InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rain Upon the Sun ❯ Mine ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Rain Upon the Sun

By: Jazmin Turner

Chapter Eleven:

Kouga - Mine!

Stupid mutt!

He doesn't know when to keep his paws off!

His unworthy hands are always all over my Kagome!

He's always hugging my Kagome!

He's always hurting my Kagome.

She's mine dammit!

My Kagome.
No one else's.

She loves me.

She will be my mate.

And one day she will bare my pups.

It seems,

Every time I get closer to her

Stupid turd comes and steals her away

Snarling and bristling and growling

Telling me to keep my hands off!

He has no claim on her.

Though, sometime she reeks of him…

She is not his.

When it comes time,

For Kagome to choose between us,

Who will she pick?

Will it be handsome, smart, cunning, strong, fast, attractive Kouga?

Or ill-tempered, unworthy Inutrasha?

I just know it will be me.

I protect her.

I care for her.

I praise her.

I love her.

In my heart,

I just know

That even in the end,

If she chooses that mutt,

Kagome will always, always be mine.

Well that sucked…REVIEW!