InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Proud Mistake ❯ Memories of Mother ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Ok, this chapter is exactly why this fic is rated PG-13. ( M ) There’s swearing and murder in this chapter, but no gory details.( at least not to bad ) So it is still pretty clean , just a little intense. So there you have it, now on with the story!

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Last Time:

Sesshomaru furrowed his eyebrows at what she had said and turned her to look at him. “ Who killed who?” he questioned softly to her as he whipped away a tear. She took a shaky but deep breath, she was ready to tell someone. She had to tell them and get it out. She had kept it a secret for far to long and now she was going to do something about it………..

*~*~*~* Chapter 9: Memories of Mother

“My….Mother.” she choked out as she looked at Sesshomaru. Her eyes were full of tears that wanted so much to fall and mar her beautiful face but she refused to let them fall. “ He killed her…My father killed her.” She told them with disgust in her voice as she looked down to the floor.

Inutaisho stepped in, “ How do you know this , Kagome?” He asked her. She looked up at him as a tear fell, “ I saw it. I was there.” She whispered to them all. Sesshomaru was rubbing her back in a comforting motion encouraging her to go on. “ Kagome, you must tell us what happened. If you want to bring him down, we must know.” Inutaisho encouraged her also, she just nodded to them. She sniffled some before she began telling them what had happened 6 years ago…………….

*** Flash Back ***

Kagome woke up with a start, hearing a loud crash and shattering of glass. She could hear her father yelling and her mother crying.


“You fucking Bitch!! Did you think that I wouldn’t find out?!” He yelled as he rushed his wife and slammed her into the wall, knocking down one of the expensive vases as he did so. She screamed in pain and started to cry. “ Baby, please. I didn’t…” she was cut off by her screaming husband.

“ Bullshit!! Don’t fucking lie to me! ” He yelled at her as he threw her to the floor causing her to scream loudly. He slapped her face hard as he yelled, “ Shut up! I wouldn’t want you to wake Kagome and have her see what I’m going to do.” He told her, keeping a hand on over her mouth as he watched her struggle underneath him and smiled a sick smile to her.

She had gotten her mouth free and yelled, “ You’re drunk! You’ll never get away with this!” He just laughed , “ I don’t think that you’re in any position to threaten me, you Bitch!” he finished with a hiss and pulled out a his switchblade from his pocket and held it to her throat. She turned her head and stifled a scream when he cut into her soft flesh.


Kagome watched in horror as her father was hurting her mother. She had come to the horrible scene as he threw her onto the floor roughly and pounced on top of her, straddling her with his full weight so she couldn’t move to escape.

She could hear their every word and then she saw her father pullout his knife and cut her mom in the throat. The blood glistened on the knife as the moonlight shone through the window . The white light casting its sick glow on both of her parents. She could see her mothers tears shine as they poured down her face, causing her own tears to fall.

The blood. The yelling, The pain-filled screams. Her mother’s cries and tears. Her father’s sick, twisted smile. She couldn’t handle it. She ran out of the house, not bothering to be quite as her Mother’s screams and her father’s yells easily covered the noise of her feet. She ran out of their huge home and into the garage, she could her parents getting closer and saw the door opening. Deciding quickly, she got into the car and hid on the floor in the back.

She couldn’t breath. Her heart was racing and her fear was to great to even move.


“Get up!!” He screamed at her and pulled on her hair causing another pain fill scream to rip from her throat. He drug her all through their home and outside. “ What about Kagome!? What if she wakes up?” She cried out to him, trying desperately to escape. He just ripped on her hair harder & grabbed the back of her neck, digging his claws into her soft skin as he forced her forward. “ Don’t worry , I’ll be back . I’ll take care of our little girl.” He bit out and opened the garage door.

“ What?!” She asked fearfully. He smirked at her and pulled her face closer to his, watching how she flinched and started to shake uncontrollably. He bent down and whispered in her ear, “ I will be the only one coming back home tonight. Your life will be no longer, my sweet Koi.” She gasped at his declaration as her struggling increased ten fold with her new found strength that was all encouraged by her fear.

He quickly got tired of it and forcefully grabbed her by the arm, his grip so tight that it was impossible for her to escape. He drug her into the garage and stopped by the car, opening the door. “ Get in!” He ordered her. Tears were pouring down her face, “ Please, Naraku! Baby don’t this! Please!” she sobbed out, her tears seemingly never ending. “ I said get in!” he screamed at her and pushed her into the car.


Kagome’s eyes opened wide in shock. Every word that her parents spoke echoed off the walls of the spacious garage. Her fathers words echoed in her mind. ‘ He’s going to kill her!’ she thought to herself as she felt the passenger door to the car open , their screams a lot louder. Her mother was thrown into the car by her screaming father and sat crying in the seat, not daring to move.

She saw her father walk around the front of the car and got into the drivers seat. As soon as he sat down the smell of alcohol hit her nose hard. She felt herself wanting to puke, the smell so disgusting to her nose. ‘ Why is he doing this?’ she asked herself. But her question was soon answered as she kept very still and quite in the back.


Naraku ripped out the garage , the sound of his tires shredding tearing through the terrifying silence. He drove fast and dangerous , like the drunk half demon he really was. He swerved between cars and passed everyone in his rush .

“ Baby, Please. Slow down!” His mate pleaded. He just laughed wickedly as he speed up. “ Your doing this to yourself.” He told her. “Baby, you don’t know what your saying, you drunk! Please stop!” She screamed the last part of her plead as he almost hit a huge truck.

“ Shut Up!” he screamed, back-handing her as he did so. “ You little whore!…” He stopped to look evilly at her, “ I hope you know that Ronnie is dead!” he told her with a smirk. She gasped, “ What?! What have you done?!” She asked him as more tears formed in her eyes.

“ I did nothing. You are the one who killed him!” he hissed out through gritted teeth as he bared his fangs at her. Another gasp was heard from her before she yelled, “ I did nothing to him!” Naraku pulled over to the shoulder of the highway and roughly grabbed her face. She whimpered in pain as his claw drew blood. “ Yes, You are the one who killed him. You had killed him the moment you cheated on me! You killed the best of my men!” he hissed in her face, his eyes going black from his rage.

“ Baby, please. I’m sorry I- I… We can just take Kagome and leave.” She cried to him. He quickly withdrew his hand and scoffed at her as he pulled onto the road again and speed off. “ And what would happen if we did? That I would forgive you and welcome you back in my bed? This is your fault, your mistake and yet you want to run and pretend that nothing happened. Since when did you start living your life like this, Koi?” He asked her.

She looked at him with pleading eyes , “ I - I don’t……” He cut her off, “ What if we just ran from our problems when you got pregnant? You begged me to keep it, remember? In fact, you looked about the same as you do know and do you remember what I said to you?” He asked her. She shook her head yes as she looked down,

“Tell me!” he demanded. She jumped as he screamed at her and stuttered out, “ O-Only the-this once.” She whimpered out. “Yes, that’s right. I’m glad you remembered at least that because it seems that you can’t even remember what I told the night that I mated you. Or do you?” He asked and she nodded again. He growled, telling her to say what he had said.

She was shaking as she said in a whispered voice, “ That I am yours.” “And?” he snapped out at her. “ And that I no body else would have me.” she said. “You speak as if in a past tense. Nobody would have you? No, nobody will have you! But that can’t be right can it? No because you fucked another male. One of my best men in fact and then you killed him.” he hissed.


Kagome couldn’t believe what was happening. Her mother had cheated on her father with Ronnie. Her (nick named) Uncle Ronnie? And her father killed him, no her Mother? She was having difficulty thinking as the pain in her heart became worse and worse at just knowing he was dead. She came out of her depressed daze as the car stopped.

She watched in horror as her father got out and walked over to the other side of the car. He opened the door and drug out her Mom. Her mom started screaming and calling for help and her father just laughed.


“ Come on.” he said as he grabbed her arm and drug her out of the car. As soon as she got out she started to struggle, “ Someone HELP!!!” she screamed and tried to break free of his grasp. Laughing he bit out, “ No one can hear you , Bitch! No one is going to help you.”

She finally broke free of his tight grasp, feeling like her arm broke in the process, and ran as fast as she could. Naraku pulled out a bottle of Whiskey and a gun from his oversized gang jacket. He watched as his mate tried to run from him, taking a long swig he smiled and ran after her.

She barley put some distance between them, her injuries hurting to much, before she found herself being grabbed roughly by her mate and yanked back into his hard chest. “ You can’t run from me.” he whispered into her ear as he jabbed her with the gun.

“ No!!” she screamed. He turned her around pushed her away, bringing the gun to her forehead as he did. Her whole world was consumed by the cold, icy flames of fear and death, freezing her to that spot but her tears never stopped.


Kagome’s eyes widened as she watched her father raise the gun to her Mother’s head. Her Mother wouldn’t move, she wouldn’t run. ‘ Gods, please help her move!!!’ she prayed as she looked on, silent sobs racking her small body .


“ I loved you. We had a family and you betray us, you betrayed me!” he screamed at her, causing her to flinch in the process and look in the direction of the car. Her eyes wide with fright, she saw her daughter looking at them with tears streaming down her face. She turned back to her mate, “ Naraku….” he cut her off, “ Goodbye, Koi.”, and pulled the trigger.


Kagome’s breath hitched as she saw her Mother look at her and say something to her father. She watched as his hand clamped the gun tighter, then she heard it fire. A sharp gasp torn through her throat as she pressed up closer to the car window, watching her Mother fall to the ground.

The sound of the gun and the sight of her dead Mother laying on the ground, blood forming a puddle under her head, kept running through her mind. She looked on as she saw her father pick up her unmoving body, throwing her over his shoulder, he started to walk away.

She looked towards the direction of where he was headed and saw a small bridge. ‘Komaru Bridge.’ she read a sign. Hearing a splashing sound, she instantly knew what her father had done and hot tears started to streak her face yet again.

Seeing her father coming back, she quickly hid again. Her father got in and started the car, driving home. Kagome felt the car stop and realized that they were back in their garage. Her father got out of the car and stumbled up the stairs leading to the house.

She got out too, being extra quiet and went into her room. Her eyes burned and were puffy, red and swollen and her head was hurting badly. As soon as she hit her pillow she was out.


The next day she woke up at around noon and walked into the kitchen. “ Are you not suppose to be in school?” asked the cold voice of her father. She was terrified, afraid that he would kill her too, so she didn’t say anything. ‘ I have to be smart about this.’ she thought to herself. “ Mother didn’t wake me up.” she told him, and all she wanted to do was cry at knowing that she would never see her again, but she didn’t.
“ Hmmn.” was all he said before he walked away.

*~*~*~*~* End Flash Back *~*~*~*~*

She had finished telling them all of what happened and what she had seen on that night 6 years ago. She seemed to have been in some sort of trance as she told them and had just come out of it as she looked to Sesshomaru. His face was expressionless but his eyes were sad and filled with hatred. Both Inutaisho’s and Inuyasha’s faces held the same emotions as Sesshomaru’s eyes.

No one said anything , all in their own worlds of thoughts. Finally Inutaisho spoke up. “ Kagome I’m sorry you had to go through with that. I’m so sorry.” he spoke in a sad and guilty face. She just nodded and smiled a sad smile to him. “ It’s alright. Its been 6 years and I never told anyone until now.”

“ So, what do we do now?” Inuyasha asked, while looking at everyone. “ I’m not sure. But what are we going to do about this?” she asked back to everyone. “ We will go to the police and tell them your story. I think we have all the evidence we need to lock him away for a very long time.” Inutaisho stated to them

“ Wait, what evidence? All we have is my story, that’s not evidence.” She told them with a confused look on her face. “ We went to your house when you were kidnapped and found some things.” Sesshomaru told her and from the look on her face she still wasn’t thoroughly pleased with his plain answer. “ Ok. Will you give me some details as of what you found. And who is we?” she asked rather annoyed.

“ Kagome, relax. I went with Sesshomaru to your house. We found various things like business cards and letters, that’s how we were able to find you.” He told her. She just nodded to him before she turned back to Sesshomaru. “ Did you find anything else?” She asked him curiously.

He nodded to her before he spoke, “ Yes, I had found many old letters form your Middle School and they all stated that because of your absences you were failing and they kept requesting to see your father.” He told her as he thought about anything else that would be useful as evidence.

“ Kagome, why were you gone from school so much?” Inuyasha asked her, finally bringing himself into their conversation. Kagome turned in Sesshomaru’s lap to face him, ( Yes, she is still sitting in his lap from the last chapter.). “ Its because…..Because of a problem a had.” She told him as she looked away from his gaze.

“ And that problem would be?” He asked sounding annoyed. She sighed to herself because she knew that he, they, deserved to know. ‘ They are my family now.’ she told herself as she looked around to see that everyone was yet again focused only on her.

“ About a year after ‘it’ happened, I started drinking. I became an under aged alcoholic and couldn’t stop myself from drinking. I went to school drunk one day , got really sick, and they called my father. He knew exactly what was wrong and when he took me home….. Well he practically locked me in my room until I stopped craving it, and that took a while. So, that’s why I missed so much school.” she shortened her explanation, not wanting to tell yet another long story.

“ Why drinking?” Inuyasha asked curiously. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head , silently saying ‘ I don’t know’. “ So how old were you when all of this happened, Kagome?” Inutaisho asked her instead. “ I was in 7th grade, so 12 or 13.” she told him as if it wasn’t a big deal. But the look she got from him told her that it was. She sighed, “ Look, its not something I’m to proud of!” she bit out at them.

“ I’m sorry, Kagome. I didn’t mean to prod.” Inutaisho told her as he put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “ No, its ok. I really don’t know what came over me. I didn’t mean to get snappy at you. All you did was ask a question.” she giggle some at the last part. Inutaisho smiled a knowing smile to Sesshomaru, knowing full well that he too caught Kagome’s little mood swing.

Yawning, Kagome looked around at all of the men that were now her family. All having silver hair, claws, fangs, beautiful golden eyes that were all only slightly different. And as she thought about it, they were all so different. She smiled to them before she yawned again and said, “ It’s getting really late, I’m going to go to bed.” and got up.

When she was saying goodnight to Inuyasha, Inutaisho bent down to his eldest son’s ear and whispered very quietly so neither Inuyasha nor Kagome would hear, “ Your going to have a hell of a time with her.” his voice dripping with amusement. Sesshomaru just glared, knowing that his all knowing father was right, and walked over to Kagome.

With his arm around her waist, he lead her to their room. He glared at his father as they left and Kagome just said goodnight and smiled. Inutaisho returned her smile and gave an evil smirk to Sesshomaru when she turned away. He said goodnight to his youngest and decided to go to his study while Inuyasha went to his room to watch some TV.

*~*~*~* Kagome and Sesshomaru *~*~*~*

“ Hey, what was up with the glare?” She asked Sesshomaru sounding concerned as she got under the covers with him. He was laying with his hands under his head when he heard her question. “ It was nothing.” he told her, end of discussion. She sighed to him and he just looked at her. Shaking her head she smiled and snuggled close to the warmth of his bare chest, he wrapped his arms around her protectively as she slept.

His instincts told him to stay awake and keep watch, for something bad was going to happen. He couldn’t tell when, he just knew.

***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~***~*** ~***~***~***~***~

“ Leader, What happened?” asked one of his men. He just hissed in pain as his wounds were being tended to by another one of his men. “ It seems that the little pup can bite. He will pay for all of the damage he has caused!” he hissed out to the man.

“ Leader, what do you plan to do?” asked the man again. “ Otouro, Surely you know me well enough to know what I am going to do.” he said with amusement, “ I’m going to kill him.” Otouro smiled evilly at his leaders amusement and nodded his head. “ Yes, I do know you, and you know me. May I assist you in your revenge?” he asked showing the same amount of amusement as his leader.

“Otouro, you know I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Naraku reminded him. “Have you come up with a plan?” Otouro asked his leader with all seriousness. “ No. So you will.” Naraku told him. Otouro nodded, telling him that he would except. “ Wait, what about that girl. She was your daughter, right? What do want me to do about her?” Otouro asked him curiously.

“ Do with her as you will, I do not care. But then again, maybe we could use her to our advantage.” Naraku’ voice dripping with sweet evil, making Otouro cringe as it sent pleasurable waves down his back that could only be described as death itself. Yes, his leader was death………..







A/N: I personally liked this chapter, but I want to know what you all think. RATE & REVIEW!!!!!

I just added all of these chapters today. ( Ch. 4 - 9) I wanted this fic to be at the same pace as the one on A Single Spark . So I hope all of this didn’t confuse anyone, it sometimes happens to me when I haven’t read a story for a long time and all the sudden there will be like five new chapters. LOL

I plan on adding my other fics from A Single Spark onto Media Miner soon, maybe today. But If You want to check them out at A Single Spark, go ahead, I would love to get feed back from you!

