InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Proud Mistake ❯ Emotions ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*~*~* Last Time *~*~*

“ Inuyasha, when we speak with Kagome, I don’t think you should be present.” he stated. Inuyasha looked a little surprised and then curious? Angry. “ And why is that?” He bit out. “ Because, I think Kagome may know something about the gang who killed your Mother, Inuyasha.” ……………………

< br> *~*~*~*~* Ch. 8 Emotions

Inuyasha was speechless for once and it began to worry Inutaisho. “ How could she……..” Inuyasha started but didn’t have to finish for his Father. Inutaisho stood and walked over to Inuyasha, who was looking at the ground trying to hide his face that would no doubt be covered in every emotion he felt. “Inuyasha.” he called out, making his son look at him.

“ Inuyasha, I don’t want you to lose control of yourself. You always become angry when she is spoken of and I don’t want to risk you losing what little control you have when your temper gets flared.” he told him rather sternly to show him that it wasn’t a thing to take lightly, though Inuyasha already knew that.

“ Don’t you think I know that! I’m not stupid you know! She was my mother and I have a right to be in this conversation cause I gotta right to know!” he yelled back at him. Inutaisho sighed, Inuyasha had an extremely short fuse to the bomb of his temper, which was just about to cause a big explosion.

“ Inuyasha, Think about it! You can barely keep your control right know ! What if you lost your control when I’m talking with Kagome?” he asked , growling at him. “ What does that have anything to do with it? I’m not gonna lose control!” He countered on his defense.

*~*~*~ Sesshomaru & Kagome ~*~*~*

Sesshomaru was sitting on the side of the bed watching over Kagome. She was fully healed and his pup was fine. She had just needed some rest to regain all of the energy that she had lost. He sat there watching her as he stroked her cheek lovingly. She responded automatically to his touch and pushed her cheek more into his hand.

Sesshomaru smiled at this and purred to her. He was rather enjoying himself, when he had heard a lot of yelling form his Father and Brother. He noticed that Kagome stirred some at the irritation and he began to get angry. ‘The one thing Kagome needs, she can’t get because of that stupid half breed.’ he thought to himself .

He left Kagome’s side and started to descend the stairs as he stopped to listen to the conversation that was taking place.


He decided to bring himself into the heated conversation since it involved his soon -to -be mate.
“ Because you half whit, you could end up hurting her! She is pupped! What if she were to lose It!?” He yelled at his brother. Inuyasha’s ears went flat to his head, he didn’t think about that. He knew that a lot of the time, if he got angry enough, he could lose his control.

“ I wouldn’t do anything to Kagome. You both know that, so why don’t you trust me? You know that I haven’t lost control for a long time.” He said to them. They both had to agree on that one, it ad been a long time, but that didn’t mean that it wouldn’t start to happen again.

“ That is most definitely true, but I’m still worried.” Inutaisho said to him. Sesshomaru nodded his head in agreement. Inuyasha couldn’t believe this, his own father was against him! “ Dad, Sesshomaru! You know for a fact that I care deeply for Kagome! There is nothing that she could say that would make me mad enough to lose control! Hell, I don’t think I could ever get mad at her, no matter what!” He told them with confidence.

“ I really don’t care. But you had better watch your temper or I promise you that your future will be filled with a lot of pain!” Sesshomaru hissed. He had had enough of Inuyasha’s temper tantrums. The only reason that he didn’t beat the living crap out of him was because his father said he wouldn’t allow it and that he himself would end up in more pain as a threat of his own.

Sesshomaru headed up stairs again. “ I want you two to be quiet. Kagome needs her rest and I don’t want her to be disturbed by your unnecessary yelling.” He bit out as he disappeared from the stair case and up to his room. Inutaisho and Inuyasha had heard the lock click on his door and turned to one another.

“ How long is he gonna be acting like that?” Inuyasha asked his all knowing Father. They both had seen Sesshomaru’s eyes flash red before he went to his room. “ He’ll get worse.” Inutaisho stated. “ What the hell does that mean?” Inuyasha asked him sounding annoyed at the lack of an answer he had just gotten.

“ He will get more protective and more possessive of Kagome. She is pupped and after all she has been through already, It will just make it more worse.” He told Inuyasha, who could tell from his tone of voice that he was not looking forward to it.

“ But how long does it last?” Inuyasha questioned, sounding a bit worried. “Most likely until their pup is a few months old. He will get really bad around the time Kagome will give birth and then He may cool off a bit, but maybe not. I suggest that you keep your distance from her when that time comes.” He said his warning to him and walked off to his study, leaving a wide mouthed Inuyasha staring at the stair case. Inuyasha didn’t like what he had just heard.


Two days had passed and Kagome was still resting to regain her energy. Sesshomaru had woken her up occasionally so she could eat before she went back to sleep. Her strength returned to normal and Sesshomaru assumed that soon she would be up and about and as active as ever.

Inutaisho had gotten called the day after they had brought Kagome home from the hospital to go out of town on business. So he wasn’t able to ask Kagome anything until he was due back home, which wouldn’t be for a few days.

Sesshomaru left Kagome’s side to get something to eat. He had hardly ate anything since she was brought home, being either to concerned or to excited about when she would get up.


Kagome started to stir from her long sleep. She had been dreaming about herself being pupped with a huge stomach and going into labor. It was the most painful dream she had ever had and she was grateful that it was just a dream. She slowly opened her eyes to the bright light of the sun that was seeping through the balcony doors, offering its warmth to the room.

Finally when it didn’t hurt her eyes any longer she looked around and soon recognized that she was her boyfriend’s room. She sat up in the big bed, only to feel like the whole room was spinning . She was starting to feel really nauseous and sick when she had heard footsteps outside of the door.


Sesshomaru was done making his breakfast which consisted mostly of barley cooked meat. He liked it when the blood inside the meat was warm so when ever he took a bite it would almost be like a fresh kill. He was about to eat when he had heard some movements coming from his room. He smiled knowing that Kagome was finally awake. He quickly made a small bowl of cereal for and walked upstairs to with both their breakfasts so they could eat together.


Kagome heard the door open but she didn’t dare to move her head in fear the dizziness would come back along with the nausea . She was holding her head trying to stop the feeling of sickness when the smell of cooked meat hit her nose. Usually she liked meat and the smell, but now the smell seemed so vile she could just puke.

All of the sudden that feeling became stronger and she darted from the bed into Sesshomaru’s bathroom and emptied any and all of the contents that were in her stomach violently into the toilet. Her once rested body became weak again she flushed the toilet and sat on the floor ,the feeling of wanting to puke going away some but still there non- the less.


Sesshomaru was a little shocked when she got out of bed and quickly ran to his bathroom. He could hear her vomiting and knew full well what was happening, she was getting morning sickness. He quickly put the food down on his night stand and went to the bathroom to see if she was ok. Although he knew what was happening, he didn’t have any idea as to how long it would last.

He walked into his bathroom to see Kagome on the floor with her head down. He sat down next to her and brought her into his embrace. Kagome felt when he pulled her close and took comfort in his embrace as she rested her head on his chest. Sesshomaru rubbed small circles into her back as she relaxed some more.

“ Has your morning sickness passed?” he asked quietly, still rubbing her back. She gasped some as realization hit her full force. “ That’s why I was so sick?” She asked herself more than anything, but Sesshomaru replied anyway, “ Yes. Are you better now?” He asked her again.

She took a deep breath before she nodded some, “ Yes, I think so.” she replied. Sesshomaru nodded to her and helped her to stand. He held on to her for a little while longer before they walked back into the bedroom. “ Will you be able to eat? I brought you some cereal.” He stated.

Kagome smiled at the gesture he made then nodded slightly. She thought she could eat the cereal and she could tell that her body wanted it. Sesshomaru nodded for her to sit down on the bed as he brought her food over to her. He was just happy that he poured the milk into a glass rather than directly onto the cereal because it would have surely become soggy by now. ( I hate soggy cereal. lol )

He and Kagome ate together and Kagome soon felt restless and wanted to get out of his room. She got up and went to the bathroom without saying anything. Sesshomaru thought that she would be getting sick again and waited a moment, not wanting to witness her vomiting. When he didn’t hear anything of the sort he walked over to where his bathroom was and opened the door.

Kagome knew that Sesshomaru was there and heard the door open. She decided that it didn’t matter if he saw her, he was the father to their pup and after all, and started to get undressed to take a shower. She turned around and gave him a quick smirk before she turned her back to him and took off her shirt. ‘ I don’t care if he sees me or not, but it wouldn’t hurt to play a little.’ she thought as she turned just enough so the mirror caught some of her front, giving Sesshomaru a nice view but not a perfect one.

Sesshomaru saw the smirk and he thought it was the most sexy smirk he had ever seen on her . He watched as she turned around and took off her shirt. The skin of her back looked so tan and creamy he wanted to walk up to her and lick it. He saw a gleam in her eyes as she turned herself a little towards the mirror. He could see part of her breasts and the some of her perfect cleavage but not enough. He then knew that she was toying with him. ‘ I like this Kagome.’ he thought as he let out a low growl.

Kagome looked into to the mirror so she could what he was doing without having to turn around. When he growled she just smiled a sexy smile at him. But when she turned back to continue playing her game she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She gasped and ran closer to it.
Sesshomaru was just watching her body and her enticing hips when she moved. He heard her gasp and was instantly pulled out of his very best daydream. He ran over to her and noticed that she had finally took notice in the way she looked. He couldn’t tell if she liked her new looks or not, her face was just one of shock and didn’t give anything else away.

Kagome forgot her little game at once as she studied herself in the mirror. She saw Sesshomaru come closer to her and she could tell that he was trying to figure out what she was thinking. But she herself didn’t know if she liked it. Well there wasn’t really that much of a change, but enough to take notice.

She saw that she had more of a curve to her hips and she saw that her breasts were slightly larger and that her face was more toned and defined, not having any more of her childlike features to it. She saw that she was more tone and that she grew fangs and claws. All in all as she thought about it, the change wasn’t bad and some things could eventually help her like her claws.

She smiled a sheepish smile towards Sesshomaru and asked, "So what do think about this?", as she turned to him, giving him a full view of her perfectly round and large breasts. It took Sesshomaru a little longer than it should have to take his eyes off them when he answered her question. “ Kagome, you look so beautiful. I didn’t think it would have been possible for you to get more beautiful than you already were, but you continue to surprise this Sesshomaru. Your breath taking.” he said to her as he embraced her.

Kagome smiled. She knew that what he said was true because he spoke of himself and he only said ‘this Sesshomaru’ when he was serious about something. She was still smiling as she pulled out of his embrace and finished undressing herself as Sesshomaru watched her very intently.

She turned the shower on and fixed the temperature, watching Sesshomaru the entire time. She gave him a very sexy smirk again before she got in and closed the frosted glass door. Sesshomaru stood watching her as she got into the shower. Her little smirk sent him in a rush to get his clothes off. Once that task was done he walked over to the shower door, gliding it open gently and stepped in.

He closed the door and took another step into the shower and felt the hot water hitting his skin in a soothing manner. He watched as Kagome was reaching for the shampoo, but he stepped up quickly and took it form her. She turned around to see Sesshomaru smiling at her and took her into his arms as he got her hair a little wetter. He turned her around in his arms and started to wash her hair.

Kagome gave a small moan, letting him know that it felt really good, and leaned back into his chest. He smiled as well, just liking the feel of her and spending some time together. Normally this would be a time for him to take her in every way possible while in the shower, but not today. This day he was just content to relax with Kagome, his love, and take of her needs. After all that had happened, he was just happy to have her in his arms and was content to keep it that way for now.

He let her rinse out her hair and pulled her back into his chest so he could put in conditioner . He rewashed his own hair quickly form this morning and conditioned it before he washed out Kagome’s hair. Once they were finished they stood in the shower a little longer, basking in the steam and each other’s arms. They got out after a while and dried each other off.

Returning to his room he got his clothes along with some of Kagome’s that she had kept here for when she stayed over. Giving them to her they both changed and went downstairs. It was around 1:30pm and when they got to the living room they were surprised to see Inuyasha sitting there watching TV.
“ Inuyasha, aren’t you supposed to be in school?” Kagome asked him.

Inuyasha jumped at hearing Kagome’s voice. “ Oh! Kagome. Umm, no. Today is a half day of school for me.” he said to her. She nodded her understanding towards him and went to sit on the love-seat. Sesshomaru followed her and sat down while she cuddled into him.

“ So how are you feeling Kagome?” Inuyasha asked . She turned her head and smiled at him. “ I’m feeling great! Though, this morning I was sick, I feel a lot better now that I had a shower.” she said as she looked at Sesshomaru with a gleam in her eyes. He just smirked as he turned his head away.

Inuyasha saw this and shook his head. He was curious as he asked, “ You were sick?” she nodded her head a little. Sesshomaru just sighed and said, “ Are you really that dense Inuyasha? She just had morning sickness.” Inuyasha glared at his brother. “ I am Not dense!” he yelled at him. Even though he just got it, he wouldn’t let Sesshomaru think that.

Kagome sighed, “ God, will you two ever give it a rest? You two act like little children.” she told them before she stood up and walked out the living room and into the kitchen. Sesshomaru stood to follow her but before he did he whacked Inuyasha on the head. “ Hey! What did you do that for?!” Inuyasha yelled at him. Sesshomaru just turned and walked into their very large kitchen to be with Kagome.

Kagome had heard what was happening and just laughed a little. She had found a new perk to her demon powers, she could hear very well now and heard everything that was going on. She didn’t want to encourage them in fighting but she always found it very funny when they did. She got down a cup and was filling it with water when Sesshomaru walked into the kitchen.

Arms wrapped around her waste as a soft growl was felt throughout her entire body. “ Were you laughing at me Koi?” Sesshomaru questioned her as he began to kiss her neck. Kagome couldn’t help but purr at his actions, when he stopped.

“ Did I hear you purr?” he asked rather curiously. He watched as Kagome blushed and shook her head, “ I think its because of my demon blood. I’ve been gaining other powers as well.” she told him as she took a sip of her water , hoping that it cool down her blush. She couldn’t believe that she had just purred, it was really strange.

“ Oh, and what other powers might those be?” Sesshomaru questioned as he tortured her neck again. He smirked as he heard her purr yet again. “ I-I can hear r-really well.” she stuttered as she purred some more. “ And you forgot to add that you purr.” he said as he smirked and turned her around.

“ Well you growl !” she accused, thinking that he was making fun of her. He just chuckled a little, allowing the vibrations to go into her body as he pulled her closer. “ I never said that I didn’t like it, Kagome. I happen to think it very sexy.” he whispered the last part in her ear, making her blush again. He loved to make her blush.

Kagome was in his grasp and she had her cup of water in her hand. She saw Sesshomaru lean down going to kiss her. She got an evil idea and played along like she was going to kiss him also when at the last moment she brought the cup to her lips and took a drink. She kept it there as she watched him. His eyes went slightly wider and his mouth opened a little bit.

She smirked onto the cup and then they both heard Inuyasha laughing. “ Man, you got suckered in that one! That was great!” he barked out in even more laughter. Sesshomaru couldn’t believe that just happened. Not only did he not get what he wanted but he got tricked by his mate and his brother had witnessed it.

He turned his face back towards to Kagome’s when he heard her snicker. Her face was contorted trying to hold it for his sake. He quickly put an end to it as he leaned in closer to her and licked up the side of her ear, which was now pointed, and said in a sexy tone, “ I’ll get you back later, Kagome.” he gave her one quick kiss on the lips and turned to his brother who was laughing like a retarded bangie.

He gave him a good kick on the side of his leg, giving him a charley horse in the process, and watched as his little brother limped around. Kagome couldn’t keep it in any longer and she full out laughed. Her laughter shook her so hard that she went down to the floor and had tears in her eyes.


Inutaisho was finally on his way home. He had a harder time than he thought he would have trying to get the other company to buy his products. Finally they had come to an agreement and his company had made a great deal of money getting the other business to buy into theirs. So an eventful meeting came to a happy close and he was finally home. He had opened the door to his home to be greeted with the most sweet sound of laughter he had ever heard.

He had walked into the kitchen to see Inuyasha limping around and Sesshomaru with a smug look plastered on his face and then looked to where the sweet sound came from. He saw Kagome on the floor almost in tears laughing so hard at the scene that was displayed in front of him. He too would have probably thought it amusing if he had been there to witness what happened and now he sort of regretted that he did. For it must have been a very good one that he missed.

“ Father.” Sesshomaru greeted him first, for no one else was able to at the moment. His father smiled and said his hello to his son. Kagome quieted down as she heard Inutaisho’s voice. She watched as he approached her with a smile on his face and offered her his hand. She excepted it and stood up, still chuckling a little.

“ Hello.” she said as she gave him a hug which he returned. They pulled apart as he asked, “ What did I miss?” Inuyasha laughed again and recovered from his aching leg, “ You should have seen it! Sesshomaru was going to kiss Kagome and she was acting like she was going to too, when all of the sudden she gets an evil gleam in her eye. When they were close enough she pulled up the glass of water that she had and took a drink. Leaving Sesshomaru there in the middle, looking like an idiot! It was hilarious!” he exclaimed.

“ I thought it was pretty funny also, but I didn’t mean for Inuyasha to see. So when he started laughing I had to laugh at Sesshomaru’s face. Then Sesshomaru went and kicked Inuyasha, trying, I guess to shut him up, but he didn’t and started squirm around and laughing still. That’s why I was laughing so hard.” she told him more calmly, only laughing a little.

Inutaisho heard this and he too laughed. He didn’t care if Sesshomaru was right there or not. He quieted down and said, “ I wish I had gotten hear earlier to witness this! Things are never as funny when someone has to ell you what happened. Its always better in person.” he said as he went up and slapped Sesshomaru on the back.

Sesshomaru rolled his eyes at his father and went over to where Kagome was. A servant came in and said that dinner was prepared and asked if they wanted it served. Inutaisho looked around and they all nodded and he said, “ Yes, we will eat now.” Inutaisho led the way to the dining room. Sesshomaru wrapped his arm around Kagome’s waste and led her to the dinning room and helped her take her seat.

Inuyasha for once didn’t run ahead of everyone else and walked in behind Sesshomaru and Kagome. They all took their seats and began to eat. It was a peaceful and Inuyasha was minding his manners today. Inutaisho noticed the calm mood and hated to disturb it but since he was done he had never been able to talk to Kagome and figured that now was as good as time as any.

He cleared his throat first, gaining everyone’s attention. “ Kagome, can I ask you something?” he asked her calmly. “ Yeah, sure. What is it.” she asked him in return, sounding curious. “ It’s about your father.” he stated. He watched as Kagome took a deeper breath. “ Ok.” she said and shook her head yes for him to continue. He nodded back and looked at Inuyasha. Inuyasha nodded to him, saying that it was ok and he was calm.

Kagome watched them curiously and then heard Inutaisho speak, “ Kagome, is your father involved with any type of gang?” he asked her. That question took Kagome quickly off guard and she dropped her fork. She pulled her hands to her lap and started kneading them together. She took a deep breath and nodded yes towards him.

She looked him in the eyes and said, “ Yes, he is a gang leader.” Inutaisho nodded to her. “ I had a certain feeling of this when you told us that he could have his men come after us.” He told her and she nodded again. “ Do you know what gang, Kagome?” he asked softly. She nodded again to him.

“ The ‘ Miasma Gang’.” she told him. “ Why are you asking me this?” she questioned him. He looked at her for a moment then answered softly again, “Because the Miasma gang killed my mate.” Kagome gasped and covered her mouth in a look of complete horror. Her eyes were wide and tears were now pouring down her cheeks.

Sesshomaru growled at his father and pulled Kagome form her chair and into his lap. He began rubbing soothing circles into her back trying to calm her down and he was whimpering words to her saying that it was ok. She cried into his shoulder, “ No! Its not ok! Look how much pain and suffering your family had to go through all because of my damned Father! How can you even stand to look at me, knowing that it was him and his gang that killed your mother!” she cried.

Inutaisho highly regretted what he said and walked over to the two. He placed a warm comforting hand on Kagome’s shoulder and made her look up at him. The sight he saw wasn’t one that pleased him and he hoped that he never seen his daughter cry again.

“ Kagome, why would you say something like that? That happened long ago, before you were born. Please stop crying, I don’t like seeing my daughter cry.” he told her soothingly. It seemed to help some because her crying soon became little sniffles and then stopped. She looked at Inutaisho and asked, “ You still want me in your family? Even though you know what my father’s gang did?” she asked unsure.

Inutaisho smiled at her. “ Kagome, you’re already part of this family. Nothing is going to change that.” he told her reassuringly. She smiled some and then go at look of complete determination on her face. This surprised everyone and they had concluded that it must be her pregnancy hormones kicking in.

She looked to Inutaisho then to Sesshomaru. “ I want to take him down. I want him to pay for all he has done.” she said to both of them and turned to face Inuyasha. “ Inuyasha, I’m sorry.” she said to him sadly. His ears dropped down on his head , “ It’s no big deal." and looked away form her eyes.

“ No. It is a big deal and you know it, Inuyasha. I know what its like to lose a mom.” she said sadly and a tear slipped down her cheek. Inuyasha turned to look at her, his eyes held all of the sorrow he felt as did hers. “ He killed her.” She choked out.

Sesshomaru furrowed his eyebrows at what she had said and turned her to look at him. “ Who killed who?” he questioned softly to her as he wiped away a tear. She took a shaky but deep breath, she was ready to tell someone. She had to tell them and get it out. She had kept it a secret for far to long and now she was going to do something about it………..

A/N: Wow!!! What did you think of it? It has taken me like all day to type it!! I really hope you like it.


