InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ The Project ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters. But you know this already, don't you? ^ ^

Sorry I didn't update sooner. First I had to do one thing, then another, and then it just got out of hand.

About this chapter, I know a lot of fan fics have stuff like this, but how else is Kagome and Inuyasha gonna get to know each other?

Chapter Four:

"Kagome. Kagome. Kagome!!!"

Kagome was shaken out of her daydream. She had drifted of more then once during these past days.

"Yeah? What's up?"

Sango sighed at her strange friend.

"The bell rang a minute ago. We're going to be late for first period class!"

She jumped, banged her knee on the table and yelled, "Well, why didn't you tell me!"

They raced across the halls to their math class and got in just in time. The teacher didn't even glance at them. He just went on mumbling about the Pythagorean Theorem. Soon, Kagome fell into her half-sleep again and began thinking.

`Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru. They both remind me of that young boy. Silver hair. But that's all I remember. *sigh* When will this class be over? *yawn* silver hair……'

And with that she fell asleep until the end of the class when Sango had to wake her up again.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

That day at lunch, Kagome brought sushi. Again, she ate her cold, raw fish wrapped in seaweed and rice under the cherry blossom tree. Suddenly, an angry Sango followed by a skipping Miroku came along. But of course, it was a usual sight, because Sango was always grumpy with Miroku around, and Miroku was always happy with Sango around.

"Hey Kagome," Sango said. "Can you get rid of the hentai for me?" She jerked her thumb at Miroku.

"No, actually, I think I'll let him stay for a while. Besides it's too much of a bother to chase him away."

Sango cocked her head at Kagome. She loved chasing Miroku away. It was one of her favorite pastimes. Come to think of it, she had been acting strange ever since the first day of school.

"Kagome, are you okay?"

Kagome stared at her friend, confused.

"What do you mean? I feel fine."

"Well it's just that you've been acting strange lately."

Kagome replied, "It's nothing, Sango. I've just been having a lot of flashbacks of the past."

Sango knew what had happened to her.

"Oh, you mean your mother and father?"

Kagome looked questioningly at Sango. Suddenly it hit her. Sango didn't know about the young boy.

"Yeah, my parents," she lied. "Now could you leave me alone for a while?"

When Sango left, Kagome drifted off for the millionth time that day.

`Of course, the boy died. No one could survive that crash. I think… but what if he did? What if, by some miracle, he survived....what then?'

Then the bell rang, and she was too preoccupied with getting to her biology class to think about it anymore.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

*BANG* Like every other day the beginning of biology class was the same. Here are their positions as follows. *ahem* Kagome was standing at the front of the room with her back to the rest of the class, two giant hammers in her hand, a vein popping out on her forehead. Kouga and the other dweeb, Hojo, were on the ground with two giant bumps on their heads, and the rest of the class either laughing their heads off or acting as if nothing was happening. Inuyasha was part of the laughing group, and Sesshoumaru was part of the nothing group. (A/N: Please pardon the phrasing. I think Sesshoumaru's cool too!

^ ^) Sango was hitting Miroku for being a pervert in the Home Ec room at that time.

Silence took over when Mrs. Akena stomped in, and with one look at her, they knew she was not in a good mood. She might even be worse then Mr. Takahashi.

"Sit down everyone!" she snapped as she threw her suitcase on the table. "Today is the beginning of your project. Choose a subject and study it. I don't care what it's about or how you do it. Just do it! I've already assigned your partners. I'm going to the teacher's lounge for the rest of the period, and if I hear complaints from any other teacher, or if you tell the principal I'm gone," she glared at them, "you're dead."

With that, she stomped out and slammed the door behind her. The students were tempted to yell and scream, but knowing Mrs. Akena's temper, they didn't dare. Instead they walked around and chatted quietly with their friends. Kagome, who didn't have any close friends in this class, and was still steamed up because of Kouga and Hojo, so that one dared to speak to her, just sat in her seat, doodling in her notebook. Inuyasha, who was still the `New Guy' didn't feel like talking to his already surrounded by girls who love his mysteriousness twin, sat next to her.

"Hey, whatcha doin'?"

Kagome looked up at him with a glare on her face.

"Why must everyone talk to me today?!"

"Well in case you haven't noticed, but we're partners you know! We have to talk to each other!"

Kagome sighed and said, "I'm sorry. I just had a long annoying day. What were you going to ask me?"

"Well, now you made me forget! But, no that we're actually talking, can you come to my house today to work on the project?"

Kagome didn't know why, but she was glad that she was going to his house.

She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll walk to your house with you."

The appointment to chaos was made.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Kagome and Inuyasha silently walked to his mansion. Of course, she didn't know it was a mansion.

They passed the park. Kagome paused and pointed at the tree.

"It's even prettier in the spring. Have you ever seen it?"

Inuyasha looked at Kagome. She stared intently at the Goshinboku Tree. The wind blew her hair around with the golden brown leaves. She looked so beautiful and familiar. `That night when I was in the hospital. The first night I can remember. I think I knew her before that. I don't know.' (A/N: His mother told him about Sesshoumaru and his father. Also, he saw Sesshoumaru one more time before.)

"Yeah, I pass this tree every morning and afternoon."

Kagome suddenly glanced at Inuyasha as it she suddenly forgot he was there.

She blushed and said, "Sorry, I've been doing that a lot lately. Why don't we start walking again?"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

They strolled down the street until they finally came to a huge marble building. The lawn was carefully pruned and everything was neat and tidy. The gate and windows shone like glass, and the building raised at least five stories. Kagome stared at the house and suddenly felt ashamed of her cozy little orphanage for the first time in a long time. Inuyasha climbed the steps up as if it was nothing, while Kagome stood there and gawked.

He finally noticed she wasn't following him and yelled after an exasperating sigh, "Hurry up!"

She quickly caught up with him and began their hike to his house.

Once inside, Inuyasha opened the door and Kagome had to marvel at its beauty. Golden stairs wound up to the ceiling. The floors were made of marble with a light shade of pale green. Mahogany tables stood around the room with fresh flowers in jade white vases. But the most enchanting of all was the ceiling. It was made of sturdy glass the tint of forest green. It was as if the room was made to resemble the woods.

"Wow! This place is amazing!"

In the middle of the room, there stood a lady waiting for Inuyasha. It was his mother. She wore traditional scarlet, gold, and sapphire robes with pink sakura blossoms sewn on. Her long ebony hair was worn down, trailing down her back. Her lips curved into a smile at the sight of her son.

"Welcome home, Inuyasha. Who is your young friend here?" she said in a cool, soothing voice.

"Hey mom, this is Kagome. We're working on a biology project."

"Well, why don't you work in the living room?"


Inuyasha loved his mother very much, and he knew how much pain she had been pushed. He wanted to make it up to her by being the best son he could be.

He showed Kagome to the living room, which seemed to her to be modeled after the sky. The walls were painted blue, and the couches were fluffy and pastel colored. It led to the kitchen, which was made of brick and always had the smell of gravy and fresh bread in the air.

"So, what do you want to write about?" asked Kagome.

He was going to reply that he didn't know, but he decided against it.

"Well, I always had an interest in the Japanese feudal era. You know, with all the demons and magic and stuff."

"Yeah, that would be cool!"

They logged onto the Internet and decided on what to write about.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

After an hour, they decided they would write about the myths, text studies, modern anime based on it (A/N: Inuyasha!), and its effect on our world today.

Inuyasha abruptly jumped up and yelled to Miyoga, the cook, "Oy! Miyoga! Whip up some, `kay?"

Miyoga came out. He was a short bald little man with a beard and a sharp nose. He was wearing a brown shirt and tweed pants with a frilly apron. Kagome struggled with stifling her giggles. Miyoga held a wooden spoon in his hand, slapping the handle against the palm of his other hand rhythmically.

"Master Inuyasha, you need to learn to be quiet and patient. Now wait and I will have your snack ready soon."

And sure enough, four minutes later, Miyoga slipped out of the kitchen with a black platter on one hand and a towel on his other arm. Kagome gasped at the exquisiteness of the sushi with shaved radishes at the side in the shapes of roses at the sides. The sauce was dripped on the sushi in a creative manner, and it smelled delicious. Although Kagome had already eaten sushi that day, she just couldn't resist it. She took one bite of the tangy sauce and salty fish.

"Mmmmmm………..this is really good!!!"

Inuyasha however, had a different reaction. He sniffed the food and looked away. He walked into the kitchen and began looking for something. Herbs and spices, potatoes and tomatoes, salt and pepper, beef and chicken, plates and bowls, forks and spoons, and cheese flew out of the room. Kagome and Miyoga were left to stare at the rampaging Inuyasha. All of a sudden, silence swept over the room.

Inuyasha ripped open the paper lid. He set the bowl in the microwave for 1 min. and 30 sec. While waiting, he tapped his fingers in time to the beeping of the timer. All was still except for the tapping and beeping. He took the bowl out. He stirred it with a chopstick and brought the bowl to the couch and began slurping away.

Kagome was white, covered with flour, and a banana was sitting on her head. And Miyoga, poor Miyoga, was still holding the sushi bowl. His shoulders were sprinkled with herbs and spices. Onions had found a comfortable place on his head. Soy sauce was splashed on his apron and shirt. And last but not least, the tiniest bit of black pepper sat in his nose and whiskers. It twitched slightly once, then again, and then…….

"AAAACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!"

The giant sneeze blew the dust of Kagome and threw her off the couch. She sat up and glared at Inuyasha.

"BAAKAAA!!! What's wrong with you? If you wanted ramen, you could have just asked!"

He seemed unflustered as he said, "Miyoga can clean it up."

This was just too much for Kagome.


Inuyasha fell out of the couch and yelled, "GOD! YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL!"

They started a yelling contest, and Kagome won, so Inuyasha had to clean the whole room by himself while she and Miyoga enjoyed the sushi. *sigh* He would've been better off cleaning it up in the beginning. They might've helped him.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

After Inuyasha finished, they worked until 5:00 when Inuyasha walked her home.

"Just drop me off at the park okay?"

She didn't feel like telling him she was an orphan yet.

"Ummm…. Okay."

When they got there, they stood in silence for a while. The chilly wind was blowing about them. Magic seemed to surround them as the breeze picked up.

"So, you going to the Halloween Dance?" asked Inuyasha.


"What're you going as?"

"I think I'll go as a miko, a vampire, or just wear black."

"Yeah, you'd look good."

Kagome found herself blushing, although she had no idea why.

"What about you?"

"I was going to go as an evil demon, but now that you mention it, I might just wear black too. I dunno."

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"


Inuyasha left for his house, and when he was out of sight, Kagome headed toward the orphanage.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I know it's not really angsty. It will be in a few chapters.

By the way, my friend's brother has a really funny way of sneezing. He goes "Haablaachooo!!!"

I'll probably update by tomorrow.

Yes, this is an inu/kag fan fic. Well sorta. And I made it as long as I could. `brain hurts' *twitch*

Please review. *stares at you with big puppy dog eyes*