InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Refection Vow ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: *sighs and glances at the crowd of lawyers waiting for her disclaimer* I do not own InuYasha & co, I am just a very bored girl messing around with other people's characters.

Reflection Vow

Kikyou, I loved her once.
She would sit and talk with me, smiling her sad smile. I remember that smile well, it was always filled with so much pain but I expierenced so more joy when I saw it. I always wondered why she just didn't kill me. I was, after all, the thing she had vowed to rid the world of. I was, am, tainted. And she was so pure. Was, for I lead to her tainting, her death.
Now, through the dark magics, Kikyou roams the earth once again. A clay shell of her once magnificant life. I still feel part of me want to reach out to her, to hold her. I still find myself dreaming of her when I had hoped that part of me had died. I find myself piting her. Pity and love, what cursed and weak emotions. I hate her as well, my love for her is foolish and makes me act foolishly against my better judgement.
I must admit part of me rejoices that she now feels rejected. Tainted. Its what I always have felt, especailly in her presence. She once spoke of Karma, and I never believed it till she was resurrected into a world where she could not feel acceptance.
I remember when I first came to her village, seeking the Shikon Jewel. It's funny that I am still seeking its intoxicating power. Even after I have suffered and seen others suffer I still can not help myself.
I crave it, I want it, I need it.
If I am ever to become a full demon, unhindered by my weak human half, I must posses the Shikon no Tama.
I will eliminate my enemies.
I will rid myself of this wretched human blood.
I will become a full demon.
I will stand into front of Kikyou and laugh that she could not stop me.
I, Naraku, vow this.

AN: Any one shocked that it was Naraku speaking and not InuYasha? lol, I originally started writing this because I found the many similarities between the two sworn enemies interesting. I apologize for the many spelling mistakes that you may find (I dont have spell check and I have no one who can beta). I know its extremely short but I was bored on my bus ride home and this is the result. Any ways, thank you for reading and I hope you review. Thank you again!