InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Purpose ❯ Purpose ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
WINNER: 2nd place week 18 ‘New’ theme at Iy_themes
Title: Purpose
Author: Nicluv1787 Rating: k
Universe: Pre-canonGenre: Introspective
Prompt: NewPairings or Characters: Izayoi and Infant InuyashaWord count: 300
Warnings: none
Summary: Izayoi contemplates her future while she watches her old home burn to the ground
A/N: I’ve gained a new obsession with Izayoi or Inuyasha’s mother which ever you prefer, I’ve been wondering what’s her story? What was Inuyasha’s childhood like. So I guess this is a stepping stone towards that end, or at least her initial thoughts following Inu no Tashio’s death.

Angry, black clouds of smoke billowed in the sky, twisting like snakes until they finally dissipated on the night breeze. ‘It’s all gone.’ Izayoi thought. She clutched the fire rat Haori tighter around herself and her new-born infant. Where would she go now? Even if her home hadn’t burned to the ground she never would have been welcomed back there, not with her Hanyou child.
Izayoi tore her eyes away from the destruction below her to gaze upon her infant son’s face. So innocent and angelic, he had no idea what his parents had gone through to insure he had lived to this moment. Even before his birth, when it had been revealed she was carrying the demon lord’s son many had tried to convince her to abort the fetus. Their pleas fell on deaf ears. The palace had been convinced she was being bewitched. She didn’t care, this was her beloved’s child. Her child.
“Beloved.” She said to the night air, tears stung her eyes but she wouldn’t let them fall. She was still a princess after all she didn’t show emotion even out here in forest alone with her child. Her beloved had died for her sake, but now what would she do, who would take them in? She was alone for the first time in her life. ‘Completely alone.’

The infant’s sharp cries broke the silent night, she held him close shushing him. He blinked his golden eyes at her as his crying subsided.
“No, not completely alone, I have you, don’t I?”
Inuyasha stuck his tiny fist into his mouth, and Izayoi wrapped him tightly in the fire rat Haori, ‘I have you now and I won’t ever let anyone harm you.’

Little did she know how cruel the world of man could be.