InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rainy Night ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Years had passed but Miroku had not forgotten about that night. It wasn't romantic, just a passing fondness for a lady who had helped him and given him so much passion. In the time since he had met his lovely Sango, a fiery temptress he had been lost to the moment he saw her cinnamon eyes. He had married her as soon as she caved to his attentions and they were very happy. Still, every now and then he would remember that night and smile. This was one such moment as he wandered through a small town in southern Japan, pondering the possibility of moving his household to the peaceful area.

A nearby shop caught his eye and he strolled inside, taking in the neat shelves of specialty foods. Miroku took his wandering to a specialized American dried foods isle when a voice sent a spark of recognition through him. His pace increased as he rounded the next corner and what he saw froze him to the spot. She was here! Same black hair wove down her back over a lightweight black coat. Her face was turned slightly away from his as she focused on some item on the shelf in front of her. Her voice was soft and lilting as she spoke, though he did not see to whom. All at once he was thrust back to that night with such vividness it felt like a punch. Her scent, her sighs, her touch all replayed themselves like a film before his eyes.

Miroku took a half step forward and called out to her, stumbling as he realized he still did not know her name. "Miss! I... It's been a long time." He started to walk closer as soon as she turned to look at him. Her head had snapped up and he realized again that he could see almost every thought on her face; it was like an open book. Confusion was first as she turned followed by recognition which left the most erotic glazed expression as she seemed to remember just how she knew him. It was shortly followed by a small bit of horror, which really surprised him. He stopped moving, afraid to startle her further. "Miss?"

Kagome often browsed the little specialty store known for its variety of international foods. Her husband had a fondness for particular flavors of chips she could only find here as well as their selection of ingredients rare in Japan. With her son in hand she wandered the isles, filling the small basket she carried with odds and ends she would need for the week. A voice seemed to be calling out to her, it was familiar but she couldn't place it until she looked up and saw him. As recognition dawned on her, memories of that night hit her in a wave that swept her for a moment. Her cheeks flushed as deft fingers and strong arms came to mind as if she were reliving that night in seconds. Then a small hand tugged at her wrist and horror filled her.

After that night she had done her best to forget and put it behind her. She had married Inuyasha shortly after returning from that trip and soon found they were expecting! Joy had filled her life in amazing ways and after their young son was a year and a half they decided to try for another. Another six months passed with no luck and they grew concerned, after all their son was conceived in the first week of marriage so why the delay now? They went to the doctor and soon found that Inuyasha had very low sperm count and they were lucky to have had a child at all. While it was possible to conceive naturally, if they wanted a guarantee it would involve intervention. Kagome and her husband felt terrible after that day and went home feeling confused about how to approach it. Interventions were painful and they were not sure if they wanted to go that route so Inuyasha had pulled away to think. The same night Kagome thought over and over how lucky they were to have gotten the child they had and she held little Kintaro close.

Her son blinked sleepy eyes at her, a hooded look that Kagome felt with the force of a sledgehammer. Those violet eyes were not her husbands as she first thought. That look was someone she had avoided thinking about for years but here he was in the form of a child he did not know existed. She had left that night behind but it did not leave her. Guilt plagued her for days and it took almost a month to come to terms with the fact that her child had been conceived in such a way. However, the man she had helped had returned her kindness with a gift she never expected and she realized she should be grateful that, though his existence came to be in such a way, he was the light in her and Inuyasha's eyes.

Accepting that and facing the man who had helped conceive her son were very different things. Three years after discovering the consequences of her lustful slip, here he was. Kintaro pulled again and she watched the man frown at her undisguised fear when the voice beside her piped up.
"Mama, can I have some of the candy? Please Mama?"

Kagome drew herself upright as she watched the man look from her to the boy who claimed her, saw as he stared unabashedly at the boy who looked right back at him with his own eyes.

Miroku felt overwhelmed. Dumbfounded didn't come close to how he felt looking at a boy who could very well be him at the same age. He blinked, unable to find words as he looked back at the startled woman. He watched as she unfroze from her stupor and glanced down at the boy. "Kintaro, why don’t you grab a piece for you and daddy?" She had stumbled a bit on the last word, flashing him a glance before grabbing something from her purse and writing on it. She hesitantly stepped closer to him and reached out with the paper. "Call me later, I can explain." She seemed almost terrified of his response and he softened slightly. "Alright." He took the paper from her hand, indecently touching her skin and it shot right through him. Her jerk in response told him she was not unaffected. With a nod he turned a left, stunned at this abrupt reunion.

By that evening Kagome was close to panicking but she kept as close a reign on her emotions as she could as she gave some excuse and stepped out, promising to return in a few hours. After a short phone call they had agreed to meet in a nearby park and the drive was woefully short for her. She felt like shivers were ready to take over her whole body as she stepped out and found the man in a familiar jacket standing with his back to her. Bracing for the worst she stepped towards him and called out.


His head snapped around and his eyes seemed to slide over her in ways she could feel. Cursing herself she tried to find her courage.

"I...I’m so sorry, I didn’t know... I mean... that I was... or that he yours that is...I...”

He cut her off. "What is your name?" Came the abrupt reply.

Stunned she focused on him. "I... Kagome, my name is Kagome."

He furrowed his brows. "Kagome." Her name on his lips sounded like a caress and she blinked. "I am Miroku. I apologize but after all that has happened I couldn’t continue without at least knowing your name."

Miroku watched as she nodded, understanding flitted over her features before guilt stamped itself back on. "My... husband looks very similar to you. I had no idea Kin was not his till much later. I would have told you if I knew... anything about you." Her hands wavered in his direction.

"We had never exchanged basic pleasantries that night, I did not even think about it till I woke up and you were..." He shrugged, figuring she could guess. Her flinch proved him correct but she said nothing of it. "I was engaged... I probably should feel guiltier about what we did. But I had had a falling out with him just before my trip. I don’t even know what possessed me to..." She was cute when she blushed, he thought. She had hardly aged a day since then, and every part of him noticed. He didn't even notice when he stepped closer to her.

"I feel as though I should apologize. I think I pushed you that night. I hardly gave you a chance to think once I kissed you. It was very ungentlemanly of me to throw myself at you after all you had done." Guilt struck him again and he gazed into her eyes, trying to convey his sorrow over it. "I must admit, when I woke to find you gone I was afraid I had hurt you, or frightened you." She shook her head. "No, you were..." Another hot flush stole over her cheeks.  "Wonderful. I was the one who felt guilty, for many reasons." She looked up at him for a long moment and his heart skipped a beat. He could understand that guilt now, he was married yet here he was with a woman who was not his wife. A woman he felt an incredible pull towards regardless.

"I’ve thought about telling Inuyasha so many times, but he adores Kintaro. It would break his heart more than my infidelity to know he was not his own child. He can’t... we can’t have children very easily. You gave me, us the most precious gift. I am more in your debt than you were ever in mine. Without you we would have been bereft of a family. You gave me what he may never be able to." Miroku was stunned and shock must have been written on his face for she apologized again, her head hanging low. He took a moment to process the information. He was a father to a child he never knew. This child was part of a family he had nothing to do with except one night. Did he really have any claim here? Did he want one? He was married and would likely have a family very soon on that front.

Kagome had no idea what to expect. Her whole world may come crashing down her ears because of one night. She was startled when gentle fingers tilted her head up. She gazed into gentle violet eyes, so like her husbands and identical to her sons. Unlike Inuyasha's, they seemed to express in unique ways, somehow telling her more in a look than she ever thought possible. "I am honored to have given you this gift, Kagome." His eyes took in her face and she felt warm, her name sounded almost reverent. She felt swept away by something she couldn’t name. "Miroku." She breathed, unsure of what she wanted to say. It was the first time she had said his name and his face flicked from surprise to a heat she recognized from so long ago.

Her breath came quickly and she was losing track of her thoughts, unable to draw her gaze away from the confused longing in his. His voice seemed thick, heavy, when he whispered. "You must stop looking at me like that Kagome, or you may end up with another son." There was a mild humor in his tone but his words had a different effect on her.

Again Miroku watched her thoughts flit across her face. A confused frown first, like she did not know what he meant. Then understanding dawned like a light in her eyes and she showed surprise as she looked at him. All at once her eyes turned glassy as she pictured just what he meant, her cheeks pinked and her lips parted and the softest moan escaped. It hit him like a physical blow and in the back of his mind he wondered at her power over him. Why was he so unable to resist her? His hand had never left her chin but now slid back to her hair as he groaned in frustration, dipping down to take the sweetness of her mouth. It was both nostalgic and electrifying as he tasted her again, sweeping across her lips, delving inside to tease at her tongue. A whimper from her almost had him pulling back but her hands had snuck up around his neck and kept him there, pushing him into her as she pressed herself against him.

Kagome forgot where she was or who she was with in the darkness of the park. She could only think of him, his arms around her, his mouth on hers. Experienced had bolstered her over the years and now she demanded instead of begged, kissing back with enthusiasm as he swept her up. Draping her across the picnic table a few steps away. Darkness shrouded them as he kissed his way to her throat and her legs wrapped around him, her modest skirt sliding to bare her legs. She could hardly notice the cool air as her chest was exposed as it was soon warmed by hands, teasing hands she knew yet didn’t. She grasped at his hair, rising to meet him as much as she could but he had pinned her in place for his perusal. Oh how she remembers this torture, his touch was all around, sliding her bra aside to tease the underside of her breast, always missing the spots she desired most.

Miroku was lost in the scent of her, her skin just as soft as he remembered as he traced a path with his lips. She was gripping him so tightly he could hardly move but managed to get a hand between them, she was splayed before in an erotic image and he traced his fingers along the edge of her thigh where it met cloth under her skirt. She jumped and cursed, much as he remembered and it only fueled his burn. He teased with mouth and fingertips, drawing closer to his prize as she bucked under him. His tongue found one dusky nipple at the moment his fingers grazed over soaked lace. She cried out and followed with a choked version of his name. Arousal hit him so hard he saw stars behind his eyes and jerked back to rip away the offending garment blocking his prize. She looked shocked at her torn panties before nearly ripping his shirt off. He fought with the rest of his detrainments before being freed, then gently pushed her back with a kiss then spread her wide. Her eyes were full of heat and he glanced down to the erotic sight of her pushed up skirt before bending down to kiss below. Her grunt seemed a muffled scream as he tasted and touched, bringing her to peak within moments.

Kagome could only crave more even as she was near blinded with pleasure and welcomed him without thought as he positioned himself and slid inside her. Her hands dragged him to her in a forceful kiss and he found a fast, hard rhythm. She called his name over and over, begging and when her name slipped past his lips in a plea she broke. It took moment, hours as it washed over her. She felt more than heard his peak with a quick snap of hips then he fell against her. She was still tingling all over when he sat up, looking at her with concern. "I’m afraid I must apologize again. I cannot seem to control myself with you." He stated softly.

Her eyes met him in a daze and she shook her head. With a shiver that had him groaning she sat up. Her face was very flushed and she coughed lightly, finding her voice. "I only encouraged you, I am sorry." Miroku felt guiltier as he helped her fix her clothes and adjust his own. He only felt worse when tears filled her eyes and she whispered "I am a horrible wife." Unable to avoid the desire, he swept her up in a hug. "I am so sorry, Kagome. I too am a horrible husband. My lack of resistance is evident of this. Please forgive." She turned her teary gaze to him and smiled softly. "We need to work something out. We obviously can’t be left alone." She snorted and he grinned in response. "If...if you want updates on Kintaro or anything... I mean." He frowned, but nodded. "I do not ask to interfere with your life; my son is very in good hands with you. An update now and then would be more than sufficient. However, we should not meet in person with my cursed hands unable to control themselves."

His humour lightened her mood and she giggled, appreciating the sacrifice this man was making for her. So Kagome made arrangements with him to make contact over the phone. She would send him pictures and info for whatever he liked and this seemed to please him immensely. It was an awkward goodbye, both uncertain if they should hug or just run before anything more happened. They settled for a lingering handshake, both acknowledging with eyes they felt the same pull, but it was not enough to pull them from their marriages or happiness in their separate lives. So they parted. It confused them both, this passionate desire between them and so they avoided it. However, repercussions can go much further and longer than either of them prepared for.