in the northern part of his lands. As soon as he landed, he saw a group of his soldier circled around something. His own heart was beating so hard he could barley walk. Please don't let it be, he pleaded to himself. The soldiers parted to reveal a sight worse than anything he has ever seen.

Lying in front of him was his mate, his wife, his miko, his Kagome. The girl he left earlier in the dojo, the one who caused him the feeling he ignored. He dropped to his knees in front of her, looking around he saw the remains of youkai. In her hand she clutched the jewel, but in her heart was a youkai horn. He lifted her body into his arms and stared at her beautiful striped face, the face that tormented him from the day he saw her. He clutched her still body closer, thinking of what he lost, the only person who cared about him.

He threw back his head and let out a pent up roar, one that shook the very ground he kneeled upon.

The soldiers cringed at the power he held in his roar alone. They watched his eyes turn red, and his body go rigid. They knew he would never be what he used to be unless he had what laid in his arms back. He would become what the very rumors were, a heartless tyrant.