InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raiden no Ai ❯ Let Me Help You ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yes, I’m back with chapter 25...Will this fic ever end? I’m not quite sure, but things seem to be winding down, sadly. I’m really enjoying all of the reviews and I’m shocked to get so many! Hiten sure does have a lot of fans!

Thanks all for you’re support. Also a thanks to FireCatRich and Jbob for their wonderful ideas. I’m going to use bits and pieces of them and see what I can come up with.

Read and review!

Warning-This chapter may get a little detailed and graphic. Hiten is talking about a dead samurai and gets a bit descriptive....Just thought I’d tell you. If you fail to ignore the warning, it’s your own fault.

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Japanese dictionary:

Ore-sama-I (very cocky male with honorfic)

Chapter 25: Let Me Help You

Akina touched the lifeless form’s shoulder and rolled him onto his back. As the figure rolled over, she could see his figure a little better.

The man appeared to be a young samurai, with facial hair. He appeared in his mid 20’s and wore the typical clothes for a warrior of his stature. The body had his long black hair pulled back in the usual topknot. His eyes were rolled back into his head and he looked as if he had been beaten or injured by some sort of weapon. The red liquid poured from his mouth like a stream and she backed up quickly and put a hand over her mouth and gasped.

“He’s dead...” Akina responded.

She glanced back over at Hiten, who had been in an eerie state of silence. The young girl had always remembered the thunder youkai as being a rambunctious man, full of energy and life. To see him laying there in pain and silence killed her on the inside. Akina looked at him sympathetically.

The young maiden had wondered if there was anything in the house to help Hiten. She got up and glanced back at the youkai once more.

“Hiten-sempai...I’m going to look for something to help your wounds. I won’t be gone for long. “ She told the almost lifeless figure. “Please don’t die.”

Akina could feel a crackle in her voice with those last words, and could see tears welling up in her eyes. She walked away before Hiten could see her unshed tears.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*

The fallen thunder youkai lay there in pain. He slowly opened his crimson eyes, those eyes so full of pain and suffering. He turned his head slowly over to see the dead samurai, who’s milky white eyes were staring back at him.

“What’re you looking at?” He asked the dead man coldly. “It’s as if you scoff at me silently...Keh, no wonder you’re dead...Wretched fool.”

The dark haired man brought a shaky hand to his chest. The contact it made with his laceration made him wince in pain. The blood was beginning to dry and form a flaky exterior to the tender muscle tissue beneath it. He coughed up a few more sprays of blood and gave a couple of deep heaves.

Hiten gazed at the figure once again, his eyes never leaving that face. . . That face who was twisted so, twisted in pain. It had seemed like the man was silently screaming, his voice lost in his soundless death.

“I bet you’re already screaming, aren't you? Screaming in hell where the fires char your bones, along with your family and anyone else who had ever thought that they could defy the thunder brothers..” Hiten wore his trademark smile and gave a low, demonic laugh, shortly followed by a few coughs.

“No one escapes the wrath of Hiten. Ore-sama will return, stronger and more powerful then before...Hiten, elder of the thunder brothers shall live again.” His smile widened.

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Akina walked slowly back into the room, her hand full of bandages and other crude medical supplies. She sat the pile down beside of the tired youkai.

Hiten’s face softened from it’s usual arrogant look when he lay eyes upon his new found mate. He still wore his trademark smile, but for a different purpose, the smile seemed to say “now you belong to me”. Akina gave him a quaint smile back, hiding her worry.

“I’m going to get some water, ok?” She replied.

“Akina...” Hiten murmured. “Do you believe me when I told you all of those words on the battlefield?”

Akina turned half way when she got in the doorway.

“Yes, I do.”

The fire haired maiden was looking for a let down this time. She had a look of sadness and disappointment on her face. the girl was looking for any excuse that Hiten was about to say. It could be a number of things, his head wasn’t in the right place, the pain was too much for him to comprehend...

She held the basin closely to her chest, and anticipated his words. It was as if she could see his mouth move, but couldn’t hear his words.

“Aishiteru, Akina-sempai....I really meant it. I think I had fallen for you long ago...When we were in the hot springs, and I had said I thought I could love you. I was simply saying it so I wouldn’t have to kill you in the near future, after all, I still needed you to find those villages full of beautiful women for Manten and I to devour...Except you...I’d never think of such an ungrateful act. “

Hiten coughed a few more times, clearing his throat of the blood that had forced it’s way up. He swallowed the coppery substance with a hard gulp before continuing.

“After a while, I began to think to myself, if I had really loved you....I began to see you as more then just a captive...”

Akina walked a few steps over to the side of the futon and sat down on her knees, holding the basin of water. She looked into the clear substance and saw her own face. Her reflection looked as if she had aged 20 years and was seeing a futuristic version of herself. The girl put a pale hand to her white face and saw her bloodshot eyes from crying and red cheeks. She saw the same look in her eyes as she did in Hiten’s . That look of suffering and despair.


“Nani?” Akina asked, slowly looking over at the thunder youkai.

Hiten just stared, what seemed to be blankly at the dull roof of the hut. It was strange, he seemed so content, though he had been suffering.

Hiten then reverted his look to Akina. It was true, the mighty youkai was now dependant on her...But wasn’t he before? He had depended on her before, to seek out the villages with the women for them to devour. She was the only women Hiten saw more in then a bed warmer or something to abuse.

Suddenly, Akina’s face turned a shade of bright red. She nervously held a fist up to her mouth.



“I..I have to take your clothes off...T-to....” Akina began to stutter.

She felt a warm, tan skinned hand upon hers. She quickly turned her head to Hiten, who was smiling faintly at her.

“As long as your here with me, I don’t care what you do.”

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Well chapter 25 is over and man this is going to be long and drug out O_o; Anyway, I’ve decided to make a sequel, as soon as the last chapter is up, there will be the first chapter of the sequel will be up, so I hope you all enjoy it and also read the sequel!

Anyway, the next chapter is full of WAFF so R&R!!