InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Presenting, My Slave, My Mate ❯ InuYasha, Heir to the Eatern Throne ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The garden was beautiful. There were several types of flowers, and trees, and several other plants, all of which Kagome new the names of. Huge patches of flowers were everywhere and in the middle of the garden was a lake.
“Mamma, it's beautiful…” Rin said breathlessly. As soon as she realized she had spoken aloud her eyes got wide and she looked and smelled scared.
InuTaisho looked at Rin, “You can talk here, we will not hurt you. You guys can pick flowers and climb trees, or whatnot for an hour. Knowing InuYasha he'll either be early or late, he is never just on time. Don't leave here until I come and get you, unless InuYasha tells you otherwise. As you can guess, you three will be treated better than slaves here, more like… guests until the mating. But we may have you three do some simple tasks.”
Kagome bowed and thanked him for everything before InuTaisho left.
Kagome sat Rin on the ground in a pile of wild flowers and began to braid flowers that accented her kimono into her hair. She then showed Rin how to make flower crowns while Shippo took a nap in Kagome's lap.
InuYasha walked into the garden and rolled his eyes at the sight before him.
“You're Kagome, right?”
Kagome looked up at the person before her and bowed her head.
“Yes, sir.”
Rin scooted closer to Kagome, and Shippo woke up and glared at the male before him.
InuYasha huffed and sat across from them.
“These your kids, right?”
Shippo decided he didn't like this guy one bit, “What's it matter ta you stupid?”
“Shippo…” Kagome started, but he cut her off.
“I don't like him.” Shippo stated determinedly before walking over to his mother and having her whisper in his ear.
“Shippo, on the way here, do you remember what the other guy said he would do to you if I didn't listen to him, well, this is who he was talking about and I don't want anything to happen to you or Rin, okay? Besides, we are treated so nice here.”
Shippo hung his head and apologized to the guy before him before sitting down and playing with a piece of grass.
InuYasha was curious about what Kagome had meant when she was talking to Shippo, but he would question her about it later.
“The kid has spunk. My name's InuYasha, Lord InuYasha to you three though.
Rin nodded her head quickly and tried to edge away from him. She randomly plucked five different herbs and asked her mom what they were.
Kagome merely glanced at them before pointing to each one and saying, “Chamomile, rosemary, mint, sage, and sweet cicely.” Kagome then bowed.
“What are the kids' names?”
“Lord InuYasha, that is Shippo, and this is Rin.”
“Feh, whatever. See ya later, this place sucks!” InuYasha left the garden and went inside, he hated those kids, and he would wait until they were asleep or away before he would talk to her.
Kagome, Shippo, and Rin began to play tag in the flowers until InuTaisho took them back into the castle.
InuYasha quickly found his father and InuTaisho told him to speak his mind.
“I want ta talk to the chick alone.”
InuTaisho smiled, “That can be arranged.” InuTaisho called Jaken into the study and told him to watch the children. InuTaisho left for a few moments and brought back a scared looking Kagome.
InuYasha led Kagome into his room and had her sit on a pillow he had on the floor. He sat across from her.
“What did ya mean back there when ya told the runt to remember what the other guy said? What other guy, and what did he say?”
Kagome's eyes widened and she shifted her gaze to the floor.
“Lord InuTaisho said if I didn't agreed to the mating he would kill Rin and Shippo in front of me, and then force me through it.”
“Feh. Relax, if he grows attached to ya he would bring `um back with Tensaiga after killing `um.”
The thought didn't comfort Kagome at all.
“You don't talk much, do ya?” He arched an eyebrow.
“No, sir.”
“Don't call me sir or nothin'. Dang, do ya know how annoying that is?” Kagome shook her head no.
InuYasha was finding talking to her extremely difficult.
“Do ya want ta get this stupid ritual over with now?”
Kagome shrugged her shoulders in an unsure gesture. “I don't exactly know what you're talking about.” Kagome mentioned quietly, hoping not to upset her master.
“Mating.” He said as if speaking to a toddler.
Kagome was still unsure what he meant, but had a weird feeling about it.
“You seriously are stupid enough to not know what mating is? How long have ya been a slave?” He ranted and growled.
“Since I could walk sir, I was born into slavery.”
“Your parents never taught you nothin'?” InuYasha acted like he expected that Kagome's parents never did.
Kagome hung her head, “They were sold when I was two years old.”
InuYasha walked over to his bookshelf and tossed her a book, which Kagome caught.
“You can read, right?” He sneered.
Kagome shook her head, but stared at the book.
“This is stupid, how did ya know about the stupid plants outside then?” He yelled.
“Kaede, my overseer taught me, and I can absorb information from books.”
InuYasha arched an eyebrow. “Absorb?”
“Yes, um… I… you… it's… like this.” Kagome placed the book away from her and let her miko energy expand, her energy hit the book and the book glowed. Kagome looked horrified as the miko energy came back to her, and her face paled.
“Mating?” She picked up the book with trembling hands and handed it back to InuYasha.
“I'll give ya time ta think about it, it ain't like I even want a mate.” InuYasha told Kagome the he would allow her to return to her room. InuYasha escorted her there and sat in a chair as he watched Shippo look up from his lesson and walk over to her.
“Mom? What's wrong? Why are you scared?” Shippo crawled into Kagome's lap as she sat down on her bed.
Kagome smiled at him, “Nothing, don't worry about it. Whatcha doin'?”
“Learning. I can read a little bit! Rin is somewhere else learning, but the one lady you were talking to earlier told us she was going to teach us!”
InuYasha watched boredly, for he hated being ignored. Shippo sniffed and his eyes narrowed.
“What's he doing here?” Shippo pointed to InuYasha and looked at Kagome expecting as answer.
“Shippo, that's not nice.”
“Feh, the runt won't last long here.” Kagome's eyes widened at InuYasha's statement.
The more InuYasha watched her, the more Kagome seemed to work. He knew she was a slave, and he knew she was his soon-to-be-mate and Lady of the Eastern Lands.
“Meet me in my room tomorrow around noon.” InuYasha said before leaving.
“Momma, I don't like it here.”
“I know you don't, but you might learn to like it.”