InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Camp ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters, only in my pathetic dreams that I cannot reach.

Hey you guys. Sorry about this, but Kagome and Inuyasha find out they're the little girl and boy at the end of the story. However, they do fall for each other before that. Ummmm........ They've already fallen for each other. Btw, is it manga or magna? Okay, I've kind of gotten writer's block, so this chapter will just be a step toward the evil, but ever-powerful Naraku. READ ON MY MIND-SLAVES!!! *cough* I mean, why don't you find out what happens next? *laughs nervously*

Chapter Nine:

"Now remember students, permission slips must be turned in by Friday or else you won't be able to go to the camp."

Kagome mouthed every single one of the teacher's words tiredly. Mr. Takahashi (A/N: btw, when I made his name, I forgot it was also Rumiko Takahashi's name. Sorry!)had been repeating the same thing over and over again for the entire week. And every day, he said in the same monotonous tone.

Inuyasha saw her rolling her eyes. He began staring at her unintentionally. They locked eyes for a moment, then looked away, blushing furiously. Luckily for them, no one had seen.

They were going to Taramori Forest (A/N: I don't know why I thought of that.), the most famous national park in the world. It would have been better if they were allowed to go by themselves, but the parents didn't trust them and had sent chaperones.

Kagome sighed as she thought about all the work she had to do. However, she soon brightened when she remembered the trip. She would be with all her friends. `Including Inuyasha.' She gasped when she noticed what she had just thought. `Where had that come from?'

She quickly glanced at Inuyasha. His head was lifted, his eyes directed toward the sky. The silver strands of his hair flowed down his back. The fuzzy ears sat perched on his head, twitching at every single sound. `Oh how I wish I could feel his ears.' Again, Kagome was shocked. `What? Why did I just say that? No! Must resist urge to pet ears.'

She quickly looked away; her eyes shut tight, her hands clenched into fists at her side, and a blush rising into her cheeks. She jumped, startled, at the touch of Sango's hand on her shoulder.

"Whoa, Kagome, you need to calm down! You're too tense!" scolded Sango.

Kagome flushed and mumbled, "Sorry," before turning her attention back to the teacher.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Kagome fumbled through her room, desperately trying to get ready for the trip before the night was over. Hastily, she tossed almost all her belongings out of her small box that served as a `closet'. She only had a big black plastic bag to serve as luggage. Nevertheless, she was in a cheerful mood, if not a hectic one. She blew a strand of hair that had come loose from her ponytail. Finally, she sighed and sat slumped on her bed.

She gazed at her reflection in her cracked mirror with a rough wooden frame. She was plain, nothing special. She stared for what seemed like forever. Slowly, her appearance began to change. After a few moments, Kagome was thoroughly confused. The reflection in the mirror certainly was not her. It was older, more sophisticated, and definitely from a different era.

The image had long, silky hair, decorated with rich violet orbs. Her eyes were full of knowledge and age, and they glowed with purple lights, with sparks of pink and gold. Golden earrings studded with jewels hung from her pointed ears, and she wore an ivory and lavender kimono. A warm amethyst glow surrounded her.

Kagome silently stood up. The figure didn't move at all. She approached the mirror cautiously. Slowly, she raised her hand and touched the cool glass. The woman smiled and disappeared. Kagome gasped as she watched the glass change back to its crystal blankness. Her own true double appeared in the mirror, with a look of pure shock and surprise.

Suddenly, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. Startled, she jumped and turned around. There stood the same eerie lady, still smiling sadly at Kagome.

Kagome stood there, slightly frightened at this woman and asked, "What do you want?"

The woman's eyes gave a little twinkle as she opened her mouth to answer her. Her voice echoed in a tender way. "Kagome. You will live a hard life. I have come to warn you. You must be wary of the future. You will soon be in danger. Believe me."

With that, the strange person faded away. Kagome gasped and dropped on her bed, totally in shock with what had happened.

`What does she mean I'll be in danger? Should I trust her? Should I go on the trip?' She caught glimpses of Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku and frowned. `Of course I'm going! I can't let some illusion scare me. Besides, what could happen? I don't even know if she was real. For all I know, I just stayed too long in that hospital. I need some fresh air.' She sighed and left her room to join Kaede and Shippo in a last game of slapjack before she left for the woods.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Bye Shippo! Bye Kaede!" Kagome yelled to them before she left on the school bus that was supposed to take them there.

Besides the backpack on her back, she held the large black bag. She dragged it behind her laboriously, trying ineffectually to lug the huge bag up the bus stairs. Kaede and Shippo laughed heartily at the sight of her like that, a vein popping out of her head and the bag stuck awkwardly in the door and the idiot bus driver yelling at her to hurry up. Finally she got through and faced the obstacle of dragging it all the way down the lane. Really pissed off and embarrassed, she waved goodbye as the bus lurched forward, causing her to fall backward over the bulge known as her suitcase.

She ambled awkwardly to her friends, letting out a huge sigh as she plopped down next to Sango. The bus had headed for the dirt road that led to the National Park.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Once there, the seniors dragged their bags up the rocky hill to their cabins. Kagome and Sango entered Cabin 7. Kagome landed on one of the bottom bunk beds, panting furiously. However, she quickly jumped up. The bed felt like rocks! She looked around for another bed, but they were all taken by the seemingly innocent students. She growled ferociously, but none would budge.

"Why me!?" she wailed as the girls around her burst into laughter.

Trying to make the best of the situation, Kagome stuffed her bed with spare clothes from her luckily over-packed bag.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

They trudged outside, the grass crunching under their feet. The rest of the class was already there. They were divided into groups. Luckily, and strangely, Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku were on the same group. (A/N: It was me!!)

They had the day to themselves until night came, when they had to report back to camp. They stood in silence for a while, staring at the dirt or the pine trees surrounding them, smelling the calming aroma of nature, or listening to the birds chirp cheerfully around them.

Miroku was the first to speak. "You guys want to go to the mess hall?"

With a shrug and a mumble, the headed toward the cafeteria. After all, there wasn't anything else to do.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The whole class sat on rooting logs around the crackling fire, telling creepy tales and legends. Light danced across their faces and combined with the whispers and smoke. Kagome was suddenly reminded of the strange lady. One lone student's voice rang throughout the forest.

"And she slowly walked deeper into the forest. A twig cracked nearby, but she kept going. A shadow came closer and closer. She raised her lamp toward the creatures face and saw........."

The kid screamed, along with everyone else. Kagome and Sango jumped up, their hearts racing. Miroku's violet eyes opened wide. The student fell on his back, cackling evilly. Many of them grumbled, others sat silently, totally shocked. Sesshoumaru sat there, staring into the sky, apparently unaware of what was going on.

After a round of marshmallows, the students agreed on going on a midnight hike through the woods. They had plenty flashlights and the moon was bright and full.

They walked slowly, their low voices drifting around the trees like lost souls. Whispers surrounded the air. Here and there, dried glass would rustle because of the nocturnal animals.

Kagome walked slowly, observing her surroundings. Suddenly, she was aware that she was alone, abandoned from the rest of the group. She looked around desperately, trying to find something familiar. She twirled around...... and found herself face to face with the golden orbs of Inuyasha.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked her.

"I can't find the rest of the group."

"Idiot, how'd you get lost?"

Kagome scowled and retorted, "Don't call me that! It was an accident. Hey..... how come you're out here too?"

Inuyasha sputtered and curtly replied, "I came to find you, idiot."

Kagome growled in the darkness with annoyance.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

They strolled by the moonlight, hoping to find their way back. Meanwhile, they talked quietly.

"So, I've never seen your dad," said Kagome, trying to start a conversation. She turned her head expectantly at him.

He refused to look at her, but replied, "He left when I was young. I've only seen him once since, and they told me he was killed by a demon called Naraku."

Her face fell, and she wished she had never asked the question. "I'm sorry," she whispered, while reaching out to touch his shoulder.

Attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction, she asked, "Do you believe in magical aura?"

He stared at her with surprise at such a change in discussion, but answered, "Yeah, I guess. I guess I also believe in demons and other ancient magic, like possession over the human body. Why do you ask?"

Kagome took a deep breath and told him of the woman who appeared in her mirror.

"Are you sure you didn't make this up?" he asked.

"Of course I didn't!" she snapped sternly.

"Well I'd say she's a little late. I mean, almost getting yourself killed twice has got to mean danger," he gave a small smile, but she didn't smile back.

"I'm kind of scared Inuyasha. Something bad might happen. I mean, we're already walking alone in the middle of the woods. Who knows what might happen?"

As if on cue, a shrill cry rang in their ears.

"Kukukukukuku!" (A/N: Guess who it is?)

A white figure jumped from the trees and stood in front of them. A blue mask covered his face.

"Inuyasha, I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. I am Naraku."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Bwwaaahhhhaaahhhaaa!!!!!!! What? Who did you think it was, Barney? I'll update soon! I promise! I'm soooooooooo sorry I didn't update sooner. Homework got me. *sigh* Well, don't kill me!

Please r/r! I know I'm annoying, but that's the point! I mean....never mind! Just review!