InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Purity 4: Justification ❯ Trepidation ( Chapter 89 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~~Chapter 89~~

"How's she doing?"

Cain sighed and glanced up at Kagome.  She handed him a steaming cup of coffee and smiled just a little as she fussed with Gin's blankets and touched her daughter's cheek.  "No change," he admitted with a grimace.

Kagome lifted her eyebrows and slowly shook her head.  "Give it a little more time.  Maybe her body needs to adjust to your blood.  It hasn't even been twenty-four hours yet."

"I know," he admitted.  "I wish she'd wake up . . ."

"We all do."

Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, he gingerly reached out to stroke the back of Gin's hand with his claw.  "I hate this."

Kagome carefully brushed Gin's hair and nodded.  "Have you talked to Bellaniece since you got back?"

Cain drained the coffee cup and set it aside, scowling at the table as a slight blush crept up his cheeks.  "Uh . . . no . . ."

"Kichiro said that she's taking this entire situation pretty hard.  Seems she thinks she's to blame for it.  You don't blame her, I'm sure, but sometimes the mind can play horrible tricks . . ."

"Of course not," he scoffed.  "That's ridiculous!  Why would she think that anything is her fault?"

Kagome shook her head.  "I don't know.  Maybe you should go ask her.  I'll bet she's missed you."

He winced, unable to commit himself to anything that would take him away from Gin's side, even if only for a moment.  "I can't leave her."

"She'll be fine.  We're here with her, and we'll call you if she wakes up."

"If she wakes up, and I'm not here . . ."

"I won't let her think you've abandoned her; I promise."

Cain dug his cell phone out of his pocket and frowned.  'Go over there, Cain.  She's your daughter, and she needs to know that you're not angry with her.  Don't do it over the phone.  Just go.  Kagome's right.  They'll call if Gin wakes up . . .'

'Yeah, but—'

'You know, the chances that Gin's going to wake up this morning aren't that great.  You marked her last night, sure, but that's not nearly enough time for her body to recover.'

'. . . I just want to be here when she opens her eyes.  I want her to know . . . I'll never leave her alone again.'

"I stopped over there yesterday.  I tried to talk Bellaniece into coming over here to see you; see Gin . . . She's scared.  She's afraid her papa is angry with her.  Surely you can understand that?" Kagome prompted.

Cain stood up slowly and sighed, brushing a lingering kiss on Gin's cheek.  "You'll call me the second she wakes up?"

Kagome nodded and offered him an encouraging smile.

Heaving another sigh, Cain turned reluctantly and headed for the door.


'Kagome had a point, you know.  Hiding here at home won't really make you feel any better.  Just go over there and talk to your father.  You can't really think that he blames you for any of this, can you?'

Bellaniece jerked the coverlet up and smoothed it on the bed.  'How can he not blame me?  I blame me . . . I should have warned Gin . . . if I hadn't gotten married, I could have, right?  If I hadn't gotten married, I would have still been at home.  I could have made Daddy understand that he couldn't just leave her . . .'

'And you could have made it rain at will and parted the sea with the flick of your wrist . . . Give it up, Belle.  The only person who blames you at all, is you.'

The chime of the doorbell saved her from further self-condemnation.  Straightening her skirt as she hurried down the hallway and toward the front of the house, Bellaniece flipped her hair back over her shoulder and shook her head when the doorbell rang again.  "In a hurry?" she mumbled as she yanked the door handle and jerked it open.  "Can I help—Daddy!"

Shuffling his feet almost nervously, Cain shoved his hands into his pockets and grinned apologetically.  "I'm sorry I didn't come by sooner, my lady.  Got time for your old dad?"

"I've always got time for you."

He nodded and turned away, shuffling across the porch to sit on the top step as he shook a cigarette out of the rumpled pack.  Bellaniece bit her lip, trying not to look too alarmed at the marked starkness of his features; the entirely too pronounced hollows that shadowed his face.  "How was Paris?"

Bellaniece shrugged and forced a smile, smoothing her skirt as she sat beside her father.  "It was nice.  I have to confess, I'm pretty glad to be back here."

"Oh?  I'd have thought you'd love being there."

"I did, and Kichiro has promised he'd take me back there again, but I'm rather glad to be back here, too . . . I was a little . . . shocked . . . to find that you'd gone back to Maine though."

Cain grimaced and took a long drag off his cigarette.  "Yeah, that . . . I'm sorry, Bellaniece.  I tried to tell you about it on the phone—hell, I tried to tell you every time I talked to you, I think . . ."

Bellaniece rubbed her arms against the late October breeze.  She'd known, hadn't she?  He had tried to tell her something on the telephone.  She'd been too preoccupied to call him back; to listen . . . "I'm sorry.  I didn't realize—"

Offering her a hollow-sounding chuckle, Cain shook his head and stared at the burning cigarette.  "Don't be sorry.  You were on your honeymoon."

"So . . . Kichiro said that Gin's doing a little better," she ventured.

Cain shrugged and flipped his cigarette butt away.  "Her pulse is gaining strength, if that's what he meant.  I wouldn't really call that 'better' . . ."

"It's better," she argued.  "I'm glad."

"You should come see her.  I'm not sure if she knows who is there or not, but it can't hurt, right?"

Bellaniece bit her lip and winced.  "I'm so sorry, Daddy . . . I shouldn't have meddled  . . ."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Belle.  By the time you got around to trying to play Cupid, it was a done deal."  He shook out another cigarette and lit it, watching the first puff of smoke dissipate into the air above his head.  "If you want the truth, it was a done deal the moment I first saw her."


He nodded.  "Yeah.  Besides, you've tried to fix me up with women before, or don't you remember that?"

Bellaniece giggled guiltily.  "I wanted what all the other children had."

"A mother."


"I'm sorry for that.  You and she . . . You're a lot alike."

"Don't be sorry, Daddy.  I think I turned out okay."

He chuckled softly and finally met her gaze, his eyes warm despite the redness.  "So you did."

"I can't help but feel like if I hadn't gotten married . . . I would have warned you, you know?  About Gin's feelings . . ."

Cain scowled at the ground and snorted.  "Pfft!  That's stupid, Bellaniece.  Don't you ever be sorry for finding your mate.  All the mistakes . . . They were mine.  My pride was stung, and I didn't try hard enough to make Gin listen . . . You didn't do a damn thing, understand?"

"Daddy . . ."

He shook his head.  "No, I mean it.  Your happiness makes me happy, too.  Don't you ever forget that."

Bellaniece nodded and blinked quickly as tears burned her nose; as moisture flooded her gaze.  She smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek.  Cain kissed her forehead in return.  "Can I ask you something?" she finally ventured.


"Why Gin?  Don't get me wrong; I think the two of you are perfect for each other.  I just wonder . . . why her?"

Cain sighed and blew his bangs out of his eyes.  "I don't know . . . I think . . . maybe it's because she never really tried."

Bellaniece shook her head.  "What do you mean?"

"I mean she just . . . she never tried to get under my skin.  She never came on too strong.  She's . . . special.  She's . . . extraordinary."

'That's it, isn't it?  If Gin had chased him, he would have been able to resist her.  She didn't scare him off . . .' Bellaniece grinned and patted her father's hand.  "I can't think of anyone who deserves you more than she does."

"I don't know about that," he grumbled, cheeks pinking as he wrinkled his nose.

"You deserve one another," Bellaniece pointed out.

"I've got something to show you."

"What's that?"

Cain shot her a reluctant glance and stuck the cigarette between his lips as he leaned to the side to fish a small jeweler's box out of his pocket.  Pausing a moment to press the button as the lid snapped open, he stared into it for a moment before handing the box to Bellaniece.

"Oh, Daddy . . . This is lovely," she breathed, turning the box from side to side as the diamond caught the late morning sunshine.  The stone was about a carat in size, she figured, but it was so clear, so beautiful, that the size didn't matter, and since the ring was for Gin, a larger diamond would have looked rather ridiculous on her finger.

"Do you . . . think she'll . . . like it?"

"She'll love it."

"I hope so."

"I know so."

Cain tossed his cigarette away and rubbed his forehead as he took the box back and snapped it closed before stuffing it back into his pocket again.  "And you're really happy with Dr. Dimwit, Belle?"

Bellaniece's smile faded, and she winced.  "Daddy?  Why are you calling me that?"





He shrugged.  "It suits you."

"But you never call me that.  You always got so angry when you'd hear anyone slip and call me that . . . I've always been 'Bellaniece', right?  Why the change?"

Cain nodded, leaning forward, elbows on knees, fingertips tapping as he frowned thoughtfully.  "Gin made me realize something," he admitted.  "Your mom—Isabelle—she lives in you.  Sometimes you're so much like her, it scares me."

"Is that bad?" Bellaniece teased, nudging Cain with her shoulder.

"Yes . . . and no . . . You have her penchant for getting in trouble."


Cain rolled his eyes.  "God, yes . . ."

"And here I thought it was a talent that was wholly my own."

"Pfft!  I'll have you know that Isabelle perfected it."

"And you were a saint, of course?"

"I never said that, either."

Bellaniece laughed and slowly shook her head.  "I love you, Daddy."

"You, too, my lady."

Cain's cell phone rang, and he jumped, fumbling to pull the device from his pocket.  Grimacing as he checked the caller ID and hit 'connect', he drew a deep breath and let it out in a gust.  "Did she—she did?  Damn it . . ."

Snapping his phone closed as he shot to his feet, Cain grimaced in apology and shook his head.  "Gin's awake."

Bellaniece stood up, too.  "What are you waiting for?  Go, Daddy!  Hurry!"

"I'm sorry, Belle . . ."

She shook her head.  "Don't be silly!  She needs you!"

He nodded and started away only to stop halfway to the road.  Swinging around to face her, the upset in his features was enough to make Bellaniece wince.  "What if she . . .?"

"Of course she wants you there."

He swallowed hard and tried to smile.  Bellaniece blew him a kiss before shooing him with her hands.

Watching as he disappeared into the forest, Bellaniece leaned against one of the wooden pillars, crossing her arms over her chest.  'Run, Daddy . . . Tell her you love her . . . tell her you need her . . .'

A slow smile broke over her features, and Bellaniece shoved herself away from the pillar before twirling on her heel and skittering over to the door.  'The world, it seems, is a beautiful place after all.'

Bellaniece's youkai laughed.  'Yes, it is, Bellaniece.  Yes, it is.'


Kichiro grinned in relief as he stared into his sister's golden eyes.  "You want this tube out of your throat?"

Gin nodded slightly.

"Okay.  When I count to three, you need to blow as hard as you can."

She blinked in reply.

"One . . . two . . . three."

Gagging and coughing as Kichiro pulled the tube out of her throat, Gin gasped, wheezed, squeezed her eyes closed as tears seeped out.  He dropped the breathing tube on the floor and hurried to help her sit up, gently rubbing her back as she leaned heavily against him, her weakened body seemingly weightless in his arms.  "Mama's getting some water for you," he told her, willing his voice to remain calm as his ears flattened against his skull.  "I know that was pretty harsh."

"C-Cain?" she gasped between coughs, letting her head fall back so she could gaze at him.

"Cain's outside smoking.  I didn't figure he needed to see that."

She didn't look like she believed him.  "Tired," she whispered as her coughing subsided.

"You can go back to sleep, but don't you want to see Mama and the old man first?"

Gin tried to smile as more tears filled her eyes; this time having nothing to do with the discomfort of having the breathing tube removed.  Turning her face against his chest, Gin whimpered softly, and Kichiro understood.  She really hadn't intended to wake up again.  She hadn't given up, but she had made her choice.  The pain inside her had little to do with the condition of her body and had everything to do with the fierceness of loss; the pain of the heart that understood that even love couldn't necessarily make someone want to live.  "Why did he come back?" she whispered.

"Ask him, Gin.  I think he'll tell you the truth."

"S-So c-c-cold."

Kichiro hugged her close and kissed her forehead before helping her lie back and carefully pulling up her blanket.  "I'll go see what's taking Mama."  

"No . . ."

He sighed and shrugged, tried to offer her an encouraging little smile as he ignored the rasping, throaty quality in her voice.  It'd go away after a few days.  "I'll be back, and I think the old man's anxious to see you."

"Papa . . ."

"Someone say my name?"

Gin's eyes slowly shifted to meet InuYasha's gaze as their father strode into the room.  Careful of the tubes and wires that were still hooked to her, he lifted her and sat down, adjusting her on his lap, her head cradled against his chest.  "I'm sorry, Papa."

"Keh.  Don't be sorry.  Just get better.  You got that?"

Kichiro stepped back as Kagome slipped into the room with a glass of water.  Sparing a moment to smile at Kichiro and to touch his arm as she passed, he didn't miss the obvious relief in her gaze as she pasted on a wider smile and turned to face her daughter.  She sat down beside Gin and InuYasha, holding out the glass and nudging the straw between Gin's lips.  Gin swallowed a couple small gulps and turned her head away.  Kagome set the glass aside and sighed.

Gin cuddled closer against InuYasha's chest and let her eyes drift closed.

"Where the fuck is he?" InuYasha snarled quietly after Gin's breathing evened, deepened.

"I called him.  He went to see Bellaniece."

InuYasha snorted and shook his head, his gaze lingering on Gin's pale face.  "He should be here with her, damn it."

Kagome nodded.  "Maybe, but you said so, yourself, didn't you?  He needed to go see her, too."

"Why'd she have to choose an ass like him?" InuYasha complained.

Kagome smiled and sat back as Kichiro hooked up an oxygen tube.  He worked quietly, taping the line to her cheeks since her ears were too far up to hold it and making sure the tube was positioned correctly.  She would be fine, he didn't doubt that now.  Still, with all she'd been through, the added oxygen couldn't hurt her.

"She loves him," Kagome said simply.

"Keh!  Arrogant baka, thinking that he can make her happy . . . Don't he know?  She'll hate the States."

"He'll make sure she's happy," Kagome replied.  "I'd think you'd be proud.  He's strong, and he'll protect her."

"He'd better, damn it."

Kagome giggled then winced as she braced the small of her back with her splayed fingers, and stretched.  "She'll be fine now . . . just fine."

InuYasha scowled at his mate before letting his gaze return to the girl in his arms.  "She'd fucking better be, or I'll tear that bastard apart."

"Gin's strong.  She'll be fine.  Give her some time to recover, and you'll see."

They all looked up when the front door slammed.  The sound of Cain's footsteps echoed down the hallway.  Skidding to a halt just inside the door, he scowled at the image of father and daughter . . . or maybe he was simply trying to decide if Kagome had lied about Gin waking up.  Kichiro shook his head slightly and stepped back, arms crossed over his chest as he regarded the tai-youkai.  "She's weak, and she's tired.  She wasn't awake long."

"Damn it . . ."

Kagome stood up and touched her mate's shoulder.  "Come on, dog-boy.  I'm feeling a little tired, myself."

InuYasha snorted but carefully moved Gin off his lap.  "Keh!  It's the middle of the morning, wench!  You're just being lazy, I know it . . ."

Kagome rolled her eyes but giggled, taking InuYasha's hand and tugging him toward the door.  "Give me a break, will you?  I'm thirty-five weeks pregnant!"

InuYasha made a face but let his wife pull him out of the room.  Kichiro started to follow.  Cain's voice stopped him.  "Did she . . . Does she know I'm here?"

"She does."

Cain nodded as he flopped down in the chair beside the bed.  Gin didn't stir as he lifted her hand and cradled it against his cheek.

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Final Thought from Cain
Damn it
Blanket disclaimer for this fanfic (will apply to this and all other chapters in Justification):  I do not claim any rights to InuYasha or the characters associated with the anime/manga.  Those rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi, et al.  I do offer my thanks to her for creating such vivid characters for me to terrorize.
