InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Beginnings ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The young woman shifted around in the seat of the limo uncomfortably. She looked up and out, watching the scenery pass by. She sighed deeply before looking back into the cabin of the car. Her blue-grey eyes pierced the side of the man sitting in the limo with her.

“Sa-Ni-san, why do I have to be here again?” She snapped. The burly man in the tuxedo looked back at her. A frown came across his face, with strong features that frightened most people, he sighed.

“This is part of the job. Attending formal events that nobody wants to go to but you have to show for proprieties’ sake.” He said to her. The woman glared at him again, then looked back out the window.

The man was not bad looking, nor was he attractive. He was the kind of man that one would be intimidated by at first then become close with. His brown hair and black, pupil less eyes were his defining features, in his human form. He was one of the many demons that resided in the Tokyo area. He was also part of the aristocratic society. Not conventional in anyway though. The woman in the limo proved that.

She was his heir. Though they were not by blood related they were still family. He took her in when she was young. Though her “family” which consisted of him and her seven other brothers, she was an orphan. This family of theirs consisted of strong friendship and secrets that only the people in the family itself knew.

Nine people total.

The young woman had the strongest eyes that could capture anyone. She also has a body that most men lusted for, curves, breasts and legs. Her wavy hair that was almost down to her waist was a raven black. And what made everything even better was that she did not realize that she was beautiful.

“Listen Kagome” He started. She looked over. “I know you don’t want to be here, neither do I, but this is part of the business. And you said you were ready to clean up and start training to run this company. I know that you won’t be in charge for many years, but you need to be introduced to ‘high society’. All these people that you will meet tonight will be or already are business partners to our company. Some are even family friends-”

“You mean Babaa’s friends.” Kagome inserted sarcastically. He sighed.

“Yes, her friends. This is all part are being in the world. I know that you are just in training and that you won’t need to be at these parties and charity events until you become an official partner, but it would be nice if you made at least some acquaintances or even friends in this world.”

Kagome sighed and looked hard at her brother.

“I know what I said. But these people aren’t like me and the INSTANT they learn of my history they’ll freak out and I’ll be the laughing stock and ruin you.” She got to her knees and crawled to her brother, looking up with eyes that could make the strongest demon weak.

“Please, don’t make me do this. I can work behind the scenes. It would be better that way. Please Satori.” Putting her head on his knees like she did when she was younger, she closed her eyes, suppressing the fear that she felt but knew she couldn’t show.

“You will not be a coward on me now.” Satori said sternly. Kagome looked up at her brother. “I know you can do this and you will do this. You won’t go back on your word will you?”

A frown crossed Kagome’s features. “Promises are not meant to be broken. If you can’t be true to your word then you have no respect for yourself, and without that you have nothing.” She repeated the words she had heard for as long as she could remember. Sitting back on the seats she had a determined look in her eyes.

“Good, we’re almost there, put your shoes on and be ready. And remember your manners.” Satori lectured. Kagome nodded, but she looked out the windows.

This is for you, my love. I’m going to be good, be something worth your love. I’m not going back to that life I had when I met you. And when we meet again, I hope I can be worthy of you love and forgiveness. She sighed once more before putting on her black stilettos. The glow of a mansion was approaching. Time to put on the show of a lifetime, Ladies and Gentlemen, now introducing Kagome Ito-Matomori. Heiress to the Matomori Corporation, and reject of the world, be ready to kiss my ass. A small smirk came across her face. She was going to show these people to respect her, and everything that she stood for.

Inutaisho was sitting in his seat with his two sons, both coping attitudes that could kill, waiting for the end of the charity/debutante on event. This was a charity in that all the money that they paid to get tickets when to a charity, who knows which one, and the debutante on ball was for some new people who were being introduced to the aristocratic and rich society.

InuYasha, his youngest son, was dating one of the women being “introduced”. Kikyo Hamamura, she was the daughter of one of his rival companies, and she was human. Inutaisho didn’t like her all that much, neither did his elder son Shesshomaru. Though Shesshomaru didn’t like too many humans, save for the girl, Rin, who he was always with. Inutaisho believed that Shesshomaru was in denial about Rin being his mate.

But Kikyo seemed to be a big problem. The few friends that InuYasha did have did not like her either, she just seemed to be too shallow. Not that she was bad, but not the right person for his younger son either. Though a part of him thought it was because if the girl that InuYasha met when they were in Hawaii for his graduation present. Kikyo seemed to look somewhat similar to her. Though, Inutaisho only met her once, that girl seemed to be the one that InuYasha wanted and even needed.

Though Inutaisho did worry that when and if, InuYasha ever broke up with Kikyo that she would go ballistic. As it was she was waiting for an engagement ring. Which scared him.

“Yo, oyaji.” Snapped InuYasha, “Why do we got to be here?”

Inutaisho rolled his eyes and Shesshomaru gave InuYasha a death glare. Inutaisho was about to answer but Shesshomaru got there first.

“Do you really want some other man touching your woman?” He stated coldly.


That was it for conversation. Inutaisho was really hoping that their table mate, Satori Matomori, brought along better company. Though it was an odd thing for Satori to bring anyone to these things, he preferred to be alone. Inutaisho wondered if it was that girl he adopted about 12 years back.

Satori never spoke about her and when he did it was very vague, as if he didn’t want anyone to know of her. Actually, he never spoke much now that he thought about it. Satori knew when to speak and when to be quiet, much like Shesshomaru. Maybe that’s why the two get along to well. They don’t talk enough to annoy each other.

But Inutaisho knew, since the families were fairly close, that Satori had secrets that he did not want anyone to know. He was also good about keeping them that way, Inutaisho’s family knew one or two, but that was the limit. He respected Satori for that, and wished that his family could keep their secrets in the family. But it was difficult since he had the most power company in all of Japan, and his son’s were the ‘hottest men in Japan’. I guess looks are the only thing that really count these days. He didn’t deny that his sons looked good, but the both had horrendous attitudes and was surprised the media didn’t pick up on that.

Oh well, not everyone can be bright. I wonder what they’re serving for food tonight, it better not be one of those buffet styles. I run into the people I least want to see there and-

“Inutaisho, it has been a while.” A strong voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Looking up he saw Satori. He got up with a grand smile and went around to greet Satori. With a handshake and hug he saw his long time family friend.

“It has been a while, hasn’t it?” Inutaisho said. As the two men went off into meager conversation, the rest of the room seemed to stop to stare at the young woman in a red and black dress walking towards that table that hosted the men.