InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reflections ❯ Reflections ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ice. That is what death feels like. Some say that death is like a long nap after a long day. That is a lie told to the living to keep them from fearing the inevitable. The dead know the truth. I know the truth.

Maybe, just maybe, the ice comes from being murdered by the one I love. Maybe the ice comes from the hurt, the tears, or the pain of feeling your heart shatter. Or maybe that is what death is.

After the ice comes tears. What happened? How could he? Didn't he love me? Why? Why do I still love him? For every question comes a torrent of tears. They burn a path down my face as they fall.

Then comes the anger, the hate. How could he? How dare he! He said he loved me! WHY DID I NOT SEE THOUGH HIM? I want him dead. No, I have already done that. It is not enough. I want him rotting in a hole in the deepest pit of Hell. The hate consumes me. Other emotions battle for attention, but the hate shoves them away into the darkest corners of my soul.

The light. Not now! I have not completed everything! I CANNOT REST NOW! I turn and flee. Now, never-ending grayness. I float in the void. I feel everything slipping away.

"Inuyasha. If I ever meet you again, I shall wreek havoc. Then, and only then, shall I rest in peace. I will have had my revenge." I whisper these words, my very essence behind them. Yes. I shall have my revenge. He will regret the day he betray me!

I'm going. There's nothing I can do. It does not matter. I have sworn revenge, and now I can never rest until he has perished.

Blackness. Then...nothing.