InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rain Upon the Sun ❯ Forever and Always ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Rain Upon the Sun

By: Jazmin Turner

Chapter Eight:

Rin - Forever and Always

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha so bug off.


My Sesshomaru-sama.

My one and only friend.

My savior.

My hero.

My older brother till the end.

He saved me!

He saved me!

Ooh can you believe it?

He brought me back from those terrible wolves!

And now I'm alive!

I enjoy everyday

Picking flowers, playing games, and prancing in the meadows.

I know the times are dangerous,

With shifty youkai and humans about

Who would love the chance to harm me.

But they'll never get a shot!

My Sesshomaru is my protector.

My Sesshomaru is my friend.

My Sesshomaru is my brother.

My Sesshomaru is everything to me.

He is only one demon to the world.

But to me, he's the world.

I know he loves me

As much as I love him.

And I don't want anything to change.

My Sesshomaru-sama will be with me,

Forever and Always

Aw! I just love that poem. Rin is adorable and she makes Sesshomaru tolerable. I know I'll get a lot of flames for this comment, but I didn't like Sesshomaru at first, but now that he's with Rin he's much better. Funny how two stubborn youkai were changed by so-called inferior humans. Please review! I love you! Crap! I just rhymed.

PS - Sesshomaru up next!