InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reborn ❯ A Death is Upon Us ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
gracefully leapt from tree to tree following Kagomes scent trail.

Damn he thought Why can’t I get her out of my head!

Inuyasha and his group not far behind continued to follow Sesshomaru until there emerged into a thick forest and where they heard a scream.

Rushing to see what it was the others just stared in shock and Inuyasha paled. Sesshomaru also got curious as to see what events were to unravel.

“KIKYOU!,” screamed Kagome trying to lunge at Kikyou but was held back by Jin,Kin and Tashi

“LET ME GO!,” she demanded

“Kags!,” pleaded Azumi “Stop it she’s not worth it!,”

“Yeah Kags don’t go killing the bitch!,” Jin said

“Even though she deserves it!,” Tashi piped in

Kin sent him a death glare

“I swear to god I will kill that whore right now!,” threatened Kagome the anger in her aura rising and the adrenaline pumping through her veins adding more power and strength along with her miko powers.

Kikyou stood there smirking

“Look its my little reincarnation come back have you?,” she mocked “Couldn’t stay away from him right? Thought you could get by but really you just came crawling back.”

Kagome seethed her anger and power at there fullest

She tossed aside each of the boys holding her like they were paper

“You bitch!,” she said lunging at Kikyou

Her biker gloved fist connected with Kikyous jaw sending her flying. Kagome ran up and lanted one in her gut sing her knee.

“KIKYOU!,” Inuyasha screamed

Trying to run after Kagome to stop her Sesshomaru stopped him

“Brother try and interfere and your life is mine,” he growled out low and menacingly

“But!,” Inuyasha protested

He watched as Kagome planted fist after fist into Kikyou.

“KAGS STOP THIS!,” screeched Azumi

Azumi and the rest knew what Kagome was now capable of and it wasn’t pretty.


Kagome stood surrounded by a pile of dead bodies.

She walked over to one that was still alive

“Please!,” the man rasped out “Have mercy”

Kagome smirked coldly

“I show no mercy,” she said before killing him


Azumi closed her eyes

“Guys try and get her to calm down,” she told them

“Are you fucking messed?!?!,” asked a wide eyed Kin

“No way nuh uh you ain’t getting me to go near that girl in that state no way in hell in back!,” Tashi said

Grumbling to herself Azumi just watched hoping it would end soon

Kagome now had Kikyou by the throat, she was on the brink of death

“It’s going to feel so good to have that piece of my soul you have with me again Kikyou,” she said sarcasm dripping in her voice along with malice

“Y-you bit-ch,” Kikyou managed coughing up blood

“STOP!,” Inuyasha cried out

Sesshomaru was watching intently wondering how this young kind-hearted girl had posses such power only with raw human strength

I wonder what it would be like if she used her miko powers he mused

Smiling coldly Kagome dropped Kikyou to the ground

She took out her gun and took of the safetys.

Oh god….Azumi thought

She turned towards the group finally noticing them, she ran over

“Cover the childrens eyes!,” she told them

Rin and Shippou were taken away by Ah-Uh (sp?)

Inuyasha’s eyes widened as Kagome prepared her weapon

No!No!No!No!!!! he thought

Interesting the miko is going to kill her…….Sesshomaru thought

If it weren’t for me finding this miko’s behavious very frightening I’d find this amusing

“I’m taking back whats mine Kikyou,” was all Kagome said before aiming her weapon and pulling the trigger………………

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Jinx: Whatcha think im trying to give Kags this new percepctive if ya know what I mean…………….Yeah I need her very cold and ruthless before a certain someone can melt the ice around her heart REVIEW PLEASE!