InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rainy Death ❯ Rainy Death ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This fic is about Kikyo's perspective about her death. It's kinda sad, so don't read if you can't handle angst. Just a little note, almost all of my storys will have some kind of angst in them, because they're from my real life experiances. Well, most are.

~*~Rainy Death~*~

Kikyo was walking through the forest again; alone with her soul stealers. She was always alone. But then there was 50 years ago. She was so happy. She was in love, then. But not with just anyone, but a certain kind of person. A person all hated where she lived; Inuyasha.

During that time, she cared for the bandit Onigumo. Onigumo was a selfish man that Kikyo dispiced. But sence she was a priestess, she swore to be kind to all.

Kikyo was crying now, remembering all of the memories poring back into her mind. But sence it was raining, it did not look like tears were rolling down her face. Kikyo was remembering all the things that were happining when she was alive.

One day, she had told her sister that she was pregnant. Her sister, Kaede, asked if it was Onigumo's. Kikyo wanted to laugh at the thought. She wouldn't dare let the bandit lay a finger on her. Her sister was so dense sometimes. The child she carried was not Onigumo's, but the hanyou, Inuyasha's.

Kikyo looked down at her stomach which use to carry Inuyasha's child. She was going to tell him the day he was to become human, but the day took a different turn. Onigumo found out about her pregnancy and her love for Inuyasha, and became Naraku. He destroyed Inuyasha and Kikyo's love forever.

The memories started to come painfully to Kikyo's mind. Her pregnancy, death, love, murder. Many different emotions at once, but all she could do was cry. Cry into the rainy sky. But them, she was alone. Alone in the rainy sky; thinking of a rainy death.

~*~End of Story~*~

Sad, but I like it. Please rate & review. I would like to hear what others feel about this fic. By the way, pregnancy was my idea. It never really did happen in the anime or manga.