InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rain Upon the Sun ❯ Slaved ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Rain Upon the Sun

By: Jazmin Turner

Chapter Fourteen:

Kagura - Slave

I have no free will.

I have no demon rights.

I cannot do as I please.

I am bound to him.

Whether I like it or not.

Whether I want to despise it,

Or embrace it,

I belong to him.

I am like his property.

I dare not disobey,

For his holds my heart in his hands

And he would crush it

Kill me in split second,

If I disgraced him even more.

I long to be free.

I long to feel the wind through my hair,

Enjoy the sun on my face

I long to be free.

I long to be my own person.

I long to belong to myself.

I want to choose

Who I talk to

Who I befriend

Where I go

Who I kill.

There is barely any hope for my freedom.

Unless that powerful, white-haired Youkai Lord takes Naraku down

Or his younger brother and his gang destroy his black heart

All I want is to be free,

But until Naraku is destroyed,

I will be his slave

Without a mind of my own

*Yawn* I'm tired. No wonder this sucked. Review! Aloha.