InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Racing Hearts ❯ Natural Talent ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Natural Talent

The next periods were thankfully uneventful, well, other than the multitude of stares she had

been given. *Ok, I know I look like Kikyo, but I'm not her identical twin. All this staring is

getting old* Most of the boys were nice enough but all the girls gave her hostile looks. PE was

her last period before lunch and it was one of her favorite classes. In this school the students

were actually allowed to pick one main sport to concentrate on and they could work on it

throughout the whole year. Kagome had considured which activity to choose very carefully

and decided to go into archery. She could have taken a martial arts, like kenjutsu or

judo...but she didn't want to bring any attention to herself. And she already had a sensei for

both types of martial arts. Archery would be very new to her and it looked like a fun sport.

Sango, however, had decided to take kenjutsu as her activity. Kagome was extremely

relieved to hear that most of the unfriendly girls from before were enrolled in, of all There were only thirteen other girls in the archery group, and Kagome's spirit

dropped when she saw Kikyo dressed in the traditional archer's outfit. Kikyo gave a very

haughty look at Kagome and turned away from her. The teacher greeted each student by

name and it seemed that everybody already knew what to do.

"Higurashi Kagome?"

The teacher was an old woman with a black patch over one eye and greyish hair tied back.


"I am Kaede. So is this your first time in archery?"

"Hai. I have never taken it before."

"The concept of it is simple. Pick up a bow and pull it back. I'll correct you on what you do


Kagome chose a random bow from the rack and pulled it back. Kaede nodded her head and

made a few adjustments here and there.

"Excellent form. Bring it a little close to the jaw. Yes yes, I'd say you're almost a natural at

this. Your form is very good for a beginner. Ok, get a quiver of arrows and shoot towards the

middle of that target across from you. Don't worry if you don't hit the target at all, it is very

normal if you don't."

Kagome nocked the arrow and and with the hand holding the bow, pointed at the middle of

the target. She inhaled and then let it loose when she exhaled. Bull's eye. Kaede raised one

eyebrow. She looked at Kagome carefully, as if looking for any deceit in her eyes.

"You sure you have never taken archery before?"

"No, my old school did not have it."

"I want you to shoot all the arrows in your quiver."

By now, nearly all the girls (except Kikyo) had gathered around Kagome to watch. She let

them loose one after another in quick movements. All of them landed in the bull's eye. The

girls gasped in amazement and Kaede looked surprised. Kagome looked curiously at her

hands, as if silently asking them when they had ever learned to shoot.

"Incredible. Simply amazing. If this is what you can do on your first time, your skills later on

will be unmatched. Girls, get back to work and ask Kikyo for any help if you need it. Kagome,

come with me and bring two quivers." she said in a calm voice.

The girls meekly obeyed and went back to their proper spots. Kagome followed Kaede

towards a different end of the field. It held only one target that looked brand new.

"I can tell from your shooting before that small distance shooting will be no problem. But now

I want to work on your long distance shooting. Once you master that, we'll work on moving

targets. You'll be working here, most of the time by yourself, but I'll come every once in a

while to check up on you. This target was originally for Kikyo but I'll get her another one

tomorrow. So do you think you'll be able to handle it?"

"It seems easy enough."

"Easy eh? Even for master archers, it will be quite difficult to shot a target in the middle from

a long distance. Now, get working. If you get good enough, I'll enter you into some


"Isn't this all a bit too...erm, fast? I just started."

"You're a natural."

With that said Kaede walked away, leaving Kagome to her archery. After just a few minutes

her arms began to ache and she set the bow down. The act of pulling back the bow was a

whole new thing for her body and it would take a few days to get used to it. But it was a good

practice, she had to admit. Most of her arrows had gotten in the middle except for a few that

touched only the border. She wasn't disappointed at all though, this gave her a challenge. She

was picking up her bow and getting ready to go back when Kikyo suddenly stepped in front of

her. She looked down at her with a contorted sneer that made her face grow ugly with malice.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

"A person." Kagome said coolly, moving as if she was going to pass Kikyo, but the girl moved

in front of her.

"Uptight and conceited girls like you," Kikyo said, giving Kagome the time old up and down

look. "Won't last a second in my school so watch yourself, or else."

Kagome tried to surpress her laughter, threats from this over made up girl was ridiculous.

Kikyo looked more fit to giggle and flirt with boys than give out warnings.

"Don't laugh at me, you little slut."

Kagome stopped her laughter and slightly narrowed her eyes but still kept the smile on her

face. She could feel her eyes turning into a cold and icy blue and Kikyo gave the slightest

movement of uneasiness.

"You have neither the authority or the guts to tell me that, but you appear to be under the

impression that you do. I'll let this one slide by." Kagome moved passed Kikyo but stopped

long enough to whisper in her ear.

"If you ever threaten me again I will personally see to it that your life is ruined."

Kagome quickly walked away before Kikyo could have a word in. *Honestly, what is it about

this school?*


After a rather peaceful lunch with Sango, minus the evil glares from Kikyo's friends, Kagome

was shown where her philosophy and advanced science classes were. Thankfully, Inuyasha

wasn't in art but Kagome wasn't surprised, he didn't seem like the kind of person interested in

the fine arts of the world. After praises on her painting technique and her excellent debate

tactics Kagome thankfully sank into a seat in her last class of the day, advanced science. She

dropped her head down onto her desk when she could hear two familiar voices arguing at the


"Get out of the way dogbreath, can't you see people want to get in?"

"You're the one who was standing in the doorway in the first place!"

"Always trying to put the blame on us lesser beings?"

"What the hell are you saying?!"

Kagome gritted her teeth, wondering how two such imbeciles could make it into such an

advanced class. *No, I'm not going up there and stopping another fight. I'm just going to be a

normal student who just calmly tolerates this kind of......STUPID BEHAVIOR* Kagome

smacked her fist onto her desk and stood up. Inuyasha spotted her first and shoved Kouga to

get his attention. Upon seeing Kagome angrily making her way towards them the two boys

immediately stopped the fight and quickly sat in their desks. With a sigh of relief Kagome

turned around and was about to sit back down when Shippo popped out of nowhere.

"Hiya! I'm in your class!"

Kagome managed to make a small smile for the cute little boy.

"Hi Shippo."

Shippo was about to answer back in his usual bubbly way when the teacher arrived and

motioned all the students to sit down. Kagome knew she was in for a long lecture when the

first thing the teacher did was open up a thick book and began to drone on about the

properties of the periodic table. Shippo took a seat right next to her and took in every word

with glazed eyes. She was looking around the class when she spotted Sesshoumaru sitting in

the back corner. She didn't realize she was staring till Shippo poked her in the arm.

"Whatcha starin' at Fluffy for?"

Kagome gave a blink and ducked her head down. *Why am I staring at him anyway? He's just

another guy and I bet he's sexist too* She frowned as she thought until Shippo poked her


"You like him?"

"What??" she said in a loud whisper.

"You were staring at him kinda weird so I thought-"

"No way, I don't go for arrogant guys like him."

"Miss Higurashi?" the teacher called out.

Kagome could feel her cheeks burning as she stood up.

"Yes, sensei?"

"Care to tell the class what you were talking about?"

" periodic table?"

"Really? Then name the fourth element down in the halogens."


The teacher gave a huff, obviously frustrated that he wasn't able to catch her in a lie. He

motioned her to sit down and went on with the lecture.

"Nice save." Shippo whispered.

"I studied the periodic extensively at my old school. Now be quiet and spare me furthur


After assigning the class two pages worth of homework he let them out a few minutes before

the bell. *Perfect, now I can wander about aimlessly while trying to look for the computer

lab. Mmm, don't they have a map somewhere around here? Wait a second, Kouga is in my

class!* Kagome smacked her head and ran back to the classroom. Upon checking the inside of

the room it was empty, save the teacher.

"Looking for someone?" a voice whispered behind her. She whirled around with a quick turn

of her feet. Inuyasha looked at her with a smile tugged on his lips. He looked devilishly

handsome with his tousled silver hair that grew rather unruly.

"You look lost so I figure I can point you to the wrong direction."

"Thanks." she said blandly. "Did you see where Kouga went?"

Inuyasha's smile vanished faster than you could say wolf and was replaced by a scowl.

"What do you want with that moron wolf boy?"

"Oh, for kami's sake, not this again."

"What do you mean 'not this again'?" he glowered.

"Oh forget it. So have you seen Kouga?"

"Why? You have a crush on him or something?" he asked severely.

"No, stop assuming that every time someone asks for Kouga that the person likes him. He's

my partner and we have a project to start."


"So where is Kouga?" she asked again.

"Right here." Kouga said, standing right beside her. "Why don't we leave dogbreath here and

go to the computer room?"

He held out an arm like a gentleman and Kagome gave a small giggle.

"I guess you took what I said earlier seriously?" she replied as she rested her hand on top of

his arm.

"You mock me, my lady. A gentleman I have always been."

Inuyasha was staring daggers and Kagome took note of this silently. With a rather vengeful

grin she held her head up high and pretended that she was gathering the skirts of a ball gown

as Kouga led her down the hall. She could hear stomping in the hallway and thought that

Inuyasha was leaving but the stomps seemed to be getting closer.

"Hey! Wolf boy!"

Kouga dropped his arm and turned around, his shoulder hunched in anger.

"Don't call me that dogbreath!"

Curses were thrown and Kagome could see Inuyasha's fist rising for a punch. She moved in

front of Kouga in the blink of an eye, in hope of stopping the fight but it was a second too late.

Inuyasha punched her hard in the shoulder but she stood her ground. His eyes were wide in

surprise and he dropped his hand.


Kagome gritted her teeth. *Kami, he hits harder than my sensei! And all he can do is stand

there like a baby and say sorry??* Kouga held onto her shoulder though she had no trouble

standing straight.

"You idiot! This is her first day here and you hit her?!! What the hell are you thinking?"

"It was an accident!" Inuyasha snarled.

"Come on Kagome, let's put some ice on that."

Kouga led her away from Inuyasha, leaving him feeling immensely guilty. The nurse's office

was one floor down and Kouga kept asking if she wanted him to carry her there. She waved

away his offers and told him that she was just fine.

"Look, let's just skip the nurse's office and start our research. I think I would feel a lot better if

we got something done instead of hanging around the nurse's room."

"No offense but Inuyasha packs a hard punch and..well..."

"Look, I'm not some sort of a delicate flower. I'm perfectly fine so let's just go to the computer

room." she demanded.

"Fine fine, but don't go complaining to me about your shoulder."

"Wouldn't think of it."